
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : editor October 26, 2003, 08:05:39 AM

: Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: editor October 26, 2003, 08:05:39 AM
Hello all:

Recently, a critic of mine gently suggested that as "leader," I owe you all  responsibility to
Where are you going to lead them? Why don’t you encourage them in the scriptures? Give real healing counsel. You may say part of healing is the venting of anger. This has been going on for almost a year now. You as leader should help turn that anger into a renewed hope and confidence in Jesus Christ. Heb 12:15 “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.” Let’s not fail of the grace of God. It is abundant.

I want to let each of you know how I feel about this, in case I truly do have "followers," among you.

1.) I do not want any of you to follow me.  I don't want you to tithe to me, do what I say, use me as an example, or take advice from me.  I want you to use your own minds and honor God the way you see fit.  I have never harangued anyone for "leaving," the BB, nor have I badgered close friends who don't want to post here.

2.) I didn't begin this one year ago in order to procure followers.  On the contrary, I did it to expose and evil man, who had people trapped in his evil system.  I don't want you to follow me, I want you to follow Christ, preferably OUT of the Assembly system.  

3.) I don't like to see historical facts distorted, and will fight for the truth.  If some of you see it the way I do, that isn't because I am "brainwashing," you, but because your view of the facts is the same as mine.  (There really was a holocaust, and mostly Jews were killed---this is a fact, although certain biased people argue this)

4.)  If you are following me, please stop, now.  I don't want or need any followers.  I don't have emotional needs that must be met by any of you, I have enough money to pay my bills, and I don't plan on starting an "ex Assembly," church.  Stop following me if you are doing so.

5.)  I post here for enjoyment, and because I know that my views have helped many find freedom.  I do not want dependents, but brethren who are free, with whom I can discuss and debate.  I don't appreciate Yes-men, sychophants or hangers-on.  If you are one of these, please knock it off, now.

6.) I honestly don't think that any of the above is happening, but since someone raised the prospect in a rather eloquent manner, I thought I would respond.

7.)  I do want all of you to move on, heal and find new vistas in life.  If discussing these things is a way to sort it all out,  a help to learn from past mistakes,  a way of lifting the demonic fog that we dwelt in, then I support it.  However, if this BB is causing you to dwell in the past, stuck in bitterness, with no hope, then I think it's unhealthy and you should stop, now.

8.)  I am grateful to have critics, and vocal ones.  If George had some vocal critics, ones who weren't cowards, who would stand up to him, then we wouldn't be here, would we?

9.)  I am quite sure that I am not capable of being a dynamic leader towards healing.  This awareness of my lack is the main reason I willingly turned the website over to Steve and Margaret.  If you want a leader to lead you to green pastures and still waters,  I can't do it...but I do know a person who can.


: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: vernecarty October 26, 2003, 09:37:56 AM

4.)  If you are following me, please stop, now.  I don't want or need any followers.  I don't have emotional needs that must be met by any of you, I have enough money to pay my bills, and I don't plan on starting an "ex Assembly," church.  Stop following me if you are doing so.


Now what we gonna do huh? I guess we'd all better go home since we all were just following Brent and now he has made it quite clear that he wants us to immediately stop doing that...WHAT ON EARTH ARE Y'ALL GONNA DO?
Should we all jus' go home...?!

p.s It would appear that the lemming disposition in some, also predisposes them to ascribe the same to others. I  must say you suffer fools more gladly than I can ever hope to my friend... :)

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: vernecarty October 26, 2003, 09:41:13 AM
Actually, the only reason I am back on this BB is because I am concerned about the facts.  There are current situations that are troubling me, and I want to get the FACTS STRAIGHT!!!
Folks, Brent gave facts and opened up a forum for things to be shared.  I haven't felt the need to follow him.  


What did Steve Irons say about the Samuel rumor? Not that it really matters. If Samuel said that it was the silliest thing he has ever uttered. Say it ain't so Andrea...or should I say:
"Just the facts Ma'am"...?

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: M2 October 26, 2003, 10:02:24 PM
Where are you going to lead them? Why don’t you encourage them in the scriptures? Give real healing counsel. You may say part of healing is the venting of anger. This has been going on for almost a year now. You as leader should help turn that anger into a renewed hope and confidence in Jesus Christ. Heb 12:15 “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.” Let’s not fail of the grace of God. It is abundant.

