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Author Topic: Jeff Lehmkuhl, The Addict  (Read 74343 times)
« Reply #90 on: March 08, 2005, 08:46:25 am »

A few years after leaving the assembly long ago in SLO, I was a bit angry over the experience.  One night, I recalled a moment of Jeff L speaking about The Rolling Stones and how he hated it and so forth.   So, I borrowed a cassette of that music and drove over to his house after hours and played it kind of loud a few times.  I'm grateful for radioshack's line of cheap amps for a starving student's budget.
« Reply #91 on: May 01, 2005, 09:09:22 am »

A Catch-up on Jeff Lehmkuhl and family relations

After traveling to SLO on that fateful January day to meet with Brent and the LBs over matters of this Web Site, the David Geftakys controversy, the cover-ups, and other sundry sins...and seeing the LBs repent for their behaviors and sins - I was positively lauded by my brother-in-law, Jeff Lehmkuhl.

However, a year later he circulated a letter that I and Brent had been"committed to destroying, dividing and abolishing the gathering" in SLO.

This summer my extended family will be gathering to celebrate my father and mother-in-law's - Chuck and Mary Ann Miller's - 55th wedding anniversary in Omaha. 

Jeff is supposed to attend with Nancy and their children.  I've written Jeff more than once in an attempt to be reconciled, but have not heard anything from him.

Please pray for Jeff and his family.  I know God is not done with him - The final chapter is still yet to be written.  This is very difficult on Ann as well as on many of my family members - there are 55 of us now - the Mathews, the Cohens, the Sjogrens, as well as  lots and lots of Millers - including all the younger siblings - Tim, Bill, Ed, and their families. From end to end, there are five generations.

Much of the family is deeply disgusted by the of hypocritical spectacle that they have witnessed over the years - Today they simply wag their heads at the assembly - and tragedy of tragedies  - they're made sick with things spiritual, much to the credit of the dramas they've seen unfurled before them in the name of Christianity over their lifetimes via being in and around "things assemblyish."  Many young grandchildren hang in the balance - Their souls will be watching their parents and elders to see if grace can be found.

"Woe to us for we have sinned the crown has fallen from our heads..."

« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 09:20:56 am by :: Chuck Vanasse :: » Logged
« Reply #92 on: May 01, 2005, 09:24:48 am »

I can give you some more update on Jeff.

He and Nancy are somewhat invovled with a brand new little church/bible study.  The leader is an ex-college pastor from Calvary SLO.  He did not have the blessing of his former colleagues as of a few months ago, and was clearly urged not to do what he is doing.  He was also urged not to associate closely with Jeff, because of Jeff's state, and his position on certain things.

I am not involved with any of this, thankfully,  but I am quite close to a few people who are.

Jeff is also still playing Bible study on the Cal Poly campus.  No one attends, but he still pretends it's "studies in the old and new testament." 

Don't worry, the word is out to stay away from it, and it is a non-issue on campus.

Jeff is bitter, and wishes the Assembly never ended.  He goes up to hear Scott Testa preach, and may even have gone to hear George.  I don't know about the latter, but am quite sure about the former.

George is active in Pasadena, Riverside San Francisco, etc.

So, if everyone allows it, Jeff will try to rebuild something, even if it's not the Assembly.  He just needs to find a place where he can be second in command.

« Reply #93 on: May 01, 2005, 10:34:29 am »

Jeff is also still playing Bible study on the Cal Poly campus.  No one attends, but he still pretends it's "studies in the old and new testament." 

Don't worry, the word is out to stay away from it, and it is a non-issue on campus.

Jeff is bitter, and wishes the Assembly never ended. Brent

How remarkable!
To have been so long in leadership and yet not understand that God intends far better for him!
When it comes to ministry, it is the height of sheer folly to attempt
 to stand in a place that God has not assigned you. No person in their right mind would think of it, much less do it. If he does not get some help, his state will worsen. Family has the best chance of reaching him. Surely he will respond to a man of wisdom like his father -in -law?!
Speaking of ministry, the musical group Recall will be giving its debut performance at Gibson City Bible Church tomorrow, yours truly on the fretless...we will play "Grace Flows Down", a really beautiful song.
Worship is my favorite time of the week!
« Last Edit: May 01, 2005, 10:38:22 am by VerneCarty » Logged

« Reply #94 on: May 01, 2005, 05:59:20 pm »

My heart goes out to the Miller family.  I think few families had such direct influcence by Geftakys than the Millers.  I remember one evening in Fullerton where there was talk about moving the Miller children (Becky, Mike, etc.) for fear that the "disgruntled and unstable" father was coming to town and would try to influence them out.

