
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : David Mauldin March 04, 2003, 12:25:05 AM

: Personality Change
: David Mauldin March 04, 2003, 12:25:05 AM
Before I was discipled in the anchors I worked at Thrifty Drug Store in Fullerton.  After working there for about  two months (like any job) it became  boaring.  Work the cash register, service ice cream, stock the cooler etc... Yet after I was discipled I began to view life much differently.  All of a sudden I began to see everything as having eternal significance.  everything I did was part of my sanctification.  Every person I talked to was an opportunity for wittness,discipleship,conversion etc "Service ice cream please" became terribly important "Yes sir one scoop of pistachio cashew comin right up!".. I found I could no longer take interest in things like "trivial" entertainment, even sports such as surfing were just not important enough to give my life to.  I had to be involved in things that were of value!  work, the mtgs etc... Ever since my personality has changed.  Even today I still need to be involved in things that I feel are important. all of the time.

: Re:Personality Change
: Eulaha L. Long March 04, 2003, 12:33:05 AM

I totally understand what you are talking about.  When I lived in training homes, we were taught that God sees the way we do our "stewardships", and that if we were unfaithful in that area, it was almost like sin.  Even now, when I clean my home, I feel guilty if I skip over something.  I feel like God is going to punish me.  It's been two years since I've been out of the Assembly yet that teaching is still difficult to shake.

: Re:Personality Change
: Arthur March 04, 2003, 03:01:55 AM
David, I have been thinking about that very issue myself.  It seemed like my life had meaning and purpose there for a time.  I was learning and growing and getting to know the Lord.  Every detail of life was important and somehow related to what God was doing in my life--i.e. sanctification.  Now, everything seems kinda boring, insignificant, and without meaning. I have been wondering if it is either:
1.  I have lost spiritual desire and need to repent and be broken some more and get a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.
2.  Maybe this is just what life is like.  Go to work, punch in my time card, eat, drink, sleep, watch movies, play video games, occasionally go to church and get a nice thought or two out of the message and enjoy the company of nice people.  

Well, what is it?  Anyone have the answer.  Of course you do.  Some of you guys have all the answers.  Ok, I mean what do you guys really think, not caring about looking good or respectable in your answers.  :D

disclaimer: I'm just throwing out some thoughts here, I don't always think like this, I just want to get some conversation started on these questions of which I am mildly curious, so don't jump on my back and say "Oh you shouldn't be this or that" and get all bent out of the shape.  Rational people only please.   ;D

: Re:Personality Change
: Bluejay March 04, 2003, 03:05:56 AM
Number 2 seems like the live David Geftakys has lived...With the exception of going to work of course.

Arthur...Im sure you recognize this is not a stab at you.

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