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Author Topic: Southern California Fires  (Read 4921 times)

« on: October 30, 2003, 04:18:29 am »

I just spoke to Kimberely Tobin.  She and her family are just returning home today after having been evacuated 3 times.  She has requested prayer on behalf of everyone in this area.  

For anyone who has not already heard, there are currently 10 fires burning from the Mexican Border to the San Fernando Valley.  Only two of the smaller fires have been contained.  Three of the fires burning in San Bernadino (the mountians east of LA) have merged into one.  Also the two fires in the San Fernando Valley have merged.  Currently the containment on those fires range from 15% contained to 25% contained.  Nearly 550,000 acres have burned, 18 people are known to have died and over 2000 structures have been distroyed.  The 18 are only the confirmed dead and they expect the death toll to be higher after they are able to sift through the rubble.  Whole neighborhoods (100 houses in one location) have been burned to the ground.  These fires are now threatening more populated suburbs, especially in the San Fernando Valley and the resources of the fire departments are already heavily taxed.  Interstate 5 has been closed at Santa Clarita (Magic Mountian) and the residents there have been evacuated.  Currently there are about 50,000 homes being threatened.

Fortunately there has been a shift in the weather, bringing cooler temperatures and more humidity.  This has been a wonderful change from the dry (17% humidity) weather and strong winds of the Santa Anas and should help fire fighters contain these fires.  However the prediction is of 25 to 40 mph winds to come up tonight that could push the fire in new directions (unburnt) and further out of control.

Kimberely specificly requested prayer for the safety of her mother who is trying to care for her horses and other livestock in the midst of this.  Kimberely will, I am sure be posting more specific information, once she has access to a computer again.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2003, 05:14:38 am by Rachel » Logged

« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2003, 04:10:38 pm »

So this is what it takes for it to snow in Southern California!  My brother said that the ashes were falling like snow at his house.  My mother saw the fire coming over the ridge toward her place and quickly gathered valuables and stuffed them in her car and headed to my brother's house.  She couldn't take the usual route because of the fire.  She had to go the opposite direction, and it took her two hours to get to my brother's house, which is only five miles from her place.  Fortunately her place survived.  About five mobile homes at the east end of the mobile home park were damaged or destroyed.  The power poles supplying the park burned down, so she has no power, and the electric company is busily putting up new poles.

At church on Sunday, we could see the flames on the hill a couple of miles north of us.  Most of the mountain ridge that runs along the north of Moorpark, Simi Valley and the San Fernando Valley burned, I believe.  I'm not sure about the San fernando Valley part since the air is still so full of ash and smoke that the mountains can hardly be seen.

There were no newspapers in the stands at the markets since the delivery trucks couldn't get through.  On my way to work, I saw workmen taking down the sign in the picture.  There's no place like home:


« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2003, 09:53:04 pm »

The fire only came within a few miles of my house.  We could see flames from church (not very many people showed up).

My sister lives in the desert, east of Julian.  They have no power or phone, and I haven't heard how they are doing since Tuesday evening.  This part of the fire is still very out-of-control.

Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2003, 03:50:32 am »

Hello again!  We have finally returned to our home and WALA, we have ELECTRICITY!  

We survived for a few days with a generator, but that didn't power the whole house.  Basically, just gave us the bare minimum to survive.

We lived through the Northridge earthquake and that was nothing compared to this!  

As Rachel indicated, we had to evacuate three times!  Long story (Greg, my husband is bored with the retelling of it Wink), I won't go into all the gory details, but suffice it to say, home never looked so good.  And thankfully after having had to move two times in the last three months, I'm thankful to have a home to come back to!

Thank you to any and all who prayed.  The Lord was gracious throughout the whole situation and I am so thankful for the community that we have moved into (Alpine.)  Greg and I have wonderful neighbors and we are quickly recovering from a devastating disaster.  God is so wonderful!

See you in the future on the BB.  Lord bless!
Mark C.

« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2003, 07:22:09 am »

Kimberley!!!  Smiley Smiley
  I've been trying to call you all week and have been praying for you guys that you were okay!  It's great to hear that you are in good shape and that your house survived!!
  How is your mom and her horses doing?  I heard that Descanso was hit pretty hard.
  It is a great relief to know that you folks are okay!!  Is there anything we can do to help?
   I'll try and call your house tomorrow.
                                          God Bless,  Mark C.
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2003, 07:33:59 pm »


It has been a whirlwind of trying to call people.  We tried to call you (I think it was Wednesday when we made an attempt) but couldn't reach you.  I have a busy day, so if you don't reach me at the house, try my cell phone.  Thanks for praying!  Talk to you soon.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2003, 07:34:31 pm by Kimberley Tobin » Logged
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