I emailed
findalexy@aol.com with this message:
I spoke to a member of the Geftakys assembly in Sacramento on 4th Sept, 2003, and was informed that Alexy is travelling and is OK. I was also told that they had informed Alexy's Mum of this news.
AND received this reply:
> Alexy....is OK.
Geftakys cult members are not a credible source of information since my son's welfare has never been their best interest.
Thank you for your concern. If you hear any more info let me know.
Here is a website that will tell you what previous members say about this
religious con-artists:
http://www.rickross.com/groups/the_assembly.html">George Geftakys aka The Assembly, Torch, Testimony/California non-profit
http://www.geftakysassembly.com/Reflections/Home.htm">Assembly Reflections</A>
Any search engine like Google.com will tell you what the George Geftakys group is all about.
Where did you hear about Alexy's disappearance? Are you from Canada?
Alexy's mom.