By now, just about everyone who has been associated with the George Geftakys assemblies has learned of David Geftakys' abuse of his wife, Judy, and at least one of his children.
They have also learned of the long history of excusing and covering up this abuse by George and Betty, aided by a number of leaders and workers.
This week, as I was talking with one of my daughters, she told me that in her teen-age years, essentially the 1980's, there was talk about men in leadership who hit their wives!
After over 30 years as a public school teacher, I am well aware that kids are quite capable of embelishing stories as well as outright lying. These were conversations between kids when adults were not listening. However, I also know that they see, hear, and understand much more than adults think they do. So, I took this seriously, but decided not to say anything until I had tried to find out more.
Yesterday, I ran into a long-time assembly member, one who was around during my time and for many years after my departure. I asked him if he had ever heard anything like this. He said yes!!!
What he told me was that there had been talk of "spanking" wives as part of "training" them!!!
I do remember discussion of assigning "consequences" (a euphemism for punishments) to wives. This was in my last few years in the assembly, which I left in 1989. In my final few years, Betty's screwball ideas were no longer being questioned openly, and I heard of consequences being assigned in Brothers Houses, and Sisters Apartments.
I do not recall, however, actual
physical abuse being advocated in Couples' Meetings or Workers Meetings. So, I would like to place a few questions before the readers of this board.
During your tenure in the Assemblies, did you ever:
1. Hear this taught or recommended in any of the public meetings?
2. Receive counsel from anyone that you were to participate in this activity?
3. Witness it or hear of it directly from anyone who was involved either as a perpretrator or a victim?
4. Hear of it being done from someone who did not claim to have witnessed or participated in it.
If you do not wish to post your reply, you may e-mail me your answer at If you do this, I will not reveal your identity on the board. However, I will report in general terms what I have received information about.
This is really sad, and I take no pleasure in discussing it. However, if it really happened I feel it should be brought to light. The past cannot be altered, but at least it can serve as an example of just how evil and dangerous the George Geftakys assemblies were. It can also serve as a warning to others who are in or considering involvement in similar groups.
Thomas Maddux