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Author Topic: Existing Assemblies  (Read 207583 times)
« Reply #345 on: October 10, 2003, 01:40:31 am »

My phone number is in the phone book, and on every post on this BB.

the LB's here in SLO know my phone number.

No one was invited to hear Samuel speak, except for those who never left the ministry, but had it taken from them.  

I haven't talked with Samuel, nor have I heard what his message is, so I remain neutral with regard to him.

However, I can say this without reservation:

He named a school St. George's.  
He named his son,  George.

Perhaps Wayne and Pat can shed some light on this, but I seem to recall George visiting Samuel most years, in the fall.  I also am under the impression that George's ministry was the primary source of financial aid for Samuel's assemblies.

Again,  I haven't been to Nigeria, but it seems like George had some influence there.  

Samuel needs to be clear about where he stands.

We need to withold judgement of the man until his stance is clear.  I am sure that things aren't as cut and dried as they are for the Elders in Fullerton.

Perhaps Samuel wanted to meet with me and the "brothers" conviced him not to?  I don't know.  I do know that neither he nor they called me, I have great caller ID.

« Reply #346 on: October 10, 2003, 02:10:05 am »

I do not know what Samuel is saying during his CA visits. I know that he has repudiated George Geftakys. I recently heard a rumor that he had sharply rebuked Mike Almanzor and that it was received. No confirmmation on this as yet...I am checking...

Perhaps Samuel wanted to meet with me and the "brothers" conviced him not to?  I don't know.  I do know that neither he nor they called me, I have great caller ID.

If I were a betting man, my money would be on this horse. Brent I am going to try and clear this up one way or the have my word on it...

« Last Edit: October 10, 2003, 02:15:19 am by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #347 on: October 10, 2003, 02:32:52 am »

I know for sure that Samuel wants nothing to do with George regardless of his son's name or the school's name. He is done with George and as a matter of fact exhorted a man in this location who had stayed on the fence about George. Samuel loves the Lord's people and I think that is the bottom line. He is not a power monger or anything like that. I hope this visit clarifies the questions he had when he arrived in the USA. He only saw George once or twice a year at best, but he had developed close relationships with many of the saints, my husband included,  and I don't think it is a mystery that he would want to reconnect with them. I feel certain that he would meet with anyone in or out of the assemblies if he thought it would be helpful and if he was able to do so. Given the circumstances of the past year, I can understand that we are all suspicious of the motives of leadership, but I don't think that Samuel has sinister motives.
« Reply #348 on: October 10, 2003, 02:40:20 am »

I know for sure that Samuel wants nothing to do with George regardless of his son's name or the school's name. He is done with George and as a matter of fact exhorted a man in this location who had stayed on the fence about George. Samuel loves the Lord's people and I think that is the bottom line. He is not a power monger or anything like that. I hope this visit clarifies the questions he had when he arrived in the USA. He only saw George once or twice a year at best, but he had developed close relationships with many of the saints, my husband included,  and I don't think it is a mystery that he would want to reconnect with them. I feel certain that he would meet with anyone in or out of the assemblies if he thought it would be helpful and if he was able to do so. Given the circumstances of the past year, I can understand that we are all suspicious of the motives of leadership, but I don't think that Samuel has sinister motives.

That's good enough for me, Pat.

Thank you!

« Last Edit: October 10, 2003, 02:41:41 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged
« Reply #349 on: October 11, 2003, 09:46:24 pm »

For those of you worrying about the state of Samuel's Ochenjele's back-bone,  I assure you it remains firm. I have changed my mind on a few things and now agree that for those who have made things right and feel led to continue gathering we have no right to harshly condemn, but rather to pray for them. If you are interested in details IM me and I will share what I know.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2003, 07:16:43 am by vernecarty » Logged
« Reply #350 on: October 13, 2003, 11:39:06 pm »

I'm glad to hear some of you vouch for Samuel Ochenjele.  You can understand the tendency of us all to be somewhat skittish in view of the things we've just been through.  One thing that would be an even greater help is for Samuel to post something on this board for all of us.  Perhaps he could explain the purpose of his recently completed trip to the existing assemblies in the U.S., and what he told them.  He might also tell us what has changed in the assemblies in Nigeria since George was exposed, and whether there is a new openness in decision making and finances on the part of the assembly leadership.

« Reply #351 on: October 14, 2003, 02:04:08 am »

not only George but toward all who served the Lord in this ministry
What ministry? I think you are being a little presumptuous Mr. Smith, don't you think? I would submit your criticism of
what has been said on the BB rests on a faulty premise.
I suggest you read through the "Why leaders are responsible" thread for context.

