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Author Topic: What things would you change in "new" gatherings of "old" Assemblies?  (Read 7835 times)
Will Jones

« on: May 09, 2003, 02:23:19 pm »

There are some former Assembly gatherings that have disbanded, but there are others that have decided to re-evaluate what they believe and practice and are seeking God as to what they should do.  Some gatherings are sticking together as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and desire to have Jesus as Head of the Church rather than the dethroned George.  However, old habits are not easy to break and the spirit of the old Assembly belief system will not be easy to shake.  But with God all things are possible!  

What advice would you give those gatherings who no longer accept George as an elder but still wish to gather together in a similar manner?  What specific things would you suggest they change or implement?
Joe Sperling

« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2003, 08:10:40 pm »

I'd have the brothers wear the head coverings, and the
sisters wear tight fitting jeans. Grin

« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2003, 10:13:27 pm »

I would bring back Brother George for a one day open air preaching stint, dress him in Red, and have him open air preach in the Crips section of Watts.

That would be quite a slide show wouldn't it???
al Hartman

« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2003, 11:48:18 am »

     Assuming that the question is in earnest, the reply must be qualified:  No two assemblies are alike.  Different people, different circumstances, different degrees of deception.
     Fundamentally, Verne has the solution:  The assembly must invite and attend to the ministry of godly men (and godly women).  There must be a manifest clarity of the completed work of Jesus Christ, and its meaning to every believer;  what God's grace has provided for us all and how we may partake of it.  Further, there must be demonstrated an understanding of the nature of, responsibility for, and limitations upon leadership.
     The implementation of these things will vary at each location.  An earnest seeking of God's leading will discover His plan.  There must also be a willingness to disband if He so desires.
     The birth of a new assembly where none was before requires the greatest of humility.  The recovery of one tainted with corruption requires greater still.
     As Will has stated, with God all things are possible, but that doesn't make all things likely.  Proceed humbly and with great caution...
     It is not about finding the correct format, but about learning Christ and knowing the mind of God.

al Hartman
Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2003, 10:25:18 pm »

I would suggest that they go to a local gathering of Christians and find a pastor who is not only qualified to shepherd the flock, but who is also part of a larger organization where there is accountability for all aspects-what is taught, where the money goes, etc.  The Assembly leading brothers need to lose the title and sit back and be blessed by sound doctrine.

I would also suggest that they take a name for themselves. so that other believers would feel more comfortable going there.  I know for me, it was a constant hassle to invite girls from the campus to worship, and have to explain to them that we are not part of an organization, that we just call ourselves Christians.  "But, what is your name?"  "Christians."  It's a little too cult-like for most people.

And don't forget-PAY THE TAXES!!! Shocked
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2003, 12:34:19 am »

          It is not about finding the correct format, but about learning Christ and knowing the mind of God.

al Hartman


You hit the nail on the head.   The "pattern," is not a format, organized liturgy, schedule or anything else.  It is Christ.  The main component of a "pattern," is freedom.  If Jesus is the center, the pattern will glorify Him, regardless of how it falls into line with Darby, Nee, Govett, Luther, or any other.

Personally, I hope at least one or two Assemblies make it, and get to a point where they can testify to God's great deliverance in their midst.  However, I really don't expect this to happen.  The one's that continue past this year will be the ones that are even darker than before.  Let's pray that I am very wrong on this.

David Mauldin
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2003, 12:54:19 am »

Take it one step farther, No religion is superior to another, We are all finite beings with limited resource and understanding. (No mater what our "holy" writings say) The ideals of all healthy people (and most religions) are to transcend our animal nature.  Admit it! You all have met people who are not Christian yet posses the teachings of Christ to a much greater degree than the majority of those who proffess faith in Christ! The truth is, we are all in the same boat! We need to look at all humanity, all faiths, all races, sexual orientations as equal. This is the truth!
al Hartman

« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2003, 01:47:21 am »


     i know you want to believe what you have stated in your last post.  It would thoroughly justify the way you feel about all you have been through.  i have been there & felt that way myself.
     But how we feel, no matter how deep and sincere our feelings may be, cannot define nor interpret reality.
     The reality is that, while "Christendom" incorporates a number of religions, true Christianity is not a religion, but a one-on-one personal relationship with the only true and living God.  Can i prove that to you?  No, because that relationship is established upon faith, which is both the substance and the evidence of all that Christians believe.
     But you can prove it to yourself:  Read the promises of God throughout the Bible, and His Holy Spirit will make known to you the truth of what you read.  You may tell yourself that we are all self-deluded or self-hypnotized or whatever you choose to explain away the Son of God, but your heart will betray your mind by responding within you to the words of truth.

     This thread is about the assemblies, and the assermblies are about Jesus Christ.  Nobody here is interested in turning our gatherings into social service clubs for the convenience of those who are fleeing from God.

     We love you, David, and are standing by you, praying and awaiting your return to Christ's fold.

al Hartman

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