That'th a good quethtion Marthia, how long is the thong, thoap, thoap, thoap, thoap, thoap?Thpeaking of haunted houtheth, if anyone ith interethted, I have a genuine "Cathper the friendly
ghotht" autograph for thale. You can have it for a meathley five hundred dollarth. Let me know before I put it on E-bay.
thankth, Thkippy
Dear Thkippy,
Thank you for athking. The correct anthwer ith 5 barth.
Thpeaking of afghanth, I heard another one potht 9/11. Did you hear about the old woman who wath not allowed to take her knitting needleth on the plane? Thhe wath knitting an afghan.
Moonie, at leatht David'th afghanth are not thread bare eh??