
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : David Mauldin May 10, 2003, 04:31:31 AM

: The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: David Mauldin May 10, 2003, 04:31:31 AM
Just  Kidding, I'm just trying to stir things up around here! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Will Jones May 10, 2003, 06:21:09 AM
"Hey Jud[as]!" How can you say that?!?   ;) :D ;D

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 13, 2003, 07:58:48 AM

I am willing to forgive and forbear a lot on this forum.  However, you have totally crossed the line.  Don't ever insult the Beatles in any way, in my presence.

I just bought the live CD from Paul's tour last year, and it is INCREDIBLE!  He can still sing all the songs in the same register, flawlessly.  Unbelievable!

If you say anything negative about the Beatles again, you are in big trouble.  And yes,  Ringo is a great drummer!  Don't even go there.  Shame on you!

Brent  (big time Beatles fan)

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: MGov May 13, 2003, 08:33:59 AM
Since you are an all out Beatle's fan Brent, I'm curious if you read my Carob Being song dedicated to 'guess who' on the 'Carob deception' thread.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Andrea Denner May 15, 2003, 05:39:29 AM
OK, had to come out of my hole to give a response to this one.
I realize you were kidding, but really....I've had this argument with quite a few people.  THE BEATLES WERE MUSICALLY GIFTED!  Being a music person myself, I feel quite qualified to make a statement on this  ;D
I will elaborate if anyone else dares to challenge their musical ability.  :P

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 15, 2003, 05:54:12 AM
I can't wait to hear what Andrea says about this, but I must strongly agree with her.  The Beatles were incredibly gifted.

I will cite some examples:

Ringo defined modern drumming on the song "A little help from my friends," by being the first to use a "fill," in a melodic sense, on a percussion instrument.  It blew everyone's mind when he did it, and after that nothing was the same.

George Harrison played slide guitar in a totally unique way, which started a brand new sound that was imitated by everyone.  He also was the first to incorporate old-world intruments into songs, like the sitar.

Lennon wrote beautiful melodies and did some wild stuff with vocal effects, and was the first to write "transcendant" lyrics and sing them in a way that seemed to give profound meaning to them.  I don't like Lennon, but I really like his music, most of it anyway.

McCartney defined modern bass playing.  No one ever played the bass the way he did, and of all the Beatles he is the finest musician.  The melodic complexity of McCartney's songs is reminiscent of past centuries, and brings Mozart and Copin to mind.  Michelle, Hear there and Everywhere, Maybe I'm Amazed, Yesterday....absolutely amazing.

They knew how to make some amazing songs and sound, and they were beyond the cutting edge at all times.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: psalm51 May 15, 2003, 05:58:08 AM
OK, had to come out of my hole to give a response to this one.
I realize you were kidding, but really....I've had this argument with quite a few people.  THE BEATLES WERE MUSICALLY GIFTED!  Being a music person myself, I feel quite qualified to make a statement on this  ;D
I will elaborate if anyone else dares to challenge their musical ability.  :P
Andrea is right again! Think how many musicians the Beatles have influenced. Think how many groups imitated the Beatles. Even Musak uses their tunes (not that that is a good thing). Admit it, everyone, the Beatles were gifted musicians.  Paul still is.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 15, 2003, 06:04:45 AM
You know, when it comes to Getakys servants, the Assembly, spiritual abuse, stuff like that.....I have all the patience in the world. ;) ;)  I'm just a big lovable teddy bear, full of mercy.

But if anyone says something negative about the Beatles, all of this kind, tender facade comes crashing down and I will fight you tooth and nail.  The Beatles are great.  Perhaps the greatest musical phenomenon ever, definitely the greatest of the 20th century, and perhaps the 21st, if things keep going the way they are.

Don't dis the Beatles.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Suzie Trockman May 15, 2003, 06:11:33 AM
Shhhhhhh! Don't tell Brent I wrote this, but the Beatles Lip Synched all their songs!

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: David Mauldin May 15, 2003, 08:17:44 PM
O.K. O.K. gauush I repent!  Man you think the people on this board believe the Beatles are bigger than.... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: MGov May 16, 2003, 01:03:14 AM
It's been a hard day's night(last night) and I've been working like a dog.... to clean up my outbox.

