You're right--I could very well be mistaken. Most people who make more money have a tendency to spend more money. But perhaps she has been very frugal and can take having her salary cut in half with no problems.
It just seems that there are a faction of Christians that center on "boycotting" things, and pointing out what you shouldn't watch or read. A lot of the "boycotters" make sure
you know their name and why they started it. Then they become known as "Christian Crusaders" for it(for a time).
This woman quit a billion dollar Corporation because it supports abortion. Abortion is horrible and that's a fact.
But despite getting her name in the paper it's probably not going to make much of a dent at all. Perhaps some people will stop eating donuts for a while.
I remember when "The Last Temptation of Christ" came out and there was a huge outcry. People said "Boycott Universal Studios". A few people probably did for a time, but people love their movies just like they love their donuts, and now all of those people(at least 99% of them) are back watching movies as much as ever.
Imagine if this woman had stated "If I left here I would make half the salary I make now. In protest of this company's policy,I will give half of my present salary to
counselors who may be able to talk young women out of having abortions". She could have still gotten her name in the paper, stayed at her job as a shining light, and been giving to helpless women all at the same time.
I guess what I'm saying is that I don't think it's profitable to spend my time, money and effort "boycotting" a billion dollar Corporation, when I can take my money, time and effort and give to such things as Wycliffe Bible Translators, or other reputable organizations, to support unnamed faithful Bible translators attempting to get Bibles into the hands of people who don't have them in their language.
A "righteous zeal" to me is not trying to stop the world from doing what it does, but by backing and supporting those who are getting out the Word of God and preaching the Gospel, and helping the poor.
In the early 1900's a "zealous" group of Christians attempted to "ban" alcohol. They stood outside of bars, harrassing the patrons, attempting to embarrass them and get them to stop drinking liquor. They spent "loads" of money in their endeavor on advertising, lobbying, protests, etc.--and they eventually succeeded. But then gangsters started becoming exceedingly wealthy, and more people were drinking than ever because of the black market. This "righteous" endeavor lead to a horrible period in American history where the likes of Al Capone were made famous because of it. Maybe this shows what happens when Christians attempt to "change" the world rather than
convert it. 10 years or so later the amendment was repealed, and all of that labor, money and energy had been wasted on a type of "righteous zeal" not leading to righteousness.
Imagine if all of that money put into protests, boycotts and
marches against alcohol had been put into missionary work, or orphanages, or even medicine. Today we have those who stand outside of abortion clinics and harrass women, hold signs, etc. ---they spend all of their time, money and energy in this endeavor. They funnel "loads" of money into anti-abortion campaigns, trying to "change" the world. I have to ask again, what if all of that money was funneled into missionary work, evangelism, orphanages or even medicine for the poor?
Abortion is terrible and it's horrendous what happens to the unborn. But what if we could think about what is happening to the unsaved?? The unborn don't get a chance
at life, which is terrible. They truly have been "murdered" which is horrendous. I believe they go to be with the Lord.
But the unsaved are already alive, heading to an eternity without Christ. They will "suffer" eternally. And there are millions and millions of them all over the earth! When you start thinking of the Globe, and the Bibleless people, and the unsaved millions, a "boycott" begins to mean little compared with trying to reach people for Christ.
It's a lot of people but we can pray: click on "today's country".
Maybe if we put our efforts towards the unsaved, the amount of dead unborn children would diminish much faster.
God bless, Joe