
General Discussion => Any and All Topics => : d3z August 30, 2004, 11:12:47 AM

: The Village
: d3z August 30, 2004, 11:12:47 AM
I just got back from seeing "The Village".  The movie seems to be getting fairly bad reviews, many because I think it is a mistake to try and market it as a horror movie.  What I though strange were the people who thought that the premise behind the story was unbelievable.

Stop reading if you don't want mild spoilers about the movie.

In reality, the movie did a reasonable job of demonstrating a well functioning cult.

I'm curious if others have seen it, and what you though, especially coming from a post-assembly perspective.

: Re:The Village
: Mark Kisla August 30, 2004, 04:57:56 PM
I thought the same thing you did, it was a well functioning cult that existed because of the extreme measures its leadership were willing to take for its survival.
Mark K

: Re:The Village
: Oscar August 30, 2004, 10:12:02 PM
I thought the same thing you did, it was a well functioning cult that existed because of the extreme measures its leadership were willing to take for its survival.
Mark K

Howdy Mark,

Seems to me that "well functioning" and "cult" don't really belong in the same sentence.

Could be that "harsh" or "radical" would work better.  

Or, how about "totally nuts?"

Thomas Maddux

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