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Author Topic: Are full names safe on the internet??  (Read 6275 times)
Silly Brent

« on: February 09, 2003, 12:22:02 am »


I don't know of _anywhere_ on the internet that it is safe to give your full name for all to see.  In fact, billboards, chat rooms, messenger services, etc, rarely have people using their full names to post, talk, or even email...they generally have special names like "fred42" or "armyboy91" Do you really wish to put everyone in danger by forcing them to use their full, real names on your billboard???  If they want to, fine, but come you not have some common internet sense?!?

You could consider this billboard a "safe haven", but we all know that nothing on the internet is safe, dude!  We all talk about being in "light", but I have never seen a billboard so adament about that concept, Christian or not.  When we're talking to the world, plastering our names all over that walking in light or walking in silliness/foolishness in light of the realities that the internet have brought into our lives, our kids, our world!  Let's be post-moderns, baby!!!


« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2003, 12:56:49 am »

Are you the bro.ther from one of the W. Coast Gef.takys ass.emblies who not only doesn't give his name in his pra.yer request emails but puts a "." in all the words that might be considered to have rel.igious or Chris.tian connotation?

By your tone,  I don't really think you are but you sound just as paranoidcautious.  The idea is that an anonymous poster can make any ludicrous statement he/she wants making intelligent response often nearly impossible.  The Word of God has called us to be courageous.  I wonder just what kind of danger I'm really in by stating my name here?

I guess if you want to remain anonymous you'll just have to do it somewhere else on the Web.  Huh

« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2003, 01:16:46 am »

Let's think about this, what am I risking, except for the fact that it is now known that a person named Karen Sanford exists somewhere out there?

My social security number isn't on here.  No mother's maiden name.  I have never posted my address or phone number.  My profile states that I live in a huge metropolitan region in which there are likely several Karen Sanfords (one of them is my husband's cousin).  My work email is up for all to see, but guess what?  I don't even technically work there--my office is at home.  

No, I don't really have much to fear.  I guess if I did, I could say that my name was Karen Smith, and who would know the difference?  But you didn't get that idea from me.  Wink

The only thing I can imagine fearing when putting one's full name on this board is being exposed to those that know us.  Hmmm....

PS-the primary reason that people have "handles" and not real names is likely because of people with the same name.  This website is small enough that it probably won't be an issue.

Edited in later:

BTW, this is Brent and Brian's website, with their rules.  If you don't like the rules, go somewhere else or start your own forum.  These rules wouldn't be in place if it wasn't for people like "Silly Brent", whose ID will likely be deleted today anyway.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2003, 01:18:59 am by Karen Sanford » Logged

« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2003, 04:13:23 am »

And this is so true   Undecided

BTW, this is Brent and Brian's website, with their rules.  If you don't like the rules, go somewhere else or start your own forum.  
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2003, 05:05:23 am »


I deleted silly brent as soon as I saw it.

Also, this forum was wide open and free until Thursday, when some Assembly folk ruined it for everyone else.  I have been getting heat for being too open and not censoring things for months, and now some idiots  (that's you silly) want to accuse me of not having "internet common sense!"

If you go over to the "voice," or to's BB, you have to register and use your real name.  furthermore, they deleted posts that didn't look "good example enough,"  and yet you are calling me names?

If you aren't brave enough to use your real name, you should be ashamed of yourself.  If you have to hide the fact that you are on this BB, then you are in bondage.  

Really it is quite pathetic.

All you Assembly people have an opportunity.  You now know what and who you have been following, and you are now free to get out and follow Christ.  Yes, it is true that some groups could be "reformed," and continue to meet.  But this will only occur in the gatherings where the old leader step down, and really mean it.

If you choose to stay, and follow a Geftakys, or one of their servants, you will plunge yourself into deep darkness, and may not get an opportunity to be free for many years, if ever.

What is happening right now is that God's people are being set free.  At the same time, a small cult is forming, made up of people who are willing to follow charlatans, frauds, immoral and perverted men.

It won't be too much longer, and I will be done with my work.  The Lord will release me from this task, and will give some of you over to a depraved mind.  You are already suppressing the truth in unrighteousness, and are calling good evil, and evil good.   Woe unto you, who do this.

Seriously, it won't take long before some of you are on the evening news because of some bizzarre cult behavior.

If you think I am kidding, or being dramatic, just remember I said this.

I have two more gators to kill, and then you are on your own.  Oh yes, I know,  "Brent, we are following Christ.  We don't need you.  (I agree)  You think you are so important." (no, I really don't) blah blah

The simple fact is this.  God has moved powerfully to topple George's house.  It happened in a moment, and each of  you knows in your heart that things were not wholesome.

Yet, with some of you, especially "leaders,"  your pride is too great to allow you to walk away.  You can't admit what you know to be true, that you followed a fraud and seared your consciences with a hot iron.

I can't stop you from forming a cult, and God won't either.  You are free to do so at your own peril.

In only a few weeks, all of His people will be saved from Geftakys.  To those who choose to stay and follow George, Tim, Testa, McCallister, McCarthy, Zach and any others,  to you I say Good Riddance!


« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2003, 05:39:40 am »


I will just say that i am in your corner on this one.  Albeit i am hesitant to jump to the automatic conclusion that the perpetrators are current assembly members, I believe you are absolutely correct in your judgements.  The individuals who choose to ruin all possibility of their inquiries being seriously considered by lacing them with insults and putting them forth in a manner which responsibility can not be attributed, are sad creatures. This is not the place for such meanderings.

Brent, getting flames due to any decision you make comes with the territory of being an admin - you can not please everybody.  Your job is to run this board, culture a living web community, and to keep the peace.  If by removing anon posts, your job is accomplished, stand by your decision.  I know of a better solution than this (PM me if you are interested), but I respect your authority as owner of this site, and chime in with my fellow poster "if you dont like it, leave".  So people, stop giving Brent a hard rap for doing his job.

Now, as for GB.  I am the admin there, and can speak for it.  Unlike this board (as far as i can tell) GB exists for a sole purpose - the encouragement of Teenagers thru testimonies of their peers.  If something posted does not fit this, I have no problem deleting the post.  Mind you, this forum is quite a bit different than what we have there, but the same idea that the admin holds all the cards still stands.  You should be thankful that he is expending his time and energy into this consideration instead of complaining.  If you do have a concern, address Brent in a PM and i am sure he will take it under consideration.

I also agree that those people who post harse comments while not ID'ing themselves are pathetic.  If you have something to hide, you have greater concerns in your life than to be messing with people on a random net forum.  Go to forums and try that there - if you think that people are nasty here with the flames, you have seen nothing.  

Also, this forum was wide open and free until Thursday, when some Assembly folk ruined it for everyone else.  I have been getting heat for being too open and not censoring things for months, and now some idiots  (that's you silly) want to accuse me of not having "internet common sense!"

If you go over to the "voice," or to's BB, you have to register and use your real name.  furthermore, they deleted posts that didn't look "good example enough,"  and yet you are calling me names?

If you aren't brave enough to use your real name, you should be ashamed of yourself.  If you have to hide the fact that you are on this BB, then you are in bondage.  

Really it is quite pathetic.
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