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Author Topic: a very long thread  (Read 112653 times)
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2003, 08:33:51 am »

Bugs: ahhhh(crunch, crunch, crunch) What's Up Doc? Hey, has you guys been to dat utter bulletin boyd?

Daffy:  It'th dithpicable!!!

Foghorn Leghorn: Ah say, Ah say, I say Boy!! Don't you be sayin' nothin' until you read the articles...

Porky: I...I d. d. did. and they're incompre..., incompre...
incompre... uh,,I didn't get them.

Elmer Fudd: When you go in you have to be vewy, vewy quiet. And be vewy, vewy caweful what you say therwe. Or you might nevew, nevew be able to go therwe again.

Sylvester: Sufferin succotash!!! Who cares about Bulletin Boards anyways?? I'm hungry!!!

Tweety: Hey putty tat!! I do. I wike to go and wead da articles der. But I get sooooo sweepy(yawn).

Yoesmite Sam: Shut up you no good bushwackin' barracudas!! You know I can't read!!!

Bugs: Uh, Ok Doc..I was just askin',  dat's all. What a maroon.

Yosemite: What was that, you jabberin' furball???

Bugs: Uh... Nothin' Doc.

Yep! Yep! Yep! 'Dem are some reeaaaal looney tunes!
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2003, 08:38:59 am »

I know I said I wouldn't say anything about the "Eagles," but when I saw the post on David and Judy, I had to say something.

Anyone who has any questions about this should read Rachel's story on the main website.  Then they should view the restraining order.  Then they should speak to Rachel and Judy.  

Then, after having done that, they should read what Sondra and Matt wrote over there.  Having done so, they should draw their own conclusions.

If any of you thinks you can engage the eagles without being "courteous" I think you are mistaken.  I am greatly angered by what I read there and can only conclude that it is an attempt to attract attention.  I suggest that the utmost discretion be exercised before visiting that forum.  

If you disagree, they will delete you, so don't bother trying to respond.  They are far too moderate to allow that.


A word of advice.  The proper response to these two is not anger, nor indignation for that only serves to confirm their delusions of relevance. The proper response to these two in my humble opinion is........


Not too many instances in which I advocate this as a meaningful dialectical strategem but in this case? Have at owe it yourselves! Just think of it as make-up for lost opportunity while you were actually in the assemblies! This is a skill you might certainly be called upon to exercise again sometime in the future (what a frightful thought huh?)
Now, where were we...?   Ah yes...I do believe we were discussing looney tunes? Grin

The more you sweat in practice...
The less you bleed in battle!

Get it?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 07:41:59 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2003, 11:42:52 am »

I am greatly angered by what I read there and can only conclude that it is an attempt to attract attention.

my conclusion exactly. and just when i thought i could not despise them any more profoundly...

« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2003, 02:10:31 pm »

Well! Well! Well! I guess the High Priestess of Pablum does occasionally read her Bible - she knows who Jezebel is! Very good! We are making progress.
Now, as to your erudite observations regarding God's judgment, let me dispel some of that fog evidently shrouding your cranium:
What's your hurry?
You of all people should understand the immutability of God's clear pronouncement:

Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

Oh I know you think you have the power to change times and laws but you are quite mistaken. I know how you enjoy lifting bits and pieces of God's Word to justify your perverted perspective but why don't we just wait a little bit longer hmmmn? Did you read the entire story you so glibly referenced? Peter warned us about scoffers just like you!  Smiley

Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts.  2 Peter 3:3

I would direct you to the sage observations of even a pagan like Leo Tolstoy:

The mills of justice grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly fine!

I fear you are not nearly so instructed as you fancy yourself my dear dilettante...your spiritual dyslexia is starting to really sohw... Smiley
« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 07:52:31 pm by vernecarty » Logged
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2003, 02:36:31 pm »

I am greatly angered by what I read there and can only conclude that it is an attempt to attract attention.

my conclusion exactly. and just when i thought i could not

despise them any more profoundly...


Man you guys don't know the half of's going to get much better...please stand by... Grin

Then, after having done that, they should read what Sondra and Matt wrote over there.  Having done so, they should draw their own conclusions.


It is a safe bet that most people reading here are at least passingly familiar with the David and Judy saga. I certainly would not recommend any one's polluting their minds with that interminable tripe they have written about the will just piss you off... Grin

« Last Edit: October 22, 2003, 07:50:10 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #50 on: October 22, 2003, 10:44:50 pm »

Which tree do you think she has been gorging on....Hmnnnn?

gorging on a tree? Sondra just loves the taste of bark!

Could that be hallucinogenic virola bark Matt?  Maybe that could explain the "trippin'". Grin  So how high do you have to be to soar with the eagles? Grin

Trippin' is what she does best! don't you think?  Cool

But in all seriousness, I am not sure what they are trying to do over there.  But I do know that there does not appear to be any reasoning with them.  They appear to have their own idea of reality, and arguing with them only seems to aggravate the situation.  When someone is not rational it is difficult to argue with them.  At least not without having a great deal of frustration.  I don't think many are fooled by them, so it probably is best to just let them be.  Perhaps they are fooled by themselves, I don't know.  Perhaps they are not even really thinking about how ridiculous their words are before they share with us how things are in their world, I don't know.  Does it matter?  I have read a lot of ridiculous statements on their bb, but I just don't feel like arguing with them anymore.

