Dear M.

Thank you for your response to my comments and I appreciate your presence on the BB. I wasn't trying to take you to task for making a difference between AK's and those involved in the "politiking" of the leadership. I was attempting to show that the purpose of the BB is to expose evil and promote truth, and that the pursuit of this is always healthy for all concerned. We need not shield Ak's from a full discovery of what they were involved with in fear that the revelations will plunge them into confusion.
It is the business of the Holy Spirit to bring any/all persons needing repentance to that place, as it is humanly impossible to do that work (I'm sure that you agree with this). The business of those who serve the Gospel is to clearly present it and to defend it against those whom would distort it.
While it is impossible for us to judge the motives and the specific culpability of the former leaders, it is not only possible, but our duty to inform others re. teaching and practices that are contra orthodoxy.
The confusion of former youth (as well as adult) will be evident as they attempt to assimilate into the evangelical Christian community. As Tom Maddox ably stated in the "leaders etc." thread there needs to be a discovery of the false fountainhead from where flows the teaching of the Assembly.
We don't have to involve the youth in the "he said-she said" of specific accusations re. individual leaders, but we must take the opportunity afforded us by the visititation of the Holy Spirit, via the knocking at the Assembly door, to pursue the list provided to the Laodiceans in Rev. 3. This list required the church to allow the voice of Jesus to penetrate their preconceived notions and to learn to think differently.
Was Jesus unfair to make a blanket statement to the church at Laodicea? He seemed to place all individuals in the same boat in re. to culpability. To respond to the "sweeping generalizations" of Jesus to the Churches of Asia by mounting defenses of certain individuals to lessen their culpability would have missed the point.
Each and every individual can profit from The Sword of Truth that proceeds from our Lord's mouth. To protect ourselves, or others, from honest assesment of Assembly teaching/practices is not compassionate, but subversion of the work of the Holy Spirit.
It is a general principle in scripture that, "if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." History shows that groups, as well as individuals, have a great propensity to wander from our Lord and that our Good Shepherd seeks to find and extricate us from the bramble bush we are lost in. Those who want His help must admit they are stuck, lost, and in desperate need. Those who are too proud to admit their need will not discover the help and healing of the Holy Spirit.
In order to find healing we must stop qualifying and parsing our Lord's call to repentance and see that we all must go through the process of recovery. This repentance(change of mind) begins with the understanding that the basis for our understanding the Gospel was in error and that in the Assembly this error was systematized. Everthing in the Assembly was tainted with the above error and as such needs a thorough "trying in the fire".
When we accept the hand of Our Lord (and drop our protests) we will experience the wonderful comfort of Him who lifts the burden of the weary and heavy laden.
God Bless, Mark