David, I have been thinking about that very issue myself. It seemed like my life had meaning and purpose there for a time. I was learning and growing and getting to know the Lord. Every detail of life was important and somehow related to what God was doing in my life--i.e. sanctification. Now, everything seems kinda boring, insignificant, and without meaning. I have been wondering if it is either:
1. I have lost spiritual desire and need to repent and be broken some more and get a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.
2. Maybe this is just what life is like. Go to work, punch in my time card, eat, drink, sleep, watch movies, play video games, occasionally go to church and get a nice thought or two out of the message and enjoy the company of nice people.
Well, what is it? Anyone have the answer. Of course you do. Some of you guys have all the answers. Ok, I mean what do you guys really think, not caring about looking good or respectable in your answers.
disclaimer: I'm just throwing out some thoughts here, I don't always think like this, I just want to get some conversation started on these questions of which I am mildly curious, so don't jump on my back and say "Oh you shouldn't be this or that" and get all bent out of the shape. Rational people only please.