What a switch.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2005, 05:33:04 pm by Dave Sable » Logged
« Reply #95 on: May 02, 2005, 02:50:25 am »

My heart goes out to the Miller family.  I think few families had such direct influcence by Geftakys than the Millers.  I remember one evening in Fullerton where there was talk about moving the Miller children (Becky, Mike, etc.) for fear that the "disgruntled and unstable" father was coming to town and would try to influence them out.

I still shake my head in amazement when I think of what Gefakys did to that family.
One of the things I would freguently warn brothers in leadership about was giving counsel that could in any way be construed as divisive, to married couples. George and Betty turned this tactic into an art form.
 It was somewhat startling what some people think they had a right to say and suggest just because others sought their counsel. The desrtuction of that family was nothing short of criminal and even more astonishing is that it was aided and abetted by folk who knew them...

« Reply #96 on: May 02, 2005, 03:46:47 am »

I still shake my head in amazement when I think of what Gefakys did to that family.

It's a good clear-cut example of what they did to many families.....
Chuck Miller

« Reply #97 on: May 17, 2005, 02:18:51 am »

I would appreciate hearing from anyone having first hand information or knowledge concerning Jeff Lemkuhl's  alleged negligence in acting upon the abuses perpetrated by David Geftakys against his family.  Any information about the current situation concerning Jeff's relationship with active assemblies or with GG would also be appreciated.

You can e-mail me at,  or a BB post will suffice

Chuck Miller
« Reply #98 on: May 17, 2005, 02:44:57 am »

I would appreciate hearing from anyone having first hand information or knowledge concerning Jeff Lemkuhl's  alleged negligence in acting upon the abuses perpetrated by David Geftakys against his family.  Any information about the current situation concerning Jeff's relationship with active assemblies or with GG would also be appreciated.

You can e-mail me at,  or a BB post will suffice

Chuck Miller

Hi Chuck,

Jeff's letter, reproduced exactly as he wrote it, is one of the first posts in this thread.  If you read it, and realize what he is saying, you need not know any more than that.

As for first-hand info, you would have to talk to someone who is in contact with Jeff, or Jeff himself.

I can tell you, as a fact, that Jeff and his family attend "seminars" in San Francisco, put on by Scott Testa.  Testa, and the SF assembly have not ex-communicated George, and still recieve him.  Jeff attends these, and gets "blessed."


« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 03:39:45 am by Brent T » Logged
« Reply #99 on: May 17, 2005, 02:53:32 am »

I would appreciate hearing from anyone having first hand information or knowledge concerning Jeff Lemkuhl's  alleged negligence in acting upon the abuses perpetrated by David Geftakys against his family.  Any information about the current situation concerning Jeff's relationship with active assemblies or with GG would also be appreciated.

You can e-mail me at,  or a BB post will suffice

Chuck Miller

Good to see you Chuck. I hope that one of these days I get an opportunity talk to you in person.
I think many of us could learn a lot from folk like you who saw George for what he was from the outset...
« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 06:53:36 am by VerneCarty » Logged
« Reply #100 on: May 17, 2005, 09:54:38 am »

I do not have first hand information concerning Jeff Lehmkuhl's negligence in acting upon the abuses perpetrated by David Geftakys against his family.  I have read first hand accounts that are posted on the website


