I'd add one more thing; in spite of 'the assembly' system there were those who loved the Lord and showed that love to people like Matt and others, hence Matt has not experienced the 'corruption' that others have experienced.
Hi MGov,
Thank you for this post. I feel the need to clarify a bit of this to fully explain it. I do not deny that I have never been wronged in the assembly. I've sent emails to Brent Tr0ckman and Kim Tobin to explain the few ways I've been wronged. However, I find it is more fruitful to reflect on the positive aspects of the assembly rather than just the negative. Is there anyone here that can deny that they've experienced anything positive in the assembly? There have been a lot of posts about individual wrong doings, so let me give 3 examples about individual positive/encouraging things:
1. I remember that at my first campus conference, I had terrible nightmares the first night in the cabin. I was resolved not to go to any of the lectures the next morning, but, of course, that was difficult to get away with. I did end up going to the first one that morning, but I freaked out in the middle and walked out of the chapel where the lectures were and started on the trail back to the cabins. A canadian brother, Will Plowman, from the Calgary assembly followed me out and we talked for two hours. He did not talk to me about my involvement in the assembly. He did not rebuke me for walking out. Instead, he prayed with me and I told him everything on my mind for an hour or so.
2. Once at lunch outside the hotel where our Sunday meetings were, I got in a shouting match with a brother and then I felt like everyone was against me (paranoia to the max). While everyone else went out for outreach, I stayed behind with the leading bro, Bob Starr, and he prayed with me and calmed me down. I can still remember how concerned he was and his offer to help me in any way he could. Such a gentle man: "And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient" 2 Ti 2:24
"A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger" Prov 15:1
Such a Godly man. Thank you, Lord, for bringing Bob Starr into my life.
3. Once, about 2.5 yrs ago Briant Gibb and I were witnessing at the Mira Mesa mall on Sunday afternoon and we came across these brothers who were about 10 and 8 (I still remember their names, James and Jason..and I can't even remember people I meet last week). They were so interested in what we had to say and they very readily prayed with us and accepted Jesus. I was so happy, praise God! I still think about that incident periodically. Everyone at the assembly was happy to hear about it too during prayer and it did not matter that these boys didn't come with us back to the meeting (that would be kidnapping).
These things might seem insignificant, and you might say, so what? I'm only pointing these out to show that the assembly is/was not an entirely evil place. If anyone else has positive memories of the assembly, I'd like to hear them too.
Lord bless,