
Post Assembly Life => People Finder => : vernecarty July 12, 2003, 03:04:58 AM

: Nancy (formerly) Senk
: vernecarty July 12, 2003, 03:04:58 AM
Hi Nancy:
I am sorry but I do not remember you married name. Guess what I found yesterday? Your Bundy flute! How long have I had it now?? I am so sorry I missed you at my house when you stopped by for it so many years ago. I am still in Champaign and would like to send it to you. Please e-mail at or call me     217-278-5858.

: Re:Nancy (formerly) Senk
: rylan January 08, 2004, 12:04:28 PM
Did Nancy ever get her flute back???  :)  :)  ;)

: Re:Nancy (formerly) Senk
: vernecarty January 08, 2004, 07:58:13 PM
Did Nancy ever get her flute back???  :)  :)  ;)
Nope! It is still sitting right here. Nobody answers the number you sent me bud...

: Re:Nancy (formerly) Senk
: struggling along January 09, 2004, 12:09:05 AM
Nancy Senk Hanson (hansen?) is still "in" the assembly in WLA so probably isn't allowed to read the BB since it's all lies

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