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Author Topic: Existing Assemblies  (Read 207265 times)
« Reply #150 on: July 17, 2003, 12:18:55 am »

The most recent news:

Heritage Christian School (formerly Cornerstone Academy) will not have a fall term this year.  They haven't decided whether to try again in the spring or to let the school end.

Uh Oh

« Reply #151 on: July 17, 2003, 01:04:03 am »

The most recent news:

Heritage Christian School (formerly Cornerstone Academy) will not have a fall term this year.  They haven't decided whether to try again in the spring or to let the school end.


What was Heritage Schools enrollment?  What was the make up of children in the assembly vs. not in the assembly?  Was it mostly assembly people who were the teachers, or normal people?

« Reply #152 on: July 17, 2003, 04:22:13 am »

I have a more specific question, does anyone know what is up with Dave & Janet Zorn? Are they still hard core? Does anyone see any cracking in the veneer?


« Reply #153 on: July 17, 2003, 06:25:55 am »


It's amazing how many people in so many of GG's assemblies claim that they had such wonderful assemblies that were not affected by George, isn't it?  They say that in the Midwest and even in one gathering in Southern California (yeah, they must have been soooooooo far away from George's influence).  It's kinda like the 4 kids that are asked by the mom, "Ok, who took the cookies from the cookie jar?"  Of course, all of them respond (with chocolate all over their faces), "Not me!"

So, they've changed the name to Heritage Christian School, huh?  Nice move.  I'm sure everyone in and around Fullerton and Placentia are totally fooled by the new name.  Of course, their assembly-ism will still stick out like a sore thumb.

In answer to the question about who goes to Cornerstone/Heritage, I believe it is largely assembly kids (as if they didn't get enough assembly indoctrination on evenings and weekends and at summer camp).  Last year I heard that they were trying to get non-assembly kids to go there.  I can just imagine the comments from those students:  "Mom, why are those people so weird?  I'd rather get beat up at a public school than go to THAT school."

« Last Edit: July 17, 2003, 06:38:09 am by Jack Hutchinson » Logged
« Reply #154 on: July 19, 2003, 12:40:57 am »

Latest news:

There is no longer an assembly in Wisconsin.

In Southern California, there is still:
1. West LA
2. Placentia (their leaders are being less than honest about some things)
3. Fullerton
4. Riverside (but they are now very small)

Anyone know about Pasadena?  Have I left anything out?


« Reply #155 on: July 19, 2003, 01:44:53 am »

I know that Santa Barbara is still an assembly.  Only one family and one couple has left since January.  They are trying to put new wine in old wineskins and they have changed meeting places.

« Reply #156 on: July 19, 2003, 05:39:19 am »

This is from Ronald Enroth again:

Definitions of Cults

pg 15 - For the Christian the most significant component of a definition of cult is theological in nature. This is because basic issues of truth and error are involved. ... unlike the typical person whose religious naiveté precludes any serious interest in doctrinal matters, the Christian must be able to distinguish truth from error.

pg 17 - "After all, what really matters is not a label of 'conventional' or 'unconventional' religion, but God's objective truth."
While secularists may exhibit disdain for the theological side of the cult question, evangelical Christians have been guilty of focusing almost exclusively on doctrinal/theological concerns and have neglected the psychosocial aberrations of cults. As one concerned Christian layman put it (without suggesting that we abandon a theological critique of the cults), "I think there is merit for placing more stress on the other danger zones created by the cults, such as psychological and moral injury , disruption of family ties, impairment of scholastic and professional careers."
« Last Edit: July 19, 2003, 05:40:49 am by MM » Logged

« Reply #157 on: July 19, 2003, 06:08:32 am »

I thought Seattle had disbanded.... Did they re-establish?
« Reply #158 on: July 21, 2003, 11:59:47 pm »

Latest news:

It appears that Heritage Christian School (formerly Cornerstone Academy) has definitely gone out of business.  The indicators of this are that parents are putting their kids into other schools, and at least two teachers have publicly stated that they are looking for jobs elsewhere.