Did you know that every PM you send gets put in your outbox?  I happened to discover that yesterday.  I think I have more PMs than posts. Everytime I deleted a PM the system updates the list; so every delete requires a minute or so to refresh the screen.  Good thing I have 'unlimited' time with our internet service provider; however high speed internet would have been wonderful.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Joe Sperling May 16, 2003, 01:08:18 AM
The second side of "Abbey Road" is one of the
best pieces of music ever written (in Rock music circles
I should say). The Beatles were definitely a gifted and
talented group of people. The weakest link was Ringo,
he waws no where near a Keith Moon of "The Who",
but he fit the group well. One of my favorite Beatles songs
of old is "The Night Before"-- I don't know why but I love that old tune.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 16, 2003, 02:40:13 AM
HI Joe

Yep, you got the Abbey Road part correct.
But Ringo is way underestimated.  His technique was not on par with a Jim Keltner (who actually drummed on several Beatles songs) and definitely not on par with Steve Gad, or Bernard Purdie, who were the other really hot drummers of the time, but he was actually a far better drummer than Keith Moon.  Moon was whacko, and had a great style, but he actually held the Who back, due to his one dimensional style.

Ringo has one attribute that very few drummers have.  He was always dead on, as far as keeping time, AND he had the ability to totally groove a song.  John Bonham of Zepplin had the same gift.  to truly sample Ringo's expertise, listen to Tomorrow Never Knows, or She Said.  Very complex rythmicly, but Ringo pulls it off and makes it sound easy, as well as totally cool.  

Musically, Lennon was the weakest link, and McCartney the strongest, but the mix of the four of them was fabulous.

Again, I don't mind you guys having a favorite Beatle, but if you dis' em, I am reporting you to a moderator.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: David Mauldin May 16, 2003, 04:05:57 AM
How can you say Lennon was the weakest link?  Common George wrote how many hits? Ringo wrote how many hits? I think John and Paul combined into something much much greater than both were as solo acts. Lennons sarcasticly pointed Dylanesc jabs at society, his nerosis and cry for help met humanity at its heart. Pauls self confidence and genuine humility seemed to bring him balance. Yes I agree that Paul may have more talent (Especially for a guy who can't read music) But I don't think the Beatles would have reached half their status without John.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 16, 2003, 04:46:21 AM
Good points David.

Lennon/McCartney songs were exactly 14-1 compared to Harrison, but almost all of Harrison's songs were hits.

"Something" is Harrison's, even if Frank Sinatra said it was his favorite Lennon/McCartney song.

Lennon's intrumental ability was weakest.  He had a great voice, and awesome style.  He also wrote some amazing songs, but you will notice that his melodies and phrasing is far more simple than the others.  Simple can be good, however, and most people think John is the best.

Again, as long as you don't 'dis em, you can have any opinion you want!   ;D

I have prayed for a long time that McCartney would get saved.  Interestingly, on his latest tour his drummer was a guy named Abraham Laboriel, Jr.  Abe's dad, A.L. senior, was a powerhouse bass player in the LA studio scene in the 70's and early 80's.  He played with Steely Dan, Boz Skagg's, Joni Mitchell, and other really cool people.  His own band was called Koinonia, and yes, Abe, Sr. is a Christian!

I hope Abe Jr. is too, and that he rubbed off on Paul.  I would love it if McCartney did a Bob Dylan and came out with a Christian album.  He is still totally fresh vocally and musically.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: David Mauldin May 17, 2003, 02:54:23 AM
If you ask my opinion "Stawberry Fields..." is genius in that it lyracly sets up the mind the same way a zen buddhist riddle would. Truthfully though I am still discovering the Beatles.(Pretty amazing when you consider how long they were together 7-8 years? and what they acomplished)  Before I was saved I listened to what was popular at the time. After I was saved I came into fellowship and while living with the bros I learned that rock and roll was sinful.  Steve Taylor was really into the Beatles but Perry Minamide put an end to that. (Joe Bush and I use cruise around in his van and to trip on Badfinger and try to imagine Paul singing the lead) -NOT)  Last year I found an album signed by George Harrison. I am going this weekend and having it authenticated.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: MGov May 20, 2003, 09:40:22 AM
... Last year I found an album signed by George Harrison. I am going this weekend and having it authenticated.

So what did they say? Are you the latest millionaire?


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: outdeep May 20, 2003, 06:23:50 PM
Beatles?  Was that the band Paul McCartney had before Wings?

I think the greatest musician of all time was John Denver.  Here's why:
I once saw a John Denver cassette selling for $2.99 at K-mart.  However, their blank casettes cost around $4.00.  John perfected the art of making more money by keeping his mouth shut.

Of course there is Neil Diamond who was a master at writing songs that made no sense:
"I am I said, To no one there, And no one heard at all, Not even the chair"
Chair:  Yes I did hear you!
Neal:  No, you did not!
Chair:  Uh huh!  I did too.

Seriously, music is something I know very little about beyond the surface level.  However, I enjoyed reading the discussion on this thread.  Thanks.

: Songs and Artists that Make no Sense
: Andrea Denner May 20, 2003, 07:35:49 PM

This could be a really interesting topic.

I nominate David Byrne of the Talking Heads as master of writing songs that make no sense.

