
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : y27 December 27, 2002, 12:20:26 AM

: I believe the time has arrived
: y27 December 27, 2002, 12:20:26 AM
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George Geftakys
2007 Calle Serena
Fullerton, CA  92833

December 23, 2002

Beloved friends:

“We then as workers together with Him beseech you also that you receive not the grace of God in vain.”

For some time I have been in discussion with prominent brethren for the need to discuss the future direction of the work.  With much consideration and prayer I believe the time has arrived.  At my present age, 75, and with increasing noticeable health limitations, it is time for younger brethren to take greater responsibility and decision making in the stewardship of this work.  Because of my increased absence in traveling 8 months out of the year, these men have had opportunity to superintend and make important decisions in the work.  

This work has been such a world wide blessing, (and trusting that it will continue to do so).  In view of these perilous times and the days of spiritual sorrows, we need to stay fully involved, watching and praying always.  The greatest importance and need is to maintain the spirit of unity, which has always been the strength of this ministry (Eph. 4:12-13).  

I remain available for the Lord’s people and the little flocks in whatever capacity I am needed; to counsel, and to minister as is fit by His direction.  

On the weekend of January 11 brethren and I in the work will sit in conference.  The Lord helping us, they will decide the responsibilities and privileges involved.  My continuous prayer is that the Lord will give wisdom and mercies and grace for such a task.  

With much prayer and joy in serving, I remain your servant:  there is joy in serving Jesus – brethren pray for me…

Brother George Geftakys

I Co. 15:58

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: alg December 27, 2002, 02:18:28 AM
Perhaps it would be better entitled, "The Great Escape" but it sounds like the CEO will still get his consulting fees and board membership priveleges.

So, now that the chief apostolic minister is retiring does that disband "the Work" and how does the old guard look at that since this seems so SLO centric right now?

Will anyone be able to catch the slithering eels? I guess the proper question is could they have ever been caught anyway?

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Mark C. December 27, 2002, 03:13:05 AM
Hi Alg and welcome :)
  All good questions.  One thing is clear this is not a repentance, but damage control.  It is clear the one important thing that GG seeks is "unity" (this ministry= GG's control).  There is not unity based on the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the group for they have not bowed the knee to the truth.  I say "truth" not only in a theological sense, but in a moral sense.
  Because of GG's cover-up of the Dave and Judy situation having been foiled by this website GG has become a lightning rod for criticism.  He simply gets a case of "meetingitis" and goes to his beach house and lounges around in his euro swimwear while the money continues to pour in via his lieutenants!
  Meanwhile the Bros. in charge can claim that they knew nothing about the problems in SLO, so they are not to be blamed, and anyway GG has retired!  BTW, I recall GG saying you can't retire from the ministry and ridiculing those that did so collecting a pension.
   The worse thing is that the whole Assembly system with all of it's abuses are ignored and they can just say, "we've changed", and "we've become a better place."  Better from what?!  You can't get better unless you first admit you've made mistakes and apologize to those who you've victimized by these "mistakes".
  Also, there is no such thing as private apologies.  These aplogies need to be truthful, complete, and public.  They need to offer the offended a chance to speak and the offenders need to make a full clearing of themselves.  This and only this is Biblical repentance.
  I'm sure many others will want to weigh in on this topic so I will end this and watch with interest.
    God bless those who love our Lord with sincerity, Mark

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Jeremy December 27, 2002, 03:43:19 AM
Has anyone verified the authenticity of this letter? Also, George is 76. I would think if he wrote the letter he would remember how old he is.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Mark C. December 27, 2002, 04:01:10 AM
Hi Jeremy,
  How could we verify it?  It was posted without comment or verification.  It's still fun to speculate about.  I guess sooner or later we'll all find out.
                                      God Bless,  Mark

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: AMGarisek December 27, 2002, 05:34:15 AM
Hi Y'all:

Tony and I were involved in the Fullerton and Huntington Beach ministries from 1972 through 1993.  Most of those years in the Work.  One thing I know for sure is that there is no such thing as spiritual unity there, but rather a very exclusive and competitive organization with a tight and rigid hierarchical domain and control.  

Having been out for ten years completely and on the fringe for sometime before that, we've had a lot of time to consider and think about what was, and what is.  It is my belief that George and Betty were in kahoots and misguided from the beginning and basically followed a pattern based on church history and a psychological control methodology to create a lifestyle that has catered to their convenience and ease, as well as to their egos.  