Maybe they are beginning to get to me.  I recently had a dream about Matt.  He was in the body of Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld).  He was chasing us while throwing darts, and with every dart he threw he gave a little giggle.  The darts didn't hurt that much, but he just wouldn't give up.  So even though he was pretty harmless I guess, he was still most annoying.

I really can't explain those soaring folks.

« Reply #51 on: October 22, 2003, 11:11:36 pm »

HMMM... where do I step in? It seems that this dance has been going on for quite some time... I'll start by introducing myself. My name is Sarah Hoffee, daughter of Elaine Hoffee and niece of Sondra Jamison. Both of which I am proud to be related to. I am now 26 years old (almost 27!) and remember some of your names from when I was a child. I have some very fond memories of the people I met due to the construction of the assembly. I have heard about what has happened in the assembly. Only today did I venture on to this board and read this topic. I was hesitant about coming on here because frankly it does not seem like a board of believers but a war zone. I didn't come here to make some haughty claims as to what God has done in my life. To share the struggles He has brought me through, the supernatural miracles He has performed on my behalf, or what we are currently working on together. Why?--- Because no one here cares. But I will share one thing. I have spent the last 5 years of my life with a ministry that is credible and well known. Straight on with doctrine, strong in faith, reaching the lost and involved in many worldwide ministries. And as effective as all of that was... when it was all stripped down --love--- was missing. Now you can accuse my aunt of being a "tree hugger" and you can scoff at "spirit man" and you can hiss and moan and spout out the largest words in your vocabulary aimed to make someone feel small. But, I know through personal conversations with her that she has loved and continues to have sincere love for you guys. My aunt is loving, she devotes her life to Christ and has spoken in divine wisdom to many- to their benefit. No one here would know that. And maybe nobody here should. Maybe she is the only one posting on her site... I have posted a couple times Alabaster1. For those of you who are interested. I've always known that the only one you could ever trust was God. But, it is sad when you are just waiting for the "christians" to come out and "greet" you. I really don't know what to expect in response to this post. Some, I am guessing based on past post will have the tendency to jump out and attack- though maybe they will be quiet. Either way I'm sure I will be grouped in with the "soaring with the beagles" as someone so creatively stated. But that's okay. In fact I would prefer to be counted with the fewer than the greater. especially when the fewer believe that God is a "mystical", creative, Creator Who  is constantly working with us to develop His resemblance within us. I know I am not addressing a lot of the triffling issues I've seen here and I will not. And in the tradition of scripture quoting..."Set me as a seal upon thine heart,as a seal upon thine arm:for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the coals thereof are coals of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned." S.O.S- And because people here so freely state what they find as offensive--"this entire topic has been offensive." How can I say that? because the Spirit of God in me squinched at too many of the things that have been written- like having to sit in a room where there was constant screeching on a chalkboard .But, We endured and my eyes have seen again- that love here (for the most part) is absent.Yes- I am like my aunt and write on and on. But, isn't it amazing when people can write things of Quality in Quantity  Smiley I most likely will not make another post on this board seeing as how I never enjoyed jousting with the name callers, while the rest of the kids had a good time. (I guess it just depends on what you consider fun?) Scary - some of you seem to find this so enjoyable.- sarah
« Reply #52 on: October 22, 2003, 11:12:38 pm »


Could that be hallucinogenic virola bark Matt?  Maybe that could explain the "trippin'". Grin  So how high do you have to be to soar with the eagles? Grin

Miles and Miles!  Ask the Byrds... Cool
« Last Edit: October 24, 2003, 02:59:12 pm by vernecarty » Logged
« Reply #53 on: October 22, 2003, 11:21:39 pm »

Welcome Sarah!
I have a little seven-year old who looks very much as I remember you. (I still have a photo of you somewhere sitting in my brand new Subaru RX7 3-Dr Coupe). It is indeed a pity that you have stepped into what is indeed a veritable war zone. The recent events in the course of assembly matters show these to be issues of life and death albeit sometimes obscured by strident language and high emotions. As much as you love your Aunt, I must tell you that she is wrong on every position she has taken in regard to the assemblies, what they taught, and what they stood for, your fond memories notwithstanding. Her understanding of the nature of the gospel is also sadly,  seriously flawed. You must also understand that your Aunt sometimes plays rough and so do we. I would hope that before you jump to any conclusions you would fully consider the proper context in which the exchages you have been witnessing have been taking place. I appreciate your courage in posting and you will get nothing but the utmost of respect and courtesy from me, regardless of your viewpoint. You have my word on that young lady... Smiley

p.s. How is your little brother?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2004, 09:50:19 am by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #54 on: October 23, 2003, 12:16:12 am »

Maybe they are beginning to get to me.  I recently had a dream about Matt.  He was in the body of Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld).  He was chasing us while throwing darts, and with every dart he threw he gave a little giggle.  The darts didn't hurt that much, but he just wouldn't give up.  So even though he was pretty harmless I guess, he was still most annoying.

