Yes I also agree with AL and Becky Arthur!
You may think that when I say your story moved me deeply I was just trying to sound encouraging. Though I do hope to encourage former Assemblyites here I was giving a honest response to your Assembly story.
We all have different contributions to make, but by far the most valuable contributions are from those who bare their souls and relive the pain of their Assembly involvement for others to read.
As I've said before, I have been on other websites that cater to former cult members and these honest stories are like a hand from heaven to those who think they are very alone in their suffering. I can talk about grace, the love of God, etc. but their are some that just can't receive any kind of Biblical instruction by itself. Like Karey said,"she needed to see the love of God with skin on it".
Arthur, your honest questioning, with all your doubts, minister to those who are feeling this same way; because you want to believe (and believe the best you know how) but lay bare for us your struggles. From this I learn it is okay to be honest and that I'm not "losing the inheritance" or going crazy, because there are others who are going through the same things that I am.
I know I repeat myself on this often, but I think it is important, Jesus' ministry worked through real people who were broken under a false religious system. These same broken twigs and burning flax have been preserved for us as demonstrations of the glory of God working in fallen man. Who was more important? Peter the preacher or Peter the failed and recovered disciple? What displayed the greatest ministry to the world? What Peter said about salvation through Christ was true and most necessary, but what we see in Peter through the sharing of his story puts skin on the teaching of being a Christian and tells us much more of how that grace actually works in our lives!
Arthur, and many others here, I believe your stories are demonstrations of God's working in real lives and that these stories will be preserved for eternity!
God Bless, Mark C.