People, read your bibles! Ask God for clarity. Don't let the vindictive hatred of Brent and Verne poison your minds. That is the work of the devil (2Cor 11:3).

Whatever gives you the impression the people posting here have not read their Bibles? Who is poisoning whom Mr Smith? Your bias is showing...the kinds of accusations you hurl were what happened at the beginning of Brent's quest to reveal the truth about George and his henchmen and before all the depravity had been exposed. You are a little behind the times aren't you?   Smiley

« Last Edit: October 14, 2003, 03:51:02 am by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #352 on: October 15, 2003, 11:51:18 pm »

ahhh mithrandir...I have a question...why do you care? Since almost everyone here has left fellowshipping with these assemblies...why are so many worried about everything that is going on in the assemblies...?
Just curious.
Eulaha L. Long

« Reply #353 on: October 16, 2003, 12:42:40 am »


I have a question for you too: why do YOU care?  If you think this BB is full of bitterness, why continue to contribute to it?  Not that we don't want you to, you're welcome. make it sound as if talking about our negative experiences with the Assemblies is wrong, and it's not wrong-not at all.
« Reply #354 on: October 16, 2003, 12:44:10 am »

ahhh mithrandir...I have a question...why do you care? Since almost everyone here has left fellowshipping with these assemblies...why are so many worried about everything that is going on in the assemblies...?
Just curious.
Just curious as to why you are so worried about what is going on on this BB.  Are you still "in"? Let me advise you to get out AFAP (as fast as possible).


« Reply #355 on: October 16, 2003, 03:39:36 am »


One of the great consequences of discussing our past involvement with the assemblies and what is going on in them now is that now that GG has been excommunicated, etc, there are more and more people in the assemblies who are starting to read this BB and the website.  They probably do it secretly at first in order to avoid being raked over the coals by the leaders, but their eyes are gradually opened to the truth about what the assemblies were REALLY all about (aside from the scandal that brought GG down).  The truth is setting people free.  That's a good thing.

I know of one person who just a few weeks ago was not open to discussing the assembly, but now they are looking at the website, etc.  The more accounts they read the more they can put the pieces together and figure out that the assembly was a lie, an illusion.  The truth has proven to be the undoing of GG's regime, which is why the leaders tried so hard to keep us from reading the website.  The information on the website is not subject to the control of the assembly leaders, so people can get the 'other' side of the story and think for themselves.  In all my 19 years of involvement in the assemblies I took the leaders at their word.  Now I see through the facade.

If I'm not mistaken, there are regular posters here whose eyes were opened due in part to the BB and website.  I know mine were.

« Reply #356 on: October 20, 2003, 08:08:22 pm »

2Tim 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires;

Someone (not an ex-or-present-assemblyite) commented that those who are still in were probably attracted to what the 'assembly' provides for them. This is possibly what drew them "into fellowship", and what keeps them from leaving.

« Reply #357 on: October 23, 2003, 10:33:12 pm »

Forgive me for being dense.  Why is Samuel saying that the website was/is evil then?  Did he, or did he not ask Steve Irons to take the assembly website down?

This is news to me Andrea. Was this while Samuel was visiting recently?

The website is evil. It exposes Geftakysism and it's leaders. We wouldn't want that since it is one sided after all.

quote from Bob Smith:
Many have spent years in the assembly, raising their children in it, giving their money to it, devoting their time and energy to it. Many have done this with all sincerity and have honored the Lord in their life and in their family. In doing so it is natural to expect God to honor us (1Sam 2:30). --end-quote

The website does not honor these individuals the way God is going to.

So.... my conclusion - the website and BB must go.

Marcia Wink
« Last Edit: October 24, 2003, 12:41:40 am by Marcia » Logged
« Reply #358 on: October 24, 2003, 01:19:17 am »

Forgive me for being dense.  Why is Samuel saying that the website was/is evil then?  Did he, or did he not ask Steve Irons to take the assembly website down?

Amen!  I too have heard of Samuel going to Fullerton and saying things like, "I can tell that the Lord is working in your midst...we are all going through a time of trial...the important thing is to remain faithful..."  These are things culled from those still in the Fullerton assembly who heard him speak.  What does he mean by these things?  What was the purpose of his visit to the USA?  What has changed in the Nigerian assemblies since George was excommunicated?  Where does Samuel stand??  Is he willing to post something on this bb to reassure all of us?  Please also note my earlier post on this subject.

« Reply #359 on: October 24, 2003, 01:41:34 am »

BTW, for anyone who's curious, mithrandir is Clarence Thompson, former Fullerton doorkeeper.

mithrandir Smiley
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