
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : TGarisek February 01, 2003, 11:04:31 AM

: Fullerton
: TGarisek February 01, 2003, 11:04:31 AM

As is becoming increasingly clear to everyone concerned, these men are for the most part nothing more than charlatans and frauds. It is nothing short of blasphemy for them to continue their religous pretensions in view of the overwhelming stack of evidence attesting to their out and out godlessness. The sorry state we are now in is in part because of the reluctance of so many who knew it, to EXPLICITLY say it. Is it not time for the Judge of all the Earth to do right???


You're absolutely right and if you had been at the Fullerton meeting last night, Thursday, I think you would agree that is happening.

I intend to go into NO detail about anything shared there until a full (as much as possible) accounting is made and the major points laid out last night are covered completely. Kevin, Anne Marie and I as well as Hector Perez and others were there and opportunity was given fairly to speak.

We will meet with the people (both who were in leadership but no longer and others) we feel we have issues with and some details of those meetings may be published as well.

We will decide after the meetings (both public and private) on the pertinence of the subject matter whether appropriate, noteworthy, edifying or of any value to admonish and publish accordingly.

: Re:Fullerton
: TGarisek February 01, 2003, 12:05:35 PM
If Fullerton is serious...let them seek out the man of God, Steve Irons. If he is willing, perhaps his counsel will stay the judgment of God on some...

I can't be certain they are humble enough to seek out Steve. I can't be certain Steve wants to be sought out. Maybe they have thought of doing that. I'll find out from each of the "former" LB's and suggest it if only to see what their response is.

: Re:Fullerton - A Prayer
: TGarisek February 02, 2003, 02:38:36 AM
May the Lord make this prayer a reality for the "former" leadership in Fullerton and all to whom it applies.

Instead of reading "us" please read, "me".


Give us tears, give us tears that issue from the Father's ultimate care for us. Give us tears issuing from His compassionate heart, tears of true repentance, tears of devastation, tears of brokenness, tears that wash away all our excuses, all our justifications. Give us tears that wet the very ground we stand on, many tears. Lord give us enough tears.

Lord, give us tears for Judy. Lord, break our hearts and heal us again. Give us the tears of fathers weeping for our children, for our wives and friends. Give us tears that wash away the darkness that has disguised the truth and allowed us to look away from this sin, this depravity.

Lord, give us tears for David. Lord give us tears that say effectively, there but for your grace. Tears that wash the log from our own eyes. Tears that remove the hatred not for the despicable acts but for his soul. Lord give us enough tears.

Lord, give us tears for George and all the Geftakys family. Tears that reflect your mercy that is great enough. Lord give us enough tears.

And when the tears are finished, Lord lift us up. Make us stand boldly, not heads high but humbly yet boldly against ourselves and boldly against the proliferation of this evil. Boldly to stand for right, to make restitution not by token but in completeness. Boldly to express your love. Lord, give boldness to attack the facades, the fakery that  has and that is and that will surely rear it's head within us and others around us. Lord give us boldness to go out and seek forgiveness from all we've malligned - those who've been associated with us and all those in every community that seek You. Lord, your Love had no limits, how can ours? Help us.

: Re:Fullerton
: vernecarty February 04, 2003, 04:32:02 PM
Goodbye and God bless!

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