I'm not sure what you are asking and what you mean by "perception is everything," but no, I was raised in a Nazarene Church. Well, my parents were Pentecostals, but I chose to go to a Nazarene Church where my piano teacher went and my parent's dropped me off and picked me up. I was saved through my piano teacher when I was 11 years old and baptized in a muddy river nearby. I left the Lord and the church when I was 17 years old. The guilt drove me nuts. There were no teachings that helped me to know how to walk with God apart from a strict legalism. Of course, I got this at home too.
I told the Lord that if He would give me a way to live a Christian life without the torment, that I would return to Him. He did and I did....through the teachings of the Assembly. My Realtor friend who called me to tell me about her newfound Christian renewal told me about the Assembly. I told her that I just couldn't live it. She said, "that's the good part - He has grace. He can do it for you." I had never heard this before, but I felt that God was calling my promise due. I went out to Oak Park and was simply amazed that so many believers knew the Lord and knew Him well. The love in their midst won me. Good Christians grossed me out, but they loved me and truly cared about me and I knew it. I saw the Lord in them.
p.s. Specific question: What do you mean when you say "perception is everything?"
Well, in answer to your question, many people have different ideas of what normal is. For example, I know a guy who grew up with hippie parents. They lived at The Esalen Institute in Big Sur, CA.
He and his parents went naked most of the time. He grew up with naked people all around him, all the time.
He wears clothes now, and is a decent, ethical person. He is also a massage therapist, and works on naked people all the time. No big deal to him at all.
Contrast that with someone who grew up Amish, or Muslim.
That's what I'm talking about when I said perception is everything.
What I was wondering was something like this.
You came back to God in the Assembly. (so did I). Your previous church experience was negative. (mine was too)
You learned how to walk with The Lord in the Assembly, a good thing.
You left in order to grow more....again, all good.
You mention repeatedly that modern christianity is shallow, or lacking in one way or the other,
your perception of things
might cause you to think the Assembly was good, because it was good for you, in your estimation.
Contrast that with one of the many AK's who have told their story. To them, the Assembly was living hell, and your old Nazarene church would seem like heaven.
Most of us fall somewhere in between. However, if we attempt to look at things objectively, hearing the story from all sides, reading the literature that was put out by George, recalling the things that were said and done, we begin to see a picture, and it's not a pretty one.
CAgirl had it way worse than my kids did. Judy suffered far more than Suzie. George made more money than Jim Heyman...perception is everything. However, inspite of all the blind men feeling something different, they all have their hands on an elephant.
All I'm trying to do by asking this is determine where you are coming from, and get to know you better.
People who don't know me might have a very different impression about who I am if all they knew about me was what they read on the BB here. They may not know that I am up several thousand dollars over the last two weeks from poker, or that my daughter won a county writing award, or that one of my sons is a really good wrestler, etc.
So, I am just trying to get to know you better, because it helps me to understand where you are coming from.