I am still innocent, or perhaps naive enought to believe that most of us, including those in "leadership" were just ensnared in the pseudo-Christian web of "Guilt/Fear/& Intimidatation."  This is not to excuse, by any means -- but rather to suggest pity and compassion on the victims -- Especially for those who've never been allowed to pursue careers, or education.  So many, especially women, have been handicapped and enslaved, many times subjecting themselves and their children to poverty and abuse in the name of God.  

It is my prayer and hope that Geoge does step down as soon as possible.  With no malice intended, I truely do not believe that any of the men in leadership have the charisma or power to sustain this group.  It is my prediction that it will divide off into factions and fizzle.  Hopefully then, so many dear and sincere Christians will find church families that can nurture them back to health.  

Personally, I am very leary of organized groups and have not found a church family that I am willing to trust.  Maybe in time.

We too, rembember when George preached "No Retirement" from the pulpit - the message being "Who needs job security, or benefits, or 401Ks? Just trust the Lord."  I suspect that George has provided for his retirement very nicely.  

I hope that the "saints" heed GG's encouragement to Watch and Pray - and to get fully involved.  And what's the unity??? I believe it is with all Christians, not just the holy hudle.  

Very warm regards,

Anne Marie

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Mark C. December 27, 2002, 07:02:18 AM
Hi Anne Marie! :)
   I sent you a private message and I hope to hear back from you.
    You hit the nail on the head with your post and you should know!
                               God Bless,  Mark

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: sue xander December 27, 2002, 07:12:55 AM
Its more than likely that George was off by 1 year on his age, and could not remember.  THere are lots of things that he cannot remember.  He cannot remember fellow lodge members names even if they have been there over 20 years!  So he uses the common name " Hey Sister"  "Hey Brother".  There might of been 50 people in the room with that very same name (s).  So could George made a typo or error in his age?  Absolutely!

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Oscar December 28, 2002, 07:22:15 AM
As I remember, GG was born in October of 1927.  That would make him 75 as of October 2002.  I don't know how I learned the year he was born, but I'm pretty sure that that is right.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Arthur December 28, 2002, 01:13:52 PM
I remember 1927 as well.  If I remember correctly, he said that he had to lie about his age so that he could join the marines at age 17.  The war ended in May of '45 right?

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: matt sciaini December 29, 2002, 08:43:47 AM
Hey guys:

I have heard brother George say over and over again that his birthdate was October 19, 1927.  That would make him 75 years old, this being December 28, 2002.


Matt Sciaini

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Rachel December 31, 2002, 03:09:07 AM
George was born in October.  I was told he was 19 when he married Betty in September 1947.  George turned 20 a month later.  Betty got pregnant on the honeymoon and gave birth to David Geftakys in June of 1948.  That would mean George was 20 in June of 1948 and turned 21 that October.  David Geftakys turned 54 in June of 2002 so that would mean George turned 75 in October of 2002.  If I am wrong and one of my family members would like to correct me go for it.  

According to my calculations, George was born in October 1927.  That means in Aug 15, 1945 on VJ Day George was 17.  If at 16 he entered and lied that he was 17 he could have entered no earlier then October 1943.  I have been unable to figure out how old or when he entered the military or even what rank he was.  He simply states that he was a marine and that he fought in one of the major battles of the Pacific.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Joe January 03, 2003, 01:44:31 AM
75? 76? I thought George was without beginning and
without end. At least that's what I thought anyways.
I always thought that when George gives the OK the Lord
will return and the world will end.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Kay January 03, 2003, 05:48:25 AM
Yes Joe,
I know what you mean.......sometimes it felt like 'Thus saith George" instead of "Thus saith The Lord.'
The question now is after long years of thinking a certain way in the lodges , can things really change? Just by saying the lodge is autonomous, doesn't make it so.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: 4Him January 04, 2003, 10:09:22 AM
Yes Teri, that is certainly the question.  True autonomy must happen!  I believe God is able but there must be willing and faithful ones to cooperate w/Him.  I believe the answer to your/my question will be finally evident very soon.  Joint workers mtg. tomorrow, etc....

