
General Discussion => General Mayhem => : David Mauldin May 09, 2005, 11:52:58 PM

: Persecution is Coming!
: David Mauldin May 09, 2005, 11:52:58 PM
     Throughout my Christian experience I was constantly taught that I would be persecuted for my faith.  This happened in the Assembly and at other churches I attended. (Mostly in the Assembly) I remember being told that one day a person would 'very possibly" approach me on the campus and tell me that "If you continue to meet with that (The Bible Study) group you will no longer be allowed to attend this college. Other times I was taught that the government would begin to take away my civil rights to meet worship, assemble etc...These teachings were compounded by reading literature such as Foxes Book of Martyrs, By Their Blood, Of Who the World is Not Worthy.(These books are filled with testimony's of people who I greatly respect.) Throughout the years I proffessed Christianity I was waiting expectantly for these things to happen! I spent many hours fantasizing my own martyrdom. I believed that this persecution would justify me and give me meaning behind all of the choices I had made to follow Christ. Yet sadly it never came.  Oh yes I did offend people and they did say nasty things to me or simply laugh to themselves and make me the choice joke discussion during lunch etc...but for the most part my persection was a little more than a crude gesture now and then. On the other hand, as an activist liberal I have had a few situations where I thought I was going to duke it out with someone. (Big angry white republicans who didn't like my Kerry bumper sticker.) Last January I participated in a demonstration where I was told that 'We must be prepared to go to jail for our beliefs"  this was all to real as I was confronted by about 50 riot police while marching down Wilshire Blvd. During the march a guy (from our side?) picked a fight with the police. (Great now they have an excuse to bash my head in!) Recently I have participated in two very loud demonstrations against Gov. Schwarzeneggar. (These seem to be having a big effect on the State! Hey! You really can fight City Hall!!!!) Truthfully I can say this, that as a Christian I didn't see anything really happening in my life. Yet, as an activist (Let me interject here that many of the fellow demonstrators at the Schwarzeneggar events are Christians. At the last event I stood the whole time next to John Marvin, the guy who discipled me in the Assembly!)  I feel that I am more alive today then I ever was before.  How bout you???  Have you ever been persecuted?

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