Alright, may I ask who is so kindly using my name as their sign in? That would be nice. Thank you.
A Brother in Christ,
Luke Robinson
You may. I am "so kindly," as you put it, using a
concatenated form of your name as a PORTION of my sign in. Please note that I am not technically using "your name," as you put it, as my sign in. Please refer to the following equation for help in this matter:
For the following string variables:
X - "Your FIRST Name"
Y - "Your LAST Name"
Z - "A Word"
signin - "my sign in"
signin = "X" + "Y" + "Z"
my sign looks like this: LUKEROBINSONFAN = "LUKE" + "ROBINSON" + "FAN"
in this case I chose "FAN" as my Z Variable. In english fan may be used as a noun or a verb. I chose to use it as a noun.
As a noun FAN may refer to one of the following:
1. An ardent devotee; an enthusiast. Short for
fanatic.2. A device for creating a current of air or a breeze, especially:
A machine using an electric motor to rotate thin, rigid vanes in order to move air, as for cooling.
A collapsible, usually wedge-shaped device made of a light material such as silk, paper, or plastic.
3. A machine for winnowing.
4. Something resembling an open fan in shape: a peacock's fan.
I used FAN in this case with definition number 1, an ardent devotee. I could have chosen to use the full word "fanatic". That would have looked like this:
In this case I did not want your name associated directly with the word "fanatic," because fanatic tends to have a negative connotation in our society.
Its' shortened form "fan," on the other hand is generally well received in most social circles, depending of course, on what you are a "fan" of.
For instance if you were a "fan" of Saddam Hussein, you would probably be castigated in some manner, even publicly shunned by family and friends. However if you were a fan of Sideshow Bob, you would probably meet with general approval.
You can see of course by the singin equation I have carefully chosen, that I have wide latitude in the sign in names I could have created.
Some possible sign-in names I coud have chosen include, but are not limited to:
I hope this was helpful.