Happy New Year to all here.
You've been in my thoughts, believe it or not.
Here's a poem for y'all:
"Lawrence Is Watching"
OK all you hipster wanna-be's
Lawrence is watching now -
yeah I do mean Ferlinghetti -
ready to make you out
the fool you are or make you
a new icon in the bookstore
that he's running
beyond all city lights.
What he said. How Christ was
crucified on a Cadillac tree.
But write it now how
Jesus was a honeybee
who found a new stash of clover
who flew back to the hive
who did his crazy dance
at the walls of Jerusalem
to tell us wanna-be's about it
Note: it is important when reading this poem to know the following.
It is an established biological fact that when a honeybee finds a new field of clover or other suitable flower, the bee will fly back to the hive and actually do a complicated "dance" on the wall of the hive to indicate to the other bees the general direction and distance of the field of flowers.
Also, some of you may not be aware that Lawrence Ferlinghetti was a famous "beat" poet of the 1950's-60's who ran a bookstore in SanFrancisco called "City Lights" and actually did write a poem containing the line "Christ was crucified on a Cadillac tree".
PS to Stephen Fortescue - if you are willing to do some contract math work on a problem I know you can tackle (working WITH a guy in the SanFrancisco area), please email me at
dhalitsky@cumulativeinquiry.com with your hourly rate. I will also pay for dinner so you and he can chat in depth.