
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : David Mauldin May 21, 2003, 10:24:15 PM

: John Denver is under rated!
: David Mauldin May 21, 2003, 10:24:15 PM
He wrote some beautiful music  

Classics are "City of New Orleans" Arlo Gutherie did not write this!  John Denver wrote it along with Tom Goodwin one night while they were on tour..

Another Classic  "Take me Home Country Roads"

and another "Leaving on a Jet Plane"  Peter, Paul and mary didn't write it!

The rest of his "Hits" are too obvious to mention.  

His popularity was tainted by the "Good ol boy' "Country Boy"  Muppet show " image.  

: Re:John Denver is under rated!
: editor May 22, 2003, 12:30:20 AM
He wrote some beautiful music  

Classics are "City of New Orleans" Arlo Gutherie did not write this!  John Denver wrote it along with Tom Goodwin one night while they were on tour..

Another Classic  "Take me Home Country Roads"

and another "Leaving on a Jet Plane"  Peter, Paul and mary didn't write it!

The rest of his "Hits" are too obvious to mention.  

His popularity was tainted by the "Good ol boy' "Country Boy"  Muppet show " image.  

No Kidding?

I never knew that about John Denver.  Boy, he sure went downhill.  My freshman year in college, my roomate was a bigtime John Denver fan, and I fell asleep to the sounds of "I, calypso, the sound da da da...." I forget the rest.

I could never really get into JD, and I always thought his specials on TV were silly.  I had no idea he had sucess as a writer as well.


: Re:John Denver is under rated!
: al Hartman May 23, 2003, 01:33:42 PM

     John Denver also did some acting...  a little schmaltzy, but heart-warming stuff.  i never thought that he went downhill, or had a tainted image.  i can remember many a time hearing Mark Campbell singing "Country Road" and other JD songs.
     i always thought of him as a warbler, a troubador (Denver, not Campbell).  "Wichita Lineman" was always one of my favorites.  "City of New Orleans" is fantastic.

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