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Author Topic: Another Abused Wife Comes Out of the Closet  (Read 61475 times)

« Reply #60 on: February 05, 2003, 03:56:31 am »

Again the "system" and it's horrendous effects.

The sisters should be able to fix their hair, wear make up and even, can I say it, color their toe nails! There, I've said it. But it looks good. It's hygienic and maybe even a little alluring. Whoa! Now I've gone too far!

But the system (especially Betty's influences) has all kinds of terrible effects and the sisters have a lot of unlearning to do. With the help of bold, courageous ones like you, Rachel, and brothers who are real men,  it'll happen however slowly.
Scott McCumber

« Reply #61 on: February 05, 2003, 04:10:19 am »


A few years ago I was involved with a group that established a shelter for abused women and children in my home town.

One of the most important things they did was to be available to women who needed to get out of their situation but were afraid to leave.

It is one thing to encourage an abused woman to leave her situation and another to help her - as you are more aware than most of us.

I propose something along these lines: That several of the women who post on this board, particularly on the west coast, who have left fellowship and are NOT in an abusive situation, make it well known through this board and other mediums that they will, at the drop of a hat, come to any woman who needs help.

That help could run the gamut from just being willing to listen or to actually go to the woman and help her leave her situation.

Just a thought that might be worth fleshing out. Any takers?


« Reply #62 on: February 05, 2003, 04:28:39 am »

I have two relatives who are rape and abuse counselors as well as other friends who are agents of the State of California in a variety of occupations.  I will get all the information I possibly can by Thursday and make it available in the meeting as well as posting here.
Scott McCumber

« Reply #63 on: February 05, 2003, 04:37:03 am »

Toni (it's Toni, right?),

Thank you for getting the ball rolling. Love is a verb, right? Love needs feet to get moving!

I don't know most of the women who are posting here as I "left fellowship" long ago and am from the Midwest, but maybe you know them well enough to contact them via email or message.

I think practical applications of Christ's love are more important than a lot of the things we posters do here. And I'm sure there is at least one sister out there in a bad situation who is just waiting for practical help.

Anyway, as this takes shape, I am more and more out of my depth and will step aside and let you sisters take over.

I will fly out from Florida though if you REALLY need me! Grin


« Reply #64 on: February 05, 2003, 04:43:57 am »

While on any given day it would give me great joy to fly the flag of a sister in Christ, alas I'm a brother, spelled Tony - Anthony!

Just the same I'm getting the information and won't be embarassed doing it!
Scott McCumber

« Reply #65 on: February 05, 2003, 04:47:26 am »

DOH! Embarrassed

You go, girl! I mean, you go . . .

Shoot. You know what I mean, bro!
Susan McCarthy

« Reply #66 on: February 05, 2003, 04:58:14 am »

Scott, any sister who is hurting can email me and I will call them at my expense at their convenience, as well as assist in any way I can.  Thank you, dear brothers, who are taking an active role in praying, posting, and offering practical help!

I am looking forward to reading the information on professional help/shelters for abused women.  Thanks-

I also encourage people to contact Connie Wellik in Ventura, (an ex-assembly member) who posted on this website just this week. She has done this sort of counseling for years.  She has offered to help. Connie is a godly and compassionate person (and happily married) who will give practical and God-honoring counsel.

If fear is an issue for you (as it was for me), post as a guest just so we can pray for you and encourage you.  You are not alone.  

And now, I have to sign off and paint my toenails!  :-)

« Reply #67 on: February 05, 2003, 05:16:10 am »

Any woman that feels in danger but doesn't know what to do is more then welcome to email me.  I check my mail very regularily. (Several times a day.)  I am willing to call them at my expense to just talk, if that is what they want or direct them to where they can go and what they can do if they need safety.  I know of a number of reasources in LA and a couple nation wide, because of research I have done on the behalf of my mother.  I am willing to be of any help I can.  Just contact me and we can go from there.  Or contact Susan or Connie.  There is real help and safety for any in danger.  There is real help in healing.  There is hope for the future no matter where you are now.

Added type of abuse:  preventing or dismissing the need for medical care of any kind including regular gyn/ob visits or prenatal visits.  No one should ever be more then a couple weeks into a pregnancy without getting to a doctor.  Money is not a legitimate excuse as there are free services.  Lack of symptoms of a problem, is not a legitmate excuse for not seeing the doctor.  Number of previous pregnancies is actually a reason to see a doctor earlier as anything over 3 - 5 pregnancies (depending on the age of the mother) is considered of higher risk for problems both the mother and the baby.  Actually there is no legitimate excuse for not seeing a doctor by the first or second month of pregnancy or within 6 weeks postpartum.  

« Reply #68 on: February 05, 2003, 07:35:36 am »

I didn't know if it was necessary to post this, but I thought, "just in case..."

Any woman in the Seattle area who needs help may contact me, twenty four hours a day.  I drive all over the region daily and can talk with you on your terms and at my expense.  I have no children and can easily accommodate you in my home until more permanent help can be secured.  

My email is available with my profile and my private contact numbers can be obtained from Brent and Suzie Tr0ckman.

Life is too short and too beautiful to live in fear!
Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #69 on: February 05, 2003, 07:39:43 am »

I am also available to anybody.  I am home all day.  e-mail me for contact phone numbers.  There is no reason NOT to get help!  There are many of us available.  I am in the Los Angeles area.

« Reply #70 on: February 05, 2003, 09:38:40 am »

Okay, my two cents as well - If there are any women in StL who need an outside shoulder to cry on, I'm available as well.  I would also be willing to walk through any of the books I recommended with you if you'd like.  I'm no counselor, that's for sure, but I'm a sister!


« Reply #71 on: February 05, 2003, 01:48:04 pm »

Unfortunately, I do not think many of the abused are allowed to read this web-site, but we can pray....
Nate Dogg

« Reply #72 on: February 05, 2003, 08:17:30 pm »

For those in the Seattle area, another good resource is the Center For the Prevention of Sexual and Domestic Violence-- I believe its run by a woman named Marie Fortune.

« Reply #73 on: February 06, 2003, 07:20:49 am »

I think it is a shame that so many of us, because of our "assembly speak and our assembly protocol", failed to ask the right questions in the right way with the right spirit to ascertain the abuse that was going on- not only with these sisters, but with the young people as well.

« Reply #74 on: February 06, 2003, 07:24:17 am »


nate doesn't give a f_


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