What God Wishes the Assembly Knew about Christianity(Title inspired by Bill Gillham’s book: What God Wishes Christians Knew about Christianity…highly recommended, by the way!)
1. That Abraham received the inheritance by promise
2. That forgiveness is based on the work of Christ
3. That outer-darkness is for demons and the unsaved
4. That Jesus came to remove the heavy burden
5. That the overcomer is one that believes in Christ
6. That there is one glorious rapture when God is ready
7. That people can & should be allowed to grow up
8. That common sense is helpful
9. That a person that lacks patience is not very godly
10. That Jesus was not a hemophiliac (His blood did coagulate before He rose again)
11. That being sick and tired all the time is a sign of being too busy
12. That a church that has to clear nearly every decision with a central command is not autonomous
17. That boasting in what you don’t do turns people off
18. That blindly submitting to leaders is foolish
19. That if someone tells you what the will of God is for you, they may or may not be right
20. That believers don’t all have to do the same things to express unity
21. That God does tell some people to leave the Assemblies
22. That there are carnal Christians in the Assemblies
23. That the Pope is not infallible
24. That some people do glorify God with musical instruments as demonstrated in the book of Revelation
25. That God is trying to save sinners, not scare saints
26. That not owning a TV doesn’t make you godly
27. That God is not upset if you celebrate His Son’s birth
28. That the Holy Spirit is much more motivating than shame and intimidation
29. That we, like Jesus, should have boundaries that keep others from violating our personhood and mission
30. That others should not control any part of me
31. That shepherds care for their flocks
32. That insensitive leaders are not like Christ
Just some thought I put together. What other things have I left out? Love to hear some feedback.