Ok, sorry for being a little patronizing (or pattonizing?
I must say that I don't really trust governments because...well, they are run by people. And we know what happens when people get power.
But in answer to your question: "...then why hasn't Bush turned it over to the U.N.?"
I would say two reasons.
1. The UN was opposed to the US going into Iraq. Now that the US has quickly gotten the victory, the UN has NO BUSINESS thinking they can just waltz in and share in the kudos. I'd say since the US pay the sweat and blood, they should call the shots. The UN can keep their noses out of it, just like they did b/f the war began.
2. You can't trust the UN. They are corrupt to the hilt.
Oh by the way do you realize that under Saddams government women had the right to wear western clothing? Get an education? Hold down a job? A tremendous contrast to the nations around Iraq. It doesn't justify the wrongs he did I just think its interesting.
If you read the articles about what went on over there, I don't think you'd find it interesting. Things like that aren't interesting when Hitler is in power and your neighbors get taken in the night by secret police so that they can collect 10 bucks for bringing them in and 40 bucks for a confession.
America being an imperial power. Interesting. Maybe it will happen, who knows. I doubt it. Even it did happen, it would fall. There always is a rise and a fall. It looks to me like it's rather on the fall--no more gold standard, slaughter of the innocents (abortion) and homosexuality is openly embraced and practised. Looks like a Sodom-like judgement is due. Yet there are still people who pray in the country so I guess that is staying God's hand.
"What if there are 10 righteous Lord? Far be it from you to sweep away the righteous with the unrighteous."