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Author Topic: Existing Assemblies  (Read 207237 times)
al Hartman

« Reply #120 on: June 25, 2003, 12:10:08 pm »

Dear Ones All,

     Thanks for your responses.   i sincerely apologize for being unclear:   i have Matt's email address, and was only asking your advice as to whether or not to forward David's posts to him.  As matters stand, the question is moot, as someone else has apparently done that very thing.  The idea of inviting Matt back onto the BB honestly never entered my mind.

in Christ,
al Hartman


« Reply #121 on: June 26, 2003, 04:13:47 am »

Matt has been banned from this BB for the present, but i would like to see him hear what you have told us.

the main point of cutting off guest access is not to stop anyone from reading whats posted, but rather to stop guests from posting. this is a public forum, so anything posted here can be forwarded to anyone. it seems clear to me that this was your question, al. thanks for asking.
« Reply #122 on: July 04, 2003, 06:35:48 am »

Some thoughts and news regarding existing assemblies:

1. I just read the thread, "Ominous Signs" on another BB that deals with the Assemblies of George Geftakys.  I believe that there really are ominous signs that some of the Geftakysites are starting to re-group.  From what I've been hearing, some of the ex-leaders are being less than truthful.

2. I know of at least one gathering in Southern California that is still meeting, whose leaders have lied to their "flock" thus: "We have separated ourselves from George.  In Fullerton, there was a huge degree of entanglement with George, but praise God, we were not as entangled.  We see no reason to alter anything we are doing; rather, praise God, we are going on with what the Lord wants."  This wouldn't be so bad if only this gathering kept to themselves, but they are actively going out and recruiting others to join them - thus setting up many innocent people for future abuse. Angry  Gandalf says, "The burned hand teaches best," but it's a shame for people to have to suffer third degree burns over all their souls just to find out what a rotten group this is.

Sebastian Andrew

« Reply #123 on: July 06, 2003, 07:45:11 pm »


So many have invested so much into the assembly. What are they to do with their renovated rooms that they renovated to have assembly meetings in e.g. ??


Sell them, give the money to the poor, and then they'll have treasure in heaven.
Sebastian Andrew

« Reply #124 on: July 06, 2003, 11:52:27 pm »

Sell them, give the money to the poor, and then they'll have treasure in heaven.

Is it Ok to say this?  I thought only the Lord could tell people this.  (Just joking of course,  something I heard GG preach).

I was thinking more in the line of using it as a games room for ping-pong and pool(billiards).

Greetings MM:
I was hoping you were being tongue-in-cheek! Wink

« Reply #125 on: July 12, 2003, 06:50:26 am »

I have heard a rumor that Annendale (mind my spelling) is still in business as an assembly. Can anyone verify?


« Reply #126 on: July 12, 2003, 06:52:10 am »

Does anyone know where assemblies are still meeting? I know Fullerton, San Francisco, Sacramento. Anywhere else?


« Reply #127 on: July 12, 2003, 07:47:23 am »

Ottawa, Hastings, St. Louis, Champaign (tiny group), Chicago, Charleston, Altoona, Santa Barbara, Annandale
« Last Edit: July 12, 2003, 07:52:17 am by Pat Mathews » Logged
« Reply #128 on: July 12, 2003, 08:26:09 am »

Don't forget Placentia!  Although I am praying for a swift end to that gathering.

matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #129 on: July 12, 2003, 10:57:01 pm »

Re: existing assemblies

In reading this thread, it occurs to me that in looking for "existing assemblies" we are forgetting that, in the case of the foreign countries, most of the "assemblies" were not such in the sense that those in the US were.  People, correct me if I'm wrong, but a fair number of the congregations outside of North America that George visited were not directly "raised up" by him, especially those groups in the Netherlands, and, in a certain sense, Nigeria.  Even the house churches in China that George visited I don't think were raised up directly by him.  Note that he was INVITED (so we were told) to these places.  Of course, having seen him in action for sixteen years, and having read numerous stories of his deceitful boasting, I would not surprised if he muscled his way in to a number of gatherings abroad and then CLAIMED to have been God's instrument in the founding of these "works" .

I make this point because there is something so "Assembly-like" we do when we "confer with the wounded (meet with other former assemblyites and commiserate)" and "number the opposition (count how many assemblies are still meeting)".  To many if not most of us that were involved the group was all.  To many that have left under duress the group is still all (all-evil, all-bad, all-what have you), even the obsession of those yet recently escaped, who wonder how they could have been so taken by George.  But the "assembly way" was very hard and fast--you are with us, or you are not!!!!  Even those having escaped the system still think as if they are under it. So we have difficulty imagining that ANYTHING George touched could have any good remaining in it.  But not everybody he preached to was "the Assembly".

By the way, not all of the former California assemblies are meeting.
San Diego and San Luis Obispo, as well as Huntington Beach, are, to the best of my knowledge, no longer meeting.

« Reply #130 on: July 13, 2003, 07:43:36 am »

Matthew, I agree that not all gatherings that George visited were directly under his influence.  However, saints from China, Europe, Africa were considered to be 'workers' and came yearly to the Worker's Conference.  So I guess, once they are made aware of the situation re. GG, then it becomes their choice as to what they are going to do about it.

Lord bless,
matthew r. sciaini

« Reply #131 on: July 14, 2003, 12:33:06 am »

Hey all:

Oh, by the way, the San Fernando Valley (one of the two city of Los Angeles assemblies) is no longer meeting either.


You are correct in what you say as far as the invitees to the Workers' seminar having to decide whether or not to receive.  From all that I hear and read, I gather that all of the internationals have asked him to stay away unless or until he repents.

Matt (NOT from San Diego!!) Sciaini

« Reply #132 on: July 15, 2003, 02:54:43 am »

Regarding existing assemblies...

Someone very close to me is considering meeting in the "New Testament Pattern" again, or something like that, and would like to meet with other ex-assembly members in our area.  And there are actually other people interested too!  AHHH!  

I'm looking for any articles or insightful posts that deal with the issue of why it probably isn't a great idea for an Assembly to "start up again."  I mentioned lack of accountability for leadership, no involvement of the greater church/body, but I'd like to have something to give them, that is NOT too terribly on the cerebral side, if that's possible.  This person has found it difficult to move on and attend any other churches.

I know this topic has been covered, and any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


« Reply #133 on: July 15, 2003, 03:12:27 am »

I think you spelled it wrong.  It should be AAAH!

Maybe what's needed is some kind of directory of recommended churches for people who don't know where to go.  Perhaps a table which lists various things about each church.  I'm assuming that the main factor is people's fear of the unknown.  Some info would probably make things easier for them.

« Reply #134 on: July 15, 2003, 03:39:43 am »

Thanks Stephen, for the spelling correction and the suggestion!   Wink

My friend KNOWS about lots of other great churches, and even has ex-assembly friends who go to them (Calvary Chapel, evangelical mega-churches), yet the interest still remains to re-group to some degree.  There is a definite "nothing else will match what we had" attitude that is hard to shake when you start attending other churches.  I've even found it difficult, and I have NO desire to meet like we used to.

I agree with what you said about fear.  Although I think my friend is fearful of just how much they need to re-learn.

Any other thoughts out there on why it's not a good idea for a former Assembly to regroup?  Or is it a fine idea???

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