Physically Matt is about as unlike Wayne Knight as I could imagine.  Matt probably weighs 130 tops.  Smiley

« Reply #55 on: October 23, 2003, 01:11:53 am »

Maybe they are beginning to get to me.  I recently had a dream about Matt.  He was in the body of Wayne Knight (Newman from Seinfeld).  He was chasing us while throwing darts, and with every dart he threw he gave a little giggle.  The darts didn't hurt that much, but he just wouldn't give up.  So even though he was pretty harmless I guess, he was still most annoying.

Physically Matt is about as unlike Wayne Knight as I could imagine.  Matt probably weighs 130 tops.  Smiley

Well, in my dream he was "in" the body of Wayne Knight, and I guess at 130, he could easily fit "in the body of Wayne Knight".  This was a seriously weird dream.  I kept on running across a very narrow long lake and up mountains on either side, and this nasty giggle kept on following.  It only took me a matter of seconds to run across the lake and up the mountains, so this dream is not really grounded in reality, but perhaps gives some indication of my feelings about Matt.  To me the other bb just seems like an annoyance that only gets worse if you pay any attention to it.  It's like scratching an itch, it may end up doing more harm than good (but I really really want to scratch). At this point I don't think that it is doing Matt, Sondra or anyone over here any good.

« Reply #56 on: October 23, 2003, 01:51:13 am »

It's like scratching an itch, it may end up doing more harm than good (but I really really want to scratch).

I will probably end up being sorry, but I feel a need to scratch an itch again.

wow, you had a dream about somebody you’ve never met, never seen a picture of, and whose voice you have never heard? Why am I thinking that this dream is a fabrication?

I don't know why you are thinking that, perhaps thinking is not your strong suit. Smiley  Hey, I can throw darts too.  But that didn't help much, I guess. And for some reason I had pictured you as looking like Freddie Prinze Jr.: Smiley

Perhaps you saw me as the Red Creature:

Well, at least the Matt in my dream didn't speak except for a giggle. Another dart, but still not helping, hmm.  Now as to why you were in my dream, perhaps there is some characteristic about you that is more extreme than I have seen elsewhere.  Actually, I think part of it is that I have been trying to restrain from posting comments on some of the more recent stuff that has been posted over at the eagles sites, and there has been some stuff said that has been really bothering me.  So maybe you are beginning to get under my skin.  I'll try not to scratch at it again.  But just to let you know, it really really itches.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2003, 04:55:21 am by Niaga Daerter » Logged

« Reply #57 on: October 23, 2003, 02:16:18 am »

ah, David, I guess this is meant as a compliment considering how ugly Wayne Knight is. However, you’ve underestimated my weight by oh….about 15 pounds…I guess it’s been a while since you’ve seen me, but my health has improved a lot since then. Well, Mr. Brown, maybe I can call you up or we can go out for coffee sometime…that is if you don’t think I will corrupt you….email me and I'll give you my cell...Tim Starr gave me your phone # the other night, and I tried to call but you were not home.

- Matt
p.s. I really have no right to be offended by you indicating my thinness lol. I know that I had nasty names for some of  the saints ....the fat loud korean (you know who i'm talking about), the chubby weird guy with glasses (we both know who this is)..the grandfatherly pastor (take a wild guess...) I'm pretty sure you knew how I talked about you - and I hope you will forgive for any offense that I caused you.

There is nothing wrong with being 130 pounds (or even 145).  Certainly nothing to be offended over.  Many out there can only wish they were 130 again (notice Retread raising his hand).  However some may take offense to being called ugly, fat, loud, chubby or weird.  Some of us are just so sensitive. Smiley

p.s. Wayne Knight isn't that ugly, he just has a lot of "character" to his appearance.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2003, 02:20:07 am by Niaga Daerter » Logged
« Reply #58 on: October 23, 2003, 07:43:25 am »

I was considering registering on SWTE as MGov. Do you think they'll know it's me? Cool
Maybe Jane Doe, or James Smith or Aicram (a la Daerter) might work. I'll have to check in with Sondra first to find out how I'm feeling; she seems to know me better than I know myself. Smiley

No, I do not know who Bob Smith is. Will someone please enlighten me?


« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2003, 08:42:25 am »

Niaga Daerter,

What a weird name.  Maybe the weirdness of the name is the reason for the weird dream.  After all, someone who throws darts could be called a darter.  I suppose there is a slight resemblance between again-Niaga and Wayne Knight.  Do you remember having any weird dreams way back when you first started posting with the name retread?

There are many mysteries about how the brain works.  Nerves are optimized for processing statistical information.  This makes it difficult for them to cope with rare and single occurance type of events.  I believe that during sleep, such rare events are reprocessed into a sequence of patterns with variations that are used to produce a statistical type of signal that the nerves can use to adjust their programming.
« Last Edit: October 29, 2003, 10:23:28 am by Stephen M. Fortescue » Logged
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