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Rachel January 04, 2003, 10:25:27 PM
Here is what I grew up being told:

Official Assembly Idea of Autonomy:
    Local Assembly:
  • The assemblies are a seperate entity from the Work and are each autonomous.
  • Every assembly has their own leading brothers picked by exisisting leading brothers.
  • Every assembly makes all their own decisions and the LB are in charge of those decisions.  Supposedly this would include what happens to the money.  The LB would decided how the money was to be spent locally and the money sent to Fullerton is only at the prompting of the local LB and they get to decide how much would be sent.  
The Work:
  • The"Work" is George's work that he believe God has called him to create.  The Workers invited to be in that work by George.  Theroreticly they could come from any church not just assemblies.
  • Workers are sent to assembly only when they are requested.  
  • All workers would not be leading brothers where they were sent and not all leading brothers are workers.  Theoreticly, a worker would not necessarily be a leading brother in the assembly he was sent to.  (This of course would be true in the case of a single woman or a man who has been divorced and so can not be a LB.)  A long time ago this was true.  I was told that my father was not a LB when he lived with the Mathiasis although he was a worker.
  • The Workers are either part time or full time.  Part time means they are still to hold their own jobs and support their families and that the Work will only pay for things deemed "Work" related.  Full time means they are paid according to their needs each month so that they may commit all their time to the "Work of the Lord".

The Reality:
    The Assemblies:
  • Most (not all but most) of the LB are workers so decisions on future LB are discussed and approved at workers meetings by George or by phone call to George after the local (midwest or west coast) joint workers have approved the future LB choice.  George has the authority to veto any decision.
  • Each assembly does make their own decisions but they are always subject to review by George or a full-time worker like M. Zach or T. Geftakys.  The money from the LT pays for certian things on a monthly basis such as rental of a hall for meetings, etc.  However, everything else, including paying for equipment rental for outreaches, etc. has to be approved, usually by Betty or Mark Miller.  All the rest of the money is then sent to Fullerton.  Sometimes a local full-time worker's money is taken out before it is sent and sometimes it is sent to the full-time worker from Fullerton.  
The Work:
  • All worker are taken from assemblies.
  • Workers are sent where George and Betty think they are needed and since there is usually one other worker there as a LB the LB's agree.  Generally the Workers in the LB's meeting are viewed as the unofficial "head LB".
  • All workers that I know of, who are sent someplace, are LBs in that place.  This is of course with the exception of the single sister workers but they are not often sent somewhere.  The only worker I know of who cannot be a LB, because he was divorced, has never been sent anywhere and has remained in his local assembly the whole time of his involvement.
  • It is true that part-time workers are to have their own jobs.  However my father was a part time worker for a long time and only held intermitent jobs.  Full time workers are paid what amounts to a salary.  It is a pretty consistant amount based on a budget the work up with someone like Betty.  As far as I know, that salary is not reported to the IRS neither does the full-time worker pay income tax on that money.  They may pay taxes on other money they recieve, (ie: rental income from a home they own, inheritances, side jobs they may have) but never on money from the "Work".  The way the argument goes is:  The saints pay taxes on the money so the government got its share already and the worker should not have to pay taxes on it either.  Also they are not to tithe from that money.  Since the idea is they are only getting enough money to cover their needs, if they tithed they would have to be given extra money to cover the tithe which would be repetative.

This is how I know it to work from watching the money being handled when I was growing up and from having the set up explained to me as I grew up.  If I am wrong, I welcome correction.  Maybe Tom could give me insights if I am wrong.

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: TGarisek January 10, 2003, 07:57:01 PM
If GG is exiting from "full-time" service, then who pays for the 8 month travel schedule? 8) Why would they allow the upcoming China trip? What kind of a fit representative can he possibly be? The tickets should be cancelled right out from under him if that's the only way to get his attention.  >:(

Where is the money ???

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: trockman January 10, 2003, 09:20:50 PM
HI Tony!

Since the Assembly members usually don't answer these types of questions, I'll take a stab at it, using what I hear from them to give what I think is the best Assembly answer to your questions.

  • If GG is exiting from "full-time" service, then who pays for the 8 month travel schedule?
    The Lord is providing.  Our brother can still be useful to minister, but he is no longer an Elder.  He has repented, and part of his repentance is to preach the word.
  • Why would they allow the upcoming China trip?
    They are allowing it because it is God's will.  Brother George has repented
  • What kind of a fit representative can he possibly be?
    Tony, your behavior is incredible!  You just want to see the destruction of the ministry.
  • Where is the money  
    All of the money is used for the work of the Lord, both here and abroad. That is why George must go abroad, especially to Hong Kong and Greece.  As far as the money goes, brother, let me encourage you, much is happening.  Things are happening and the brothers are really taking steps to see things change.
I think this pretty well sums it up.  How can you justify your behavior, brother Tony.  You are bitter, and YOU must repent.  Don't stand in the way of what God is doing.


