I remember when Google (GOOG) went public. I believe it opened at $80. I watched in disbelief as it went to a hundred, then 2 hundred, then 3 WOW!!! This is gonna fall! 4 Hundred!!!! I just couldn't believe it! Why didn't I get in? Last November I started watching Hansens (HANS) at $80. It started to climb. $90, $100, $150 WOW! $200 Again I just kept kicking myself, "I shoulda", "I shoulda" but then I bought MA Mastercard. It went public three months ago at $45. I bought $5 grand.It has been climbing steadily and is almost 50% increase. So last week I put all my chips on it! Hows bout it guys??? Did ya take my advize?
Yes!!!!! Could it be the next Google?