Watch out you might get what you're after
Cool babies strange but not a stranger
I'm an ordinary guy
Burning down the house

Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

Here's your ticket pack your bag: time for jumpin' overboard
The transportation is here
Close enough but not too far, Maybe you know where you are
Fightin' fire with fire

All wet hey you might need a raincoat
Shakedown dreams walking in broad daylight
Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees
Burning down the house

It was once upon a place sometimes I listen to myself
Gonna come in first place
People on their way to work baby what did you except
Gonna burst into flame

My house S'out of the ordinary
That's might Don't want to hurt nobody
Some things sure can sweep me off my feet
Burning down the house

No visible means of support and you have not seen nuthin' yet
Everything's stuck together
I don't know what you expect staring into the TV set
Fighting fire with fire

I think Bob Dylan might make it through the qualifying round as well, although I'm not as familiar with his work.  I'm sure there are some hippies here who could explain his music, however.

Andrea ;)

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Joe Sperling May 20, 2003, 08:40:23 PM
The all time kings of making no sense in their
lyrics was "Yes". In fact, there lyrics make so little sense
I can't remember many of them at all. Here's one
example though:

Long Distance Runaround,
long time, waiting to feel the sound
Do you remember the dream there?
Do you remember the times we said good bye?
Did we really tell lies?
sitting in the sunshine?
Did we really count to one hundred?

Ot this sentence:
Sad preacher nailed upon the color door of time...

Check out some of their lyrics--they make no sense--
but the tunes are great.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: outdeep May 20, 2003, 08:46:39 PM
I don't know if his songs never made sense (I'm sure it makes sense to him and if I did a little research might to me as well), but as for Elton John's music - I liked his catchy tunes but often didn't know what he was getting at with the words.

I was told that "Someone saved my life tonight" had to do with someone talking him out of getting married (I am of the opinion that his present lifestyle is not a better choice).

Exactly what was the yellow brick road he was saying good-by to?

Who is Bennie and why does he have jets?

I was never concerned, of course.  At the time, I didn't know what he was singing about, but it sure sounded glorious.

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: editor May 21, 2003, 06:38:33 AM
Hi Dave

Your assesment of John Denver is refreshing.  I never looked at it that way before...

Elton John's "Someone Saved My Life Tonite," is about Cher.  He had a whirlwind romance with her, and they almost married.  I don't know why he didn't just marry her, it's not like it would have lasted long either way, but hey!  He got a beautiful song out of it.  Actually, Bernie Taupin wrote the lyrics, as with almost all of Elton's songs.  It is a hauntingly beautiful tune though.

The yellow brick road?   ??? ???I have no idea, but YBR was the last album he and his band made when they were still sober.  Most of the songs were first takes, and they did the whole thing in like a few days.  Absolutely incredible.

Bennie and the Jets?   ??? ???Well, first of all, Bennie is a girl.  To quote, "Oh, Bennie she's a'really keen.  She's got electric boots, a mohair suit, you know I read it in a magazine..."

So, you were really off on that one.  But the Denver observation totally makes up for your gaff on Bennie.   ;D

: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: Oscar May 21, 2003, 08:09:49 AM
The all time kings of making no sense in their
lyrics was "Yes". In fact, there lyrics make so little sense
I can't remember many of them at all. Here's one
example though:

Long Distance Runaround,
long time, waiting to feel the sound
Do you remember the dream there?
Do you remember the times we said good bye?
Did we really tell lies?
sitting in the sunshine?
Did we really count to one hundred?

Ot this sentence:
Sad preacher nailed upon the color door of time...

Check out some of their lyrics--they make no sense--
but the tunes are great.


Sorry Joe, but you are very very wrong about this being the all time nonsense champ.'

Try Sh'Boom fro the early '50s.

Hey Langada Ding Dong, Da Langada Langada Langada Langada Boom Bado, BadooBeDoBe Doom


Sh'Boom Sh'Boom, Yadadadada Yadadadada Boom Sh'Boom
Sh'Boom Sh'Boom Shamelegaboom...

This was the melody line, not the backup.  There were some words too, but they made sense in between the nonsense sections.
Some of GG's ministry made about this much sense as I recall.


: Re:The Beatles Had no real Talent!
: outdeep May 21, 2003, 05:46:33 PM
Probably the strangest songs are the one that actually sound deep and profound but fall apart on closer inspection.  Recently my kids and I were laughing at the profound nonsense (I don't know the artist):

I want you
I need you
But there ain't no way I'm ever goin' to love you
But don't be sad
Cause two out of three ain't bad.

If a girl buys into that, she deserves to be sent to the Assembly.  In fact, it would be a great step up mentally.

My son and I are on the opposite sides of the Door's song:

Hello, I love you
Won't you tell me your name?

He likes the song, but I think the guy should get a little more information before moving into a serious relationship.

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