: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: TGarisek January 10, 2003, 10:05:22 PM
Yep, you nailed it. I'm suffering from temporary amnesia so I couldn't conjure those responses myself. However, I will run the same questions by the insiders still in the thick of it just the same.

What is true repentance? Is it determined by the LB? Is there a time factor? Demonstration? Does the service commensurate with penalty entail preaching the word only or can I have him clean my fish pond or rearrange the pebbles of the path in my back garden?

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: TGarisek January 10, 2003, 11:00:11 PM
Oops! I forgot again. Cleaning the fishpond and rearranging the pebbles is a privelege and stewardship not a consequence...

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Nancy Newswander January 11, 2003, 03:54:35 AM
This is my first post on the Bulletin Board - but Tony's reference to George's "garden" triggered some old memories.  When I would visit Fullerton, I would usually stay at George and Betty's.  George was always preoccupied with improvements to his garden.  At least once during each visit, I would purposely refer to his "garden" as the back yard.  I loved doing that!!!  George would nearly jump out of his skin, and then spare no words chewing me out and telling me that his back yard was a garden.  I still laugh about that.  

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Kimberley Tobin January 11, 2003, 10:58:13 AM
Hello Everyone:

If you haven't checked the main page on the website for the new article from Judy Geftakys, go there now and read it.

After you have read Judy's article, for those of you who are guests, who simply monitor this website and are still in the "Assembly", how can you stay?  How can you live with your conscience?  If you stay in a place of fellowship where the leadership has known of this abuse for DECADES and has done nothing about it, you are now party to it!  You are condoning it by your very presence.  And what is the fruit of this ministry in your own life?  Are you walking in liberty?  Or, are you walking before men, are you in bondage?  Ask the question: the "Leadership" is "quote unquote" calling George to account, where is their repentence in the whole matter?  

The Lord gave us the parable about the new wine in the old wine skins.  This place is corrupt at the very core.  The only thing that must be done is for it to be totally brought down!

This is not the rantings of bitter, grudge holding ex-members.  This is the plea of friends and family members who love and care for the state of the souls of men and women who have chosen to allign themselves with a corrupt system.

: Remember Me?
: Emma January 29, 2003, 11:08:52 AM
Anne Marie,

Hey, it's me Victoria I was a sister in Tim's home for several years before I ran off to Vegas and married a unsaved man.  I can only praise God for His mercy He has shown me in the last ten years.  Not only did my husband discover our Savior, but we have been actively involved with a Pacific Coast Church in San Clemente, where we currently live. This family of God has been so instrumental in my spiritual healing and growth that I can only praise God for His faithfulness to me and my family.  We have two boys Ellis 6 and Evan 4, and I am so pleased to see them grow up in a healthly, bible teaching, loving, growing, family of God.  Please feel free to contact me Sally Humphreys has my phone numbers.  Lord Bless, Victoria

P.S. I am pleased to say there is an abundant life of fellowship after you "leave fellowship".

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: MichelleDJ January 30, 2003, 09:48:55 AM
Silly outsider question #421:  When you all say that George "chewed you out," are we talking about a rebuke?  Yelling?  Putting you down?  Cursing your mama?  Calling down hellfire?  What kind of chewing did he do?

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Railrider January 30, 2003, 10:02:28 AM
If GG is exiting from "full-time" service, then who pays for the 8 month travel schedule? 8) Why would they allow the upcoming China trip? What kind of a fit representative can he possibly be? The tickets should be cancelled right out from under him if that's the only way to get his attention.  >:(

Where is the money ???

!!!Amen. Why shouldn't we question any 'improvements'?? Not questioning helped to get us where we are now!

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Kimberley Tobin January 31, 2003, 05:34:59 AM
"Chewed Out"=entreaty

This is a daily routine that is encouraged in the assembly.  We are taught to "go the way of the cross", so even if the entreaty was WRONG, "take it like a man" and "go the way of the cross", this is godliness (HAH!) ;)

: Re:I believe the time has arrived
: Randal January 31, 2003, 05:49:00 AM
if godliness is shown by frustration and therapy bills.

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