Unless I misunderstood the tone of the post that the above quote is extracted from, I believe that the author was venting some outrage at what was being discussed on this forum. So I say the same to him "This has been going on for almost a year now."

As far as "following" Brent goes, I can assure you that I for one happen to agree with Brent and others on this forum, but that does not make me his follower. I enjoy the open and free discussion on this BB.

All of the individuals that have left that I correspond with, are very happy in their new places of fellowship. They and their kids love it are adjusting well and are enjoying their new found freedom to walk with the Lord without assembly rules and regulations. No more striving to perform, but freedom to be...

Lord bless,

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Eulaha L. Long October 27, 2003, 04:08:09 AM
Hi Brent,
I don't think that I am one of your "followers", but you do have to admit that you have a lot of wisdom and insight, especially regarding Assembly doctrine and practice.  I enjoy reading your posts because I learn from them.  And I hope that you continue to post-you are a blessing to me! :)

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: moonflower2 October 27, 2003, 05:41:54 PM
Hello all:

Recently, a critic of mine gently suggested that as "leader," I owe you all  responsibility to
Where are you going to lead them? Why don’t you encourage them in the scriptures? Give real healing counsel. You may say part of healing is the venting of anger. This has been going on for almost a year now. You as leader should help turn that anger into a renewed hope and confidence in Jesus Christ. Heb 12:15 “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you and thereby many be defiled.” Let’s not fail of the grace of God. It is abundant.

I want to let each of you know how I feel about this, in case I truly do have "followers," among you.

1.) I do not want any of you to follow me.  I don't want you to tithe to me, do what I say, use me as an example, or take advice from me.  I want you to use your own minds and honor God the way you see fit.  I have never harangued anyone for "leaving," the BB, nor have I badgered close friends who don't want to post here.

2.) I didn't begin this one year ago in order to procure followers.  On the contrary, I did it to expose and evil man, who had people trapped in his evil system.  I don't want you to follow me, I want you to follow Christ, preferably OUT of the Assembly system.  

3.) I don't like to see historical facts distorted, and will fight for the truth.  If some of you see it the way I do, that isn't because I am "brainwashing," you, but because your view of the facts is the same as mine.  (There really was a holocaust, and mostly Jews were killed---this is a fact, although certain biased people argue this)

4.)  If you are following me, please stop, now.  I don't want or need any followers.  I don't have emotional needs that must be met by any of you, I have enough money to pay my bills, and I don't plan on starting an "ex Assembly," church.  Stop following me if you are doing so.

5.)  I post here for enjoyment, and because I know that my views have helped many find freedom.  I do not want dependents, but brethren who are free, with whom I can discuss and debate.  I don't appreciate Yes-men, sychophants or hangers-on.  If you are one of these, please knock it off, now.

6.) I honestly don't think that any of the above is happening, but since someone raised the prospect in a rather eloquent manner, I thought I would respond.

7.)  I do want all of you to move on, heal and find new vistas in life.  If discussing these things is a way to sort it all out,  a help to learn from past mistakes,  a way of lifting the demonic fog that we dwelt in, then I support it.  However, if this BB is causing you to dwell in the past, stuck in bitterness, with no hope, then I think it's unhealthy and you should stop, now.

8.)  I am grateful to have critics, and vocal ones.  If George had some vocal critics, ones who weren't cowards, who would stand up to him, then we wouldn't be here, would we?

9.)  I am quite sure that I am not capable of being a dynamic leader towards healing.  This awareness of my lack is the main reason I willingly turned the website over to Steve and Margaret.  If you want a leader to lead you to green pastures and still waters,  I can't do it...but I do know a person who can.


I want my money back!!
 :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Joe Sperling October 27, 2003, 09:16:03 PM

As I read your post I thought "Oh no, Brent doesn't want me to be a follower". This greatly disturbed me, until I started thinking correctly. I thought "What would Brent do in this situation?" So I went to the GA BB and read all of Brent's articles, knowing that Brent would probably do some investigation first if he was placed in the same situation with the same request.

And then it happened. It was as if Brent had lifted his arm and said "Be still", and calmed the stormy sea of confusion that had come upon me. And I realized if Brent doesn't want me to be a follower then I must obey him immediately. So I shouted "In the name of Tr0ckman, set me free!!!" And I was set free. Thanks to Brent I am no longer a follower of Brent. Thanks be to Tr0ckman for his unspeakable gift!!


