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Author Topic: The Assembly experience: Were there any good things you DID?  (Read 68351 times)

« Reply #120 on: November 25, 2007, 08:47:18 pm »

..Reformed persuasion..Their teaching that there is no such thing as a carnal Christian..


Tom Maddux

If so, everyone else was spiritual throughout your churches except for the few perhaps, unsaved?

And if so, case closed.  Leverage 100% of everything of the saved.


Perhaps the Reformed would say no one stays carnal.
Thus, none of the truly regenerate die carnal.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2007, 09:04:06 pm by trac4yt » Logged

« Reply #121 on: November 25, 2007, 10:56:20 pm »


  Would you mind answering some questions for me?  First, is Tracy you real name, or if it is not would it bother you to share it?

 Can you tell me something of your background (just general info. re. your church affiliation, and what your Christian experiences have been)?

 How did you find your way to this particular BB and why do you find it interesting?

Have you had any previous dealings with cults or abusive churches?  If so, how were you involved?

Has the church you presently attend have/had problems like you hear discussed on this BB?

                                                                        God Bless,  Mark C.
trac4yt = "trac for youtube" = someone with a lot of time on their hands and/or retired.

Someone else can take it from here, if interested......
Mark C.

« Reply #122 on: November 26, 2007, 02:28:00 am »

 Dear Mr./Ms./? Trac4.,

  The "ponderings" re. the issue of the word "Master" was not an academic question, rather you are being asked personally "who is your Master?"  I suspect that you know this, but for some reason enjoy keeping us guessing as to your true identity.

  You have provided some hints, which I assume are meant to involve us in a kind of on-line guessing game, but you, having started this 'hide-and-seek', will have to play along and tell us if we are getting close or not. 

 First I will list some of the known clues---others can follow with more and with their own guesses.


1.) Likes to offer authoritative Christian advice to former members of a group he knows nothing about.

2.) Assumes that the quantity of religious activity (bible reading, praying, etc.) equals involvement in God's will.

3.) Believes that what a church preaches from the pulpit (within an orthodox accuracy of between 80-100%) is all that counts.  How church leaders/members behave is meaningless and won't block God's blessings to that group.

4.) Really enjoys making math calc's and seems to be good with computer technology.

5.) Is very good at avoiding questions asked and in turning the whole issue around so that the questioner becomes the object of an exhortation such as his scolding toward me to "be a blessing."

6.) Posted a video clip of Loretta Lynn the Queen of country music! (this is a huge positive in my view) Wink

7.) Defends leaders of religious groups without knowing anything about who they are or what they've done; nor is he interested in learning the truth re. them.  Leans strongly toward making excuses for them-- even when it comes to covering-up child abuse, wife beating, etc.

   Okay, I'm sure we can come up with more, but there are enough here for us to make some pretty good guesses.

   Trac4. is a math professor, who also holds a minor degree in computer science.  He was a leader in the now mostly defunct Witness Lee movement known as the Local Church (this would explain his rather odd spiritualized view where hearing and speaking God's word alone accounts for God's working in a church.  It would also explain his desire to defend evil religious leaders). 

   Only God truly knows "who his Master is", but the Master did say that those who operate in the darkness (hiding their true identity and motives) are not involved in the Master's business.  I know there are a few who post here under a pseudonym, and there may be good reasons for this, but these other posters engage in honest conversation vs. the occasional drive-by shot from the dark that Mr. Trac. does. 

  He is old enough to know who Loretta Lynn is and his appreciation of her talent probably means that during the summer (when he wasn't teaching) he drove cross country as a truck driver.  This would also seem to fit with his style of anon. poster, as he probably talked on the CB radio using a handle such as, "Trac4yusmoky", which in this role he would warn other drivers on the location of speed traps! Wink

  In my opinion, if this last paragraph is true, he is a worthy person of great value and has earned my great respect as a result! Grin :rofl:

                                                God Bless,  Mark C. 
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 02:42:44 am by Mark C. » Logged

« Reply #123 on: November 26, 2007, 03:03:29 am »

The abuse and smear and misrepresentation I am enduring is crushing..

