
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : vernecarty October 17, 2006, 07:49:58 AM

: The Great Compromise
: vernecarty October 17, 2006, 07:49:58 AM
I am observing with  more than a little amusement the current melt-down taking place between some evangelical Christians and their beloved Republican Party.
The confident assertions of Bill Crystal notwithstanding, they will indeed pay a heavy price for their general malfeasance and mismanagement in the mid-term elections. Those thinking that we are necessarily going to be any better off with Democrats in charge are just as silly.
The consternation of the disappointed is deeply ironic, and bears sobering testimony to what happens to Christians who fail to distinguish between the kingdoms of this world, and the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What an amazing thing to hear some believers talking as if they assumed men like Karl Rove,Tom Delay, Ralph Reed and  yes, even George W. Bush to be godly men.
While the multitudes waited with bated breath for them to usher in the kingdom, these men looked on the adoring masses with nothing but derision and contempt- mere fodder for the canons of their political ambitions.
Anybody saw that astonishing comment of Delay when they were taking his mugshot that all he wanted was for people to see Christ in Him? What blasphemy!
It has been a tremendously insightful study to note the number of men who entered the administration of Bush and company, possessed of unquestionable stature and high regard, and left compromised and diminished.
That is the most signal hallmark of this administration in my view.
Christians in this country have been similarly used.
Told ya so...

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