Here is a list of Geftakys groups (oops, I meant assemblies) still remaining:

Seattle, WA
Sacramento, CA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Pasadena, CA
West LA, CA
Riverside, CA
Placentia, CA
Hastings, NE
Omaha, NE
Fullerton, CA

Could you please all do me a favor?  Please post whatever accurate information you have about the present condition and activities of each of these groups.  Please post whatever accurate information you have on their leaders - what kind of men they are, and what they're still doing in these groups.  Also, do any of them still have "training homes" or other situations of potential abuse?  And are there any other groups not included in this list?

Uh Oh

« Reply #159 on: July 22, 2003, 12:25:58 am »

Latest news:

It appears that Heritage Christian School (formerly Cornerstone Academy) has definitely gone out of business.  The indicators of this are that parents are putting their kids into other schools, and at least two teachers have publicly stated that they are looking for jobs elsewhere.

Here is a list of Geftakys groups (oops, I meant assemblies) still remaining:

Seattle, WA
Sacramento, CA
San Francisco, CA
Santa Barbara, CA
Pasadena, CA
West LA, CA
Riverside, CA
Placentia, CA
Hastings, NE
Omaha, NE
Fullerton, CA

Could you please all do me a favor?  Please post whatever accurate information you have about the present condition and activities of each of these groups.  Please post whatever accurate information you have on their leaders - what kind of men they are, and what they're still doing in these groups.  Also, do any of them still have "training homes" or other situations of potential abuse?  And are there any other groups not included in this list?


UNBELIEVABLE!!!!  Who do these yahoos think they are?  How many more lives are going to be damaged or even ruined by these eqotistical maniacs.  They have as much business leading or sheperding as OJ Simpson does giving marriage counseling!

Message to current members of the assembly - "Cut the umbilical cord, get a mind of your own, and get a life!"
« Reply #160 on: July 22, 2003, 12:57:43 am »

Don't forget Annadale, Norfolk and Chicago and St. Louis, as well as Ottawa and perhaps other Canadian groups.  As you know, many of these groups are merely a family or two still meeting.  Riverside is basically one family and a single brother, hardly a church by anyone's standard, but George preaches there...other groups are continuing with a "new" format, which means a few less meetings and they are generally nicer to eachother.  Some of the Assemblies that have disbanded, like St. Louis, still have a meeting going on, but it is not the old Assembly, but some people who just can't give it up.  Others, like Santa Barbara, are trying as hard as they can to be something new and vital, and are willing to explore past errors to some degree, but are totally unwilling to entertain the idea that decades of deception and a blind committment to George's pattern leave them unfit to lead a church.  

Nevertheless, there is a huge difference between Santa Barbara and San least I hope there is.

I really want to encourage everyone to read this:

Here is a quote from part of it:

I refer you to ten charges I have made against the leadership of the ICoC for years, first compiled for use in counseling settings in 1994 (3):

I make the following charges against the principle participants in the formal leadership heirarchy of the International Church of Christ Movement. I want to stress that several of these are realities of which many of the “rank and file” members of the Movement would have no conscious awareness, though their participation in this system, no matter how unwitting, serves to support. However, I do charge the formal leaders with the responsibility for the “intentionality” and perpetuation of these offenses.

I charge the top leaders of the ICC Movement with:

Mishandling and distorting (“twisting”) the Scriptures and their meanings, with great consistency and persistence, to reinforce their biased doctrines.
Systematically and deliberately misrepresenting themselves and many of their ends (i.e., goals and purposes) to both grassroots members and outsiders.
Offering what’s called “unconditional love” for a price (i.e., thorough compliance of the would-be “convert”), amounting, in net effect, to spiritual “prostitution.”
As a result of the practice of marketing this conditional “love,” painting and promoting a practical picture of God as a “Cosmic Pimp.” (This is strong language, but they have done all they have done, including much abusive behavior, with the bold assertion that God has sent them out to do it. How would you express that in an “unvarnished” way?)
Distorting many facts of their history to dishonestly inflate and embellish their all-important image (another name for this is revisionism, and most tyrants and scoundrels in history have practiced it).
Damaging, or even destroying, the relationships of family, marriage, and friendship with shocking regularity.
Maliciously attacking the character and reputation of any “critics” who dare to take persistent stands even to question them, not to mention oppose them.
Maliciously denying the legitimacy and reality of other devoted Christians and churches.
Generally exploiting and manipulating people in these ways on a consistent, worldwide basis. (In other words, they may not all be the same in degree, but they are in kind.) And finally,
Refusing almost all repeated, sincere attempts, for many years, to establish reasonable dialogue re. “mistakes” that have supposedly been made (and continue to be made) by ICC leaders.
I fully realize such charges are very blunt, shocking, and, undoubtedly, offensive to many. For the therapeutic purposes I have employed them, they are intended to be all three, but they are, above all, the truth, and to almost any honest member of the ICoC, they are self-evident. Through the years, I have stressed to those with whom I’ve counseled that if these charges are trumped up or exaggerated, I am the most evil man they’ve ever met; that to dare make such harsh charges against something that is, indeed, God’s “one true modern-day movement” would have to originate from the very bowels of hell. But, I’ve further said that if even some of them are obviously and undeniably true, then there can be no way people of good faith and character can further ignore, diffuse, dilute, or equivocate such grave sins.

I submit, now, that Henry Kriete’s letter, as well as many other “letters of apology” currently being penned by leaders of the International Church of Christ, totally vindicate and affirm the legitimacy of my ten charges. That these things are systemic and endemic cannot be ignored any longer, and we stand at a crossroads (no pun intended) of choosing what to do, now, to make things better (or worse). From this point forward, we are either part of the problem, or part of the solution.

I think the parallels are striking, the main difference being that the ICOC was about 10000 times as large as the Geftakysassembly.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2003, 01:02:46 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged

« Reply #161 on: July 22, 2003, 01:25:33 am »

Brent, I can't thank you enough for all of your contributions when it comes to the Assembly.  However, I have to disagree with you about "forgetting" about other assemblies.  In my opinion, if only one assembly is still meeting and it still manages to destroy yet one more life, it's one life to many.   I, myself, was involved with the Norfolk Assembly for close to 3 regrettable years.  One of my closest friends was deeply affected by the "leading" of one of the LBs there and I believe is primarily response for his self-proclaimed Atheism.  I had thought that the Norfolk Assembly had disbanded.  It saddens me deeply to hear that they are still meeting.  

BTW:  If you or anyone else in the know have any updated info on Norfolk's current status, I would greatly appreciate it.
« Reply #162 on: July 22, 2003, 01:40:22 am »

BTW:  If you or anyone else in the know have any updated info on Norfolk's current status, I would greatly appreciate it.

I don't have current knowledge of Norfolk, but I understand that one or two families still meet.  Disclaimer----this information is months old, and should be verified by the buyer and his agent!----

The Norfolk group was never more than a handful of people anyways, was it?

I also don't think we should forget about any of the groups that are still meeting.  However, the goal is not just to get them to stop, or go underground, but to see them repent.  It is easy to lose heart in all of this, because, as anyone who is out of the group can tell you, it is like having the scales fall off your eyes.  

In hindsight, I am amazed at how blind I was, and how stupid and arrogant I was!  It is so obvious, looking back, at how cultic the group was, yet while I was there I was unable to discern what so many others before me had no trouble seeing.  What is so frustrating is that I still have a very hard time understanding how anyone could remain in the group, given all the undeniable, factual testimony over the years.  This, more than anything else is proof that there is a demonic fog that blinds the eyes of those that have given their allegiance to George and his system.  May God open their eyes!


« Reply #163 on: July 22, 2003, 02:10:04 am »

Good point, thanks Brent...
Mark Kisla
« Reply #164 on: July 23, 2003, 04:53:27 am »

Where is the biblical basis for this conclusion?

There is no biblical basis for this conclusion.
Just someone who has been trained to bully you into guilt.
Focus on the love of your family and God. They love you too.
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