..but I'll survive...barely. Wink

Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, [and] called: (Jude 1:1)

From m.c...
6.) Posted a video clip of Loretta Lynn the Queen of country music! (this is a huge positive in my view)

Thanks m.c. for the appreciation.  Smiley

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1Co 15:58)


« Reply #124 on: November 26, 2007, 03:30:30 am »

The .....misrepresentation I am enduring is crushing..
Why then don't you represent yourself in the appropriate way of introduction, rather than game-playing?

ALL: Do a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle on trac4yt......................
« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 03:41:50 am by moonflower » Logged

« Reply #125 on: November 26, 2007, 04:05:52 am »

ALL: Do a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle on trac4yt......................


Join in the battle within the google realms....more Christians needed!  Smiley

(Even the Gospel in German)

May the Lord use you.


« Reply #126 on: November 26, 2007, 08:14:56 am »

ALL: Do a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle on trac4yt......................
Okay... But really... Who has time for all that?

Either someone has something of substance to contribute to a debate or argument, or they don't.  Those who could, but don't - either due to laziness or pride or some such factor - often resort to semi-random interjections of intellectual development, with the intention of drawing attention to themselves and their cause, or simply to derail the current discussion for their own entertainment.

As I read through this thread, it is obvious to me that, for instance, both Tom M. and Mark C. have deep ideas and thoughts which will be brought to light through healthy discourse, and the goal for them both is an arrival to true truth, and an arrival to unity.  They may never agree on everything, but the purpose and goal of the discussion is resolution.  This, hopefully, is true of every discussion on this BB.

But Trac4 appears to be here for a different purpose.  Friends, have you argued with an atheist lately?  They are often very skilled at debate, often well read in philosophy.  But their arguments are from the mind, not the heart.  They are thus limited in their ability to grasp transcendent concepts, raw logic being their only resource.  Discussions quickly degenerate into rapid quips of sarcasm.  It is a trap I have fallen into in the past, and I can't escape the impression that Trac4 is stuck in this trap as well.

Good humor and playful intrigue are fine amongst friends, so it is now time for Trac4 to establish him/herself as a friend.  Until he or she voluntarily opens his or her heart to us, we should not waste our time.  Let us instead leave our time and thought energy available for our higher purpose and calling in Christ Jesus.

If I sound like a stodgy old geezer, well, all I can say is, "Experience can sometimes take the fun out of the frivolous."

« Reply #127 on: November 26, 2007, 08:55:59 am »

Since I do not have high-speed internet, the you-tube videos are inaccessible to me.  So, I have made some observations regarding trac4yt based on the words of his postings. 

1)  About a month ago, I observed that much of his postings were mockings and ridicules of the claims made on this bb.  In all of his postings it is hard to find anything that is an actual contribution to any thread on which he is posting. 

2)  On November 24th he gave an extremely large number of references to illustrate one point. 

3)  The references do not adequately illustrate the point; but in his mind they do.

4)  The extremely large number of references to illustrate this point come from many different sections of the Bible.

5)  He uses a number of other translations to back up the point he is making and to give credibility to his point.  However, he still does not succeed in making his point.

6)  The verses he gives insinuate a specific direction of thought, without him actually stating it.

7)  In this recent large number of references, almost all the verses speak of a servant/master relationship used in a wide range of contexts.  Some examples of the master are Abraham, Potipher, Saul, Nabal, an Amalekite, King of Assyria, God and Jesus.  Some verses do not mention the name of a particular master but exhort the servant to honour and respect their master.

    However, in the middle of his list are a couple of verses that do not seem to belong.  They are Daniel 1:3; 4:9; and 5:11. 

Daniel 4:9 reads: "O Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, since I know that a spirit of the holy gods is in you and no mystery baffles you, tell me the visions of my dream which I have seen, along with its interpretation."

Daniel 5:11 reads: "There is a man in your kingdom in whom is a spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of your father, illumination, insight, and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods were found in him. ..."

In summary, all of these obsevations seem very familiar to me.  I feel as if I was back sitting under George's "ministry".  What about the rest of you?



« Reply #128 on: November 26, 2007, 09:38:14 am »


The references on "Master" is a quick and simple reference list of the term in the Bible.  Don't read into it.  Software tools can handle this with ease. 

See if you can get high speed and join us, in "google-land" preaching Jesus Christ.

Eric, you too!  Smiley

..And Mark and Tom.

The Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris and co. folks, etc. ("militant" atheists) are out there and pushing hard with their philosophies all over youtube.

