Please do not post on this thread unless you are a dog lover. This thread is exclusively
for dog lovers, and all cat lovers, and lovers of other pets are asked to please not post.
Dogs are better than cats, in fact, cats absolutely suck in my opinion. I know because I
have stated this, you are tempted to post, but again, the Title of this thread is "For Dog Lovers
Only" so please obey the rules. The Skeptics have their own thread, and we dog lovers
want the same. Cats suck, turtles suck, tropical fish suck, lizards suck, snakes suck, parakeets
suck---believe me, the only good pet is a dog.
I'd like to hear your opinion on this---BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE A DOG LOVER.
What if you are both a dog lover and a cat lover.?
I own both a dog and a cat.
My dog is 10 year old border collie lab, and she is a big baby.
I cant go down the street, without saying hello to what ever dog I come across, I have to pet them and talk to them, even before I talk to their owner.
I rather not say owner when it comes to dog/cats because I believe these four footed are family members. I rather say animal parent.
SO do I qualify for your dog lover thread.
I also worked in a animal hospital about 10 years ago. I used to watch shows like Good Dog, and the Dog agility races on stations that offered this type of information.
I even get a Dog magazine once in a while. I even get a birthday Card from pet food company when we sent in a coupon when she was a puppy.
I share my single bed with an 90 lb dog. SO can I qualify to come on once in awhile and share some dog lovers experiences.