
Post Assembly Life => The Assembly Experience => : Delila Jahn January 07, 2004, 01:39:57 AM

: Response to Arthur's story
: Delila Jahn January 07, 2004, 01:39:57 AM
   I read Arthur’s story on the Assembly Reflections board last night.  Wow.  I
was struck by his sincere and dogged pursuit of spiritual growth, despite what he
suffered.  I was thinking too of the premise that, once accepted, made it difficult for
him or any assembly follower to ‘wake up’ and do something sensible like get out
   The premise is this:  the bible is the word of God and (linear thinking follows
that...) these people preach the word.  These people are serious about the word.
These people are skillful and for the most part seem honest about how they use the
word.  If I accept that God is speaking through them - through His word - and I have
given God my life - that holy sacrifice, completely offered up - then I do what they
say.  I obey, I learn humility through submission.  I accept that I am not spiritual and
others are and I say good-bye to my thoughts.
   I found a letter today from a dear friend who was responding to my ‘letter of
repentance’ many years ago.  She indicated that she too knew what it was like to have
to turn and repent from her ‘wrong opinions’ among other things.  I thought that very
telling, that others have ‘wrong opinions’ - not simply different, but wrong.
   I admire Arthur for the lengths to which he went to discover the truth -
somehow there were enough cracks that (as Len would put it) the light got in.  What a
powerful story.


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