
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : David Mauldin March 11, 2006, 09:22:52 PM

: Survival of the most Divinely Prominent
: David Mauldin March 11, 2006, 09:22:52 PM
  While a member of the assembly I was taught to accept, submit, respect, and obey authority. Ideas like, "Questioning Authority" were considered fleshly, independent, satanic. Yet the whole time I lived under this doctrine I had the uneasy sense that someone was taking advantage of me. The demise of the assembly only confirms what I suspected, Darwin was right! We as human beings need always be on our toes!  keep your mind open, consider every possible option, motive!  (Motive especially when someone tells you their motive is purely selfless love!) Which brings me to my point. My boss, just resigned yesterday!  This is relevant in the fact that I stood up to her. I and four other teachers, questioned her authority, took our issues to task. (These issues go back and are far too complicated for me to explain here.)  So now the principal at Gilbert Elementary is headed back into the classroom or leaving the district. I must say it feels strange to realize I have the rights to stand up for myself. I feel sorry for my boss. Even though she has made no apologies. But this is how she guided the situation. Good-bye!!!

: Re: Survival of the most Divinely Prominent
: Oscar March 12, 2006, 02:00:36 AM

You said:
"Darwin was right!

How does your principal's resignation show this?

Thomas Maddux

: Re: Survival of the most Divinely Prominent
: David Mauldin March 13, 2006, 05:56:34 AM
Tom I wrote this while in a drunken stupor!  I should have said, "I believe Darwin's research reveals the nature of mankind"  I suspect that people are primarily animalistic in their nature. They are looking out for number one. Just as George Geftakys was looking out for number one so are the vast majority if not all human beings. The people who survive are the people who have learned to do so. They ask questions, they are always one step ahead of the competition. It is the genius of some to convince others to submit to them, trust in them, allow themselves to be abused by them. My principal found herself in a situation where she was way out of her element. In her attempt to "fake it" she decided to try to abuse trouble makers like myself. I guess I could have just given up and quit my job or said, "I guess this is all in God's plan and I just have to eat humble pie!"  but instead I did everything I possibly could to expose the truth of the situation. I stood up for my rights and now I stand justified!!!!

: Re: Survival of the most Divinely Prominent
: Jem March 14, 2006, 12:02:38 AM
Say what you want about Dave, he is an honest man.

: Re: Survival of the most Divinely Prominent
: David Mauldin March 15, 2006, 05:35:46 AM
Jem, Thats the (Hic) the nices (Hic) the nicest (Hic)  you are swell! 

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