Joe Sperling
« Reply #64 on: September 23, 2005, 01:16:12 am » |
Roscoe: "What are you doing sir? Why are you putting all of your things in boxes?"
I'm vacating the Assembly Free thread Roscoe.
Roscoe: "But why sir? Why are you leaving the thread?"
Roscoe, The "General Mayhem" area used to be quite busy. It was a place where people came and created wacko threads and had a lot fun. But now it is virtually hidden, and called a "child's board". I believe when people see "child's boards" they have a tendency to avoid them. True, what we do here really is quite childish, and filled with nonsense too. But lately, a lot more childish nonsense has been going on on the "adult boards" than on this Assembly Free thread.
Roscoe: "But sir, spouting off nonsense and silliness is really quite fun."
Yes, it is Roscoe--it is a lot like being a little kid at heart--but this Bulletin Board has changed quite a bit lately. General Mayhem is kind of a hidden area of the bulletin board. When they split off something that is controversial, an argument, etc., it goes to General Mayhem to kind of get swept under the rug so to speak.
Roscoe: "Sir, please don't go, but what about the characters?"
You'll do just fine Roscoe. But could I ask you one last thing?
Roscoe: "Yes sir, anything sir".
I want you to get down and give me a hundred push-ups, run a mile and then come back and shine my shoes.
Roscoe: (rolls his eyes and groans) "Yes sir". (He steps outside the door and begins doing push-ups on the grass outside the Thread entrance).
Skippy!!! (from another room the pudgy, near-sighted, 12 year-old walks in holding a Baby Ruth candy bar that is melting all over his hands.)
Skippy: "Yeth thir?"
Come on Skippy, were leaving now.
Skippy: "Leaving thir? But why would we want to leave?"
I'll explain later. But before we go, do you have that backpack that you used all through your journey in "Geftakylypse Now"?
Skippy: " Yeth. Here it ith.(hands it to the author).
Let's open this thing one last time and see what's there. I remember this thing having some type of magical power and giving you just what you need. (opens the backpack).
Skippy: "Aw.... I wath hopin' for a cheetheburger, but all it ith ith a little book.
More than a book, Skippy, this is the Holy Bible. You do know what a Bible is don't you?
Skippy: "Yeah, I gueth tho. Noah and the Ark and all that thtuff".
Much more than Noah and the Ark Skippy. Do you know that God has said that He has "Magnified His Word above ALL of his Name"? Do you understand that Skippy?
Skippy: "I don't underthtand a word you're thaying."
Well, it means that God has put so much importance in his Word, that He backs every word with all of his character. It means you can trust every single word that is spoken in it to be faithful and true. God has staked his very character and honor and being in the Word of God. I may not be defining it exactly as it should be defined Skippy, but it means that this little book is huge in importance, and is the final say in all that we do. You need to read this book and study it Skippy, and listen to good teachers, and get firmly grounded in it. Even on this Bulletin Board there are certain people who think they understand it, but then make posts that sound like discourses from a Guru.
Skippy: What's a dithcourthe? And what'th a guru?
I'll explain that to you later. Let's just say they are so puffed up about their own spirituality that they try to teach the teachers, and they mock the learned. They believe they are walking on higher ground than we miserable wretches, and they come to set everyone straight. The problem is that they give themselves away very quickly by their attitude, and the way they treat the others on the board. You need to avoid them Skippy, and avoid them like the plague. They are proud to tell us all about how humble they are, and the wondrous walk they have with the Lord.
Skippy: Plague? Oh, like those rapperth that thowed up in "Geftakylypthe Now"?
Something like that. Let's just say that there is nonsense everywhere. There is nonsense in this thread, and there is nonsense that can be attempted to be written into heavenly dis- courses given by those who are self-important also.
Skippy: "I thtill don't underthtand a word you juthd thaid. Wath it thuppothed to be thilly? 'Cause ath you can thee, I'm not laughin'. Want a bite of thith Baby Ruth?"(holds out a badly melting half- eaten candy bar).
Maybe later. Well, that's about it. (Looks around the empty room). Roscoe!!! Are you done doing those push-ups yet?
(voice from outside): "ninety-seven, ninety-eight...."
Skippy: "Thir, why ith Rothcoe thitting in a lawn chair and counting out loud?"
Let's go. ( Looks around one last time).
<Click> the lights go out. (sound of a door closing shut).
voice muffled outside: "Thir, wherever we're goin', could we thtop and get a cheetehburger firtht?"