Hi Clarence,
I'm running a few days behind on this thread & just read your excellent post. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Here are a few of mine, in response to your request for thoughts:
I am still a Christian, and I still want to live as a witness in the world. But the thing I really need help with is getting past the issues which, I believe, are common to many of us. For instance, I still have dreams about the Assembly - and I've been out for two and a half years! In a recent dream I had I was yelling at the leaders. How does one get past that?
After being out for over 25 years, I still have an occasional assembly dream, but they have become pretty few and far between. In my case, I think a key factor is something Tom touched on somewhere recently, when he pointed out that George appealed to weaknesses we already had. George & my late father had many traits in common, even though dad was unreligious. In my dreams they are actually sometimes interchangeable.
As for getting past such dreams, I have found a solution in prayer. Whenever I have a troubling dream of any kind, I take it to the Lord: I tell Him that I know it could only have come to me because He allowed it. I ask Him to show me the dream's purpose, OR to help me simply get over it, AND to help me be satisfied with either result. Sometimes I actually learn something from the dream, but most often I am able to simply let it go as I learn to trust Him with my mental well-being.
Here's another one: As Christians, we are supposed to be in submission to the Scriptures. Yet when I read certain passages, a flood of negative flashbacks washes over me. Does anyone have experience in dealing with that?
Initially, I had this reaction to the whole Bible; later with just certain passages or themes. In recent years I have realized that I had to decide whether or not to recognize the Bible
in its entirety as God's inspired Word. Having made what I am certain is the right decision, I now deal with my reaction issues in a similar manner to the way I deal with the dreams. I pray, asking Him to teach me to trust Him when I have these reactions, to help me differentiate between my emotional kneejerks and the influence of His Spirit. He does.
Or how about this: the Bible says we are to forgive those who wrong us. Has anyone been able to do that with former Assembly abusers? I'm not talking about giving these people the title deed to your possessions. But I am talking about releasing these people in such a way that you can get on with your life.
This one has come much easier for me because of the scriptural perspective of Mt.5:44; Lk.6:27-28; Rom.12:14, 17-21; Jas.1:2-4; 1Pet.4:12-14; etc. Now, I don't pretend that this came, or comes, easily-- it does not. But, believing that if God instructs it, then it must be both possible and practicable, I pray for understanding and guidance as each situation arises.
As for praying for those who abuse me, I am generally clueless as to what God wants to do in their lives, so it's pretty much a matter of just asking Him to do it (whatever
it may be) and believing that He will take it from there & will convict me if more is required of me.
Here's another one: how to handle relationships, especially in church, in a post-Assembly world.
This one probably varies widely, according to our individual personalities. For me, it has been the adoption of the X-Files theme: "Trust no one." On its surface, this may sound very cold, skeptical and negative, but I see it more in light of the old familiar song, "...I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name. On Christ the solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand..." That is to say that I don't look suspiciously at everyone-- I'm simply learning (and praying to learn) that in
every situation my only safety is in trusting and looking to Christ. Unless I acknowledge Him as sovereign in every area of my life and commit all my relationships to Him, how can I expect to succeed in any kind of relationship?
And here's a final question: What are we all doing now with our lives?
As you may know, I am retired, but my wife is still working. We have four grown children and four grandchildren, none of whom we see very often, chiefly due to distance & finances. God has graciously placed us in a wonderful church, where we are growing and helping others to grow. Nothing goes on in our lives that is likely to show up on the six o'clock news, but we find plenty to pray about and are learning to live what we consider "normal" (as opposed to "average") lives.
God bless,