: if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : guest February 05, 2003, 01:53:18 PM if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied?
: Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : guest February 05, 2003, 01:55:19 PM should all former "assembly" christians go to american "denominational" churches?
what alternatives are there to "denominational" churches? "plymouth brethren"? "assemblies of God"? : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : BenJapheth February 05, 2003, 04:18:30 PM alternatives... home churches
should all former "assembly" christians go to american "denominational" churches? what alternatives are there to "denominational" churches? "plymouth brethren"? "assemblies of God"? : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : Toni Fuller February 05, 2003, 06:44:43 PM We've all been under wrong thinking for far toooooo long!!! We've been gone for almost 2 yrs now and really there are many places of fellowship out there, but we've just bought the lie of the enemy that there isn't. Right now, we just happen to attend a baptist church-yet even the pastor refers to himself and us, more often to be christians and not baptists. There are many people where we go who are just as devout, serious etc. about their walk with the Lord, yet God is moving in great ways due to there not being control over individuals, no pressure about where were you when there was a mtg. , yes they have a genuine concern and call if they don't see you, but they're not micro-managing my life!!! I've also have had very close christian friends who go to other places that have just as close a walk with Christ as people in the assy. PEOPLE WAKE UP !!!
: Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : editor February 05, 2003, 07:59:54 PM Dear Guest
If all Assemblies no longer existed, I would have no more satisfaction in life than if they all stayed together and grew. My satisfaction does not come from this website, or anything else, no matter how hard I try. True satisfaction is only found in Jesus Christ. However, this whole endeavor has been quite satisfiying! I have my friends back. My children have their friends back. People I care about have been delivered from bondage. The reproach brought on Christ's name has been repaired in this city, San Luis Obispo. (This last phrase is a direct quote from Danny Edwards) From where I sit, I can truly say that I am satisfied, but it has nothing to do with the state of the Geftakys groups. It has to do with Jesus Christ, and knowing that I have pleased Him, because I am accepted in the beloved. Brent : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : freebird February 06, 2003, 05:44:17 AM should all former "assembly" christians go to american "denominational" churches? what alternatives are there to "denominational" churches? The truth is....the lodge created it's own denomination! Just because the lodge said it was non-denominational and had no name, doesn't mean it is so. If all lodges no longer existed, I would be satisfied! By the way, I have never sought reconciliation. I am like Moses before Pharoah saying "Let God's people go!" But some will go and some won't. You can lead a horse to water................. : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : wolverine February 06, 2003, 01:49:17 PM ...but you can't teach an old dog new tricks...isn't that how it goes?
BrentTr0ckmanFan : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : wolverine February 06, 2003, 02:32:41 PM Are you kidding???? Of course he wouldn't be satisfied if all the assemblies no longer existed!!! He would have to remove the website or change the name to www.thisusedtobegeftakysassemblydotcombutalloftheassembliescrumbledsonowtheonlypeoplethatpostonthesiteareformerassemblymemberspeoplewhojustliketowritestupidstufforrealimportantpeopleallofwhichdonthaveenoughtodo.com
and that would be waaay too much work...Hey, Brent's a busy man!!! Give him a break! BrentTr0ckmanFan : Re:if all assemblies no longer existed, would brent be satisfied? : freebird February 06, 2003, 04:36:16 PM march, march, march, march, march, march, march.............................CRUMBLE! |