
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : EricFoy January 30, 2003, 10:18:39 PM

: I have a letter to all who know me
: EricFoy January 30, 2003, 10:18:39 PM
To all our friends in San Luis Obispo, as well as all those in various assemblies with whom we have shared fellowship in Christ over the past sixteen years:

I have a letter I would like to send to everyone who knows us, as well as anyone else who would like to receive it.  The letter is dated January 17.  I have received a number of responses telling me they were encouraged by it.  If you would like a copy, please email me, and I will reply with an attachment.  My ulterior motive is that I would like to collect as many email addresses as I can in order to keep in touch with all of our old friends.

-Eric (and Sheila) Foy

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