I do not have first hand information concerning Jeff Lehmkuhl's negligence in acting upon the abuses perpetrated by David Geftakys against his family either.  However, the following are a few pieces of memory I thought I should record here, along with a few comments:  I recall Jeff's high respect for Mr Geftakys, even when he had to know about the referenced abuse as they occured under the same roof where he lived.  I also recall him saying, regarding his experience of living in the DG house, that DG always insisted that as long as you live with him, that you are there to do things his way, etc.  And that DG would frequently use a sharp intonation and loud volume to facilitate agreement.  Overall, I conclude that he was brainwashed by David, through the usual techniques that are employed by agressive cult leader.  It's a shame that Jeff didn't reciprocate appropriatly, but such is the past.  I also recall how he was quite saddened to see Keith Walker and his family leave SLO prior to David's arrival.  In hindsight, it seems that he was almost anticipating a bad storm arriving in addition to bidding farwell to his friend Keith.  Everything seemed well in SLO until DG's arrival.  I remained associated with the SLO group for about a year prior to and about two years after DG's arrival, then left after getting nauseated with his attitude.  The only reason I stayed around was because I thought that it was the right place to be and that the people were alright.  But DG was simply too weird for me and GG's seminars were putting me to sleep.  I decided to leave during one of the seminars.  I was sitting in the chair and fell asleep to GG's boring pontifications.  I woke up suddenlty and heard GG say that'if you don't like it here, then leave".. I don't know if he was speaking to me in anger to my sleeping, but the message was enlightening enough to make that the last seminar, and really the only thing from all the seminars that I can remember 18 years later.

Looks like the grand tragedy of the whole thing are the children of some of the "leaders":  They were all very adorable and it's a shame how they were abused by the meansteak people, especially the one, who for out of repsect for his children, I won't name.  I hope that they break the family tradition and provide good home for their children.

« Last Edit: May 17, 2005, 11:34:39 am by Dan Frederickson » Logged
« Reply #101 on: May 17, 2005, 04:03:50 pm »

  I failed to stand firm for God’s interests in the gathering here in SLO that He had raised up and which He certainly had no intention of destroying.  He did not destroy this gathering.  Men did and I realize now, that as a leader, I did not do all that I could do to stop this from happening.  Our God is a God of restoration and gathering; a God of healing and binding up; a God of Resurrection and new life.  If He, and He knows the truth of all of our errors and sins, would not extinguish a dimly burning wick, should I have?  I allowed things to happen that caused the gathering to become disheartened with no alternative apparently available to it but to disband. Your brother,

Jeff Lehmkuhl

I went back and re-read that letter. It is quite telling that this individual imagines himself possessed of the authority to "extinguish a dimly burning wick".  How sad!
The stated repentance notwithstanding, this is spiritual arrogance and delusion run amok.
« Reply #102 on: May 17, 2005, 08:42:42 pm »

I went back and re-read that letter. It is quite telling that this individual imagines himself possessed of the authority to "extinguish a dimly burning wick".  How sad!
The stated repentance notwithstanding, this is spiritual arrogance and delusion run amok.

I went back and re-read it and most of the thread as well. 

There's nothing more to say.  Jeff lied about David's annoying habits of beating women, drinking and fits of rage, covering up for him for years.

Jeff was physically present when the restraining order was signed....

Jeff told people, mere weeks before George's excommunication that "David didn't beat Judy."

He gave a sham repentance, under duress in Jan of '03.

He is now calling documented facts, such as how he lied about David's abuse of his family,  "Gossip."

He hasn't repented of the repentence of his repentence. 

He's a confused, treacherous liar.

But I repeat myself, there's nothing more to say.

« Reply #103 on: May 18, 2005, 01:55:05 am »

I went back and re-read it and most of the thread as well. 

There's nothing more to say.  Jeff lied about David's annoying habits of beating women, drinking and fits of rage, covering up for him for years.

Jeff was physically present when the restraining order was signed....

Jeff told people, mere weeks before George's excommunication that "David didn't beat Judy."

He gave a sham repentance, under duress in Jan of '03.

He is now calling documented facts, such as how he lied about David's abuse of his family,  "Gossip."

He hasn't repented of the repentence of his repentence. 

He's a confused, treacherous liar.

But I repeat myself, there's nothing more to say.


I have a few friends who make no bones about the fact that they despise religion.
We have very animated discussions about the nature of truth and whait it is really possible to know.
they are not by an means godly folk, but you know what? I respect them. They make no pretensions about who they are and what the believe.
The most revolting thing on the face of God's earth, is a religious hypocrite, who engages in destructive conduct, then employs all sorts of pseudo-religious double-speak to try and justify what is clearly catastrophic moral failure.
These things ought not to be. But you are right Brent, what more is there to say... Cry
« Last Edit: May 18, 2005, 02:09:10 am by VerneCarty » Logged
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