Their intent is nothing less than the elimination of Christianity...
(ex: many of their co. would consider teaching the Bible to young children, "child abuse".)

..and they're fierce about their intents.

Any comments you can provide on these sites will surely be a blessing.

I don't recommend jumping into this particular fray for all believers, especially young ones, because it can get very hot at times.  But for you seasoned ones, and gifted accordingly, you'll learn a lot and make a great addition.

And yes, I'm born-again.  Yes, I'm a trinitarian.
My statement of faith would be found in common with many of you.

Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (2Ti 4:2)

He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. (Re 22:20)

Thank you for permitting my posting at times.
The Lord is good. Smiley

Please continue your interchange concerning your churches.
May God give you wisdom.  Smiley

« Last Edit: November 26, 2007, 09:58:06 am by trac4yt » Logged

« Reply #129 on: November 26, 2007, 01:17:18 pm »

Thanks, trac, for your very clear and friendly response.  I no longer consider interaction with you to be a waste of time.  Wink

I'm glad there are souls like yourself willing to be a force for the gospel in cyberspace.  As long as your purpose is to glorify Christ, may you prosper in all your efforts!

« Reply #130 on: November 26, 2007, 10:10:01 pm »


I googled "Trac4yt".  I got pages and pages of links.  Apparently Trac spends a lot of time on discussion boards relating to videos. 

A question for whoever...why do most of the links lead one to pages where several videos are linked, but the name Trac4yt is not shown?


Just how does one go about following this advice:
See if you can get high speed and join us, in "google-land" preaching Jesus Christ.

Tom Maddux

« Reply #131 on: November 26, 2007, 10:45:11 pm »


Just how does one go about following this advice:
Tom Maddux

It's all free..

1) Go to

2) Create an account.  Pick a username.

3) Once logged in to your new account, you can upload videos or add favorites.
    You can change settings for comment permissions, etc.

4) Search in youtube, in the search box,  for your favorite people, topics (evolution, creation, etc.) or for particular "outreach" potential sites.

5) Note comment sections on videos.

6) Comment for Jesus Christ all the way to the second coming.  Wink
    Welcome to the global mission field!   Smiley


Also, create a free email account in via

..and there's always blogging.


Therefore they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word. (Ac 8:4)


« Reply #132 on: November 27, 2007, 05:25:21 am »

On November 25 trac4yt stated:
“The references on "Master" is a quick and simple reference list of the term in the Bible.  Don't read into it.  Software tools can handle this with ease.”

It is obvious that you used a reference tool and just wrote down references. That wasn’t my point. This was just another diversion tactic of yours to avoid answering the very personal question, “Who is your Master?” Although a number of people on this BB have asked you to answer it, so far you have not done so.

You state that you are born again, that you are Trinitarian and that your statement of faith is similar to ours. Also, you indicate you are actively witnessing for Christ. None of this proves that your Master is our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Some born again Christians don’t live daily for their Saviour; and when these ones preach the gospel, their life contradicts their words. To own Him as both Lord and Saviour is to daily live for Him, in such a way that there is oneness between the message and the life of the messenger.

In your postings on this BB, you have consistently mocked and ridiculed the statements of other Christians made here. This is NOT Christian behaviour! It does not reflect the nature and character of our God, and it is not something He would have endorsed.

The Bible says: “By their fruits you shall know them.” What postings have you made on this BB, that reflects the fruit of the Spirit? If our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is your Master, then I challenge you to prove it by your life, which includes your posting on this BB.

You owe everyone you mocked and ridiculed on this BB an apology. Will you humble yourself and sincerely apologize to them?

Marcia M

« Reply #133 on: November 28, 2007, 01:15:40 am »

Hi Flora,

Looks like everyone's left and converted to you-tube Smiley.

when MarkC first started calling trac4yt Tracy, I googled trac4yt and learned that the yt stood for you-tube.  I do not know who he is but it does look like he has been influenced by Geftakys' ministry.  Nevertheless, you have an interesting perspective.  BBs are always difficult to evaluate motives and tone, since one cannot actually see facial expression.  Hence it is not a good forum to provide extensive counselling either.  It ought to be more a discussion board but has become more of a blog site for MarkC and his supporters.

For me, this BB was good for figuring things out, and for re-connecting with people, but there is a season for everything and the times have changed.

Anyway, I'll talk to you later.
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