
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : David Mauldin May 23, 2003, 10:02:10 PM

: Could someone explain this please!
: David Mauldin May 23, 2003, 10:02:10 PM
Conversation I had last night at Fullerton Farmers Market at "Heritage Christian School " booth with C. H.

Me: Where do you fellowship?

C: Oh I just visted a place but I am undecided!

Me : Where are all the people from Fullerton Assembly?

C:  Oh their  around --seeking.

Me:  Arn't they meeting with Tim Geftakys?

C:  NO!

Me: Isn't there an Assembly meeting with Tim Geftakys?

C: NO!

Me:  But I saw a group of "Saints" at the park the other day all wearing there assembly dress and eating lunch with Tim?

C:  Oh yes there  is a group of people who are meeting but Tim is NOT the LEADER!  There is NO leader TIM is NOT the LEADER!


: Re:Could someone explain this please!
: al Hartman May 23, 2003, 10:06:03 PM

     The plot sickens...

: Re:Could someone explain this please!
: David Mauldin May 23, 2003, 11:25:21 PM
Was this person overtly lieing to me?  No I don't think they were.  But It is clear that  they are continueing in their brainwashed psycho babble. It really looks like that Tim is going to try and retart the assembly but he is waiting for the right moment.

: Re:Could someone explain this please!
: editor May 24, 2003, 01:09:11 AM
Hi Dave

Remember when we used to tell people that we didn't have a name?  How about when we said that we didn't have paid clergy, and didn't believe in hirelings?

Remember insisting that George wasn't our leader?

That's all C.H. is doing.  Deception and Darkness.

I hear a wineskin beginning to stretch...


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