: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: outdeep October 27, 2003, 09:53:32 PM

I apologize for the shameless advertising, but if you go to my website, my WWBD? bracelets are selling like hotcakes.  How many would you like?


P.S.:  I'm working with a publisher on my new book, "The Prayer of Brent".  I'm sure it will be a top seller.

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: enchilada October 27, 2003, 10:32:09 PM
Reading his posts, with the occasional disagreement, doesn't constitute following the guy.  
Is he responsible to lead me?  No.  He might lead me for a short time during a sailing race because I'd let him, but most of the time I would probably be leading him.  Not that he's slow, just that I'm too fast.  No big deal, just that my boat probably is faster than his.  However, if I gave him sufficient head start, he might lead me the whole way.

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Joe Sperling October 27, 2003, 10:32:13 PM
What problem? I said yesterday I would never post again, and so far I haven't.  I don't have a problem.

 ;D   --Joe

P.S. For those of you who have taken any of this seriously, my post below is total "sarcasm" aimed at those who think anyone here would become one of Brent's disciples. We all appreciate Brent, and all he
has done, and has written and posted, but we are all followers of Jesus Christ.

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: outdeep October 27, 2003, 11:25:52 PM
I think the accusation itself is reveals a bit of Assembly-think.  Within the group, we felt the need to be highly obedient to those set forth as leaders.  How would we make decisions for our lives and know God's direction without seeking counsel?

We just don't think of leadership in the same way out here.


: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Oscar October 27, 2003, 11:46:31 PM
I think the accusation itself is reveals a bit of Assembly-think.  Within the group, we felt the need to be highly obedient to those set forth as leaders.  How would we make decisions for our lives and know God's direction without seeking counsel?

We just don't think of leadership in the same way out here.


Make that "We just don't think of leadership in the same way out here IN THE REAL WORLD!

Thomas Maddux

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Mark Kisla October 27, 2003, 11:51:56 PM

I apologize for the shameless advertising, but if you go to my website, my WWBD? bracelets are selling like hotcakes.  How many would you like?


P.S.:  I'm working with a publisher on my new book, "The Prayer of Brent".  I'm sure it will be a top seller.
I could'nt wait for my WWBD bracelet, so I made my own, lit some candles, went to the SWTE website, chanted WWBD 50 times and received a revelation that everyone needs to go to their local Chiropracter to get an attitude adjustment immediately.

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Tony October 27, 2003, 11:53:32 PM

The whole idea is so silly to me.   I can't help but picture the scene in Forrest Gump when he stops running across the country and says something like, "I'm done."

Now, if someone is really wanting to follow Brent, I'd suggest that you contact him as he has given his real name, address and phone number.

--Tony Edwards

P.S.  From what I've seen, I'd stand beside him in a battle, but, follow him?....I shudder!

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: al Hartman November 19, 2003, 11:02:11 AM

     i have to confess, the last time i was in CA i decided to follow Brent.  That lasted about ten minutes, until he saw me in his rear view mirror, floored it & lost me...


: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: Kimberley Tobin November 19, 2003, 08:03:58 PM
The individual who raised this issue with Brent is showing that he hasn't left the "assembly" mentality and, in fact, isn't on the same "page" as the rest of us.

We on this BB (for the most part) have left the assembly "dogma" and "doctrine" for mainstream christianity (which does not include "following" a leader).  The only one we are following is Jesus Christ.  Last time I checked (forgive me, it was at the end of summer that we visited Brent and his family ;)) he wasn't the messiah.  We are dialogueing here.  That is all.  Communication is a GOOD thing!  It is the "code of silence" that the assembly wants to continue that none of us will continue to be a part of.  

And guess what? Most of us do have a life now!  A wonderful, exhilerating, liberating, joyful life!  FREE FROM THE ASSEMBLY.  JOY BEYOND JOY!  

: Re:Is Brent Responsible to lead you?
: amycahill November 20, 2003, 10:26:48 PM
Yes, Brent.  Whatever you say, Brent.

Does this mean you'll refund my tithes...oops!  I forgot -- you have no financial accountability.  Sorry!

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