
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : mithrandir November 09, 2005, 03:39:14 AM

: Financial and Career Recovery
: mithrandir November 09, 2005, 03:39:14 AM
Many of us were damaged professionally and financially by our Assembly involvement and commitments.  Would anyone like to share what they experienced, how they are coping with it, and possible suggestions to others?

Clarence Thompson

: Re: Financial and Career Recovery
: just me November 09, 2005, 04:40:22 AM
We were financially held back because we never bought a home in Orange County -- wanted to be debt free, availabe for whatever etc.  Those who did buy real estate made bank, while those of us who rented and supported the ministry were broke.  We moved to where we could buy a home and we are slowly aquiring wealth now.  Let me underline SLOWLY!  I expect it will take us 5-10 years to get to a fairly secure financial status and that is with two incomes.  If we had bought real estate when we first got married we would now be where we plan to be in 10 years.  That's how long we predict it will take us to recoup.  That doesn't mean we have retirement or emergencies covered either.  We look at our bank statements regularly and wonder why we still struggle.  We just replaced a 20 year old car for one.  It really sucks.  We are doing pretty well professionally now cuz we work very hard and have learned to be agressive in the marketplace and market ourselves instead of just letting people walk all over us.

That's my story

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