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Author Topic: A New Start  (Read 30060 times)

« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2006, 03:01:42 am »

I'm not sure what you mean.  Sorry.

i'm certain she was just joking, tongue-in-cheek. of course george is not being exclusive - he is such a great generous guy he will gladly lord it over anyone who will receive him.

is the west la group being evangelistic? if so, could someone who lives in that area get the details of their bible study, such as when they meet, and the phone numbers and addresses of their primary contacts? if they get evangelistic again they are bound to start stapling up posters, marching in parades, and generally making a spectacle of themselves, especially on university campuses. i would love to get those details if anyone in the area could procure them.


« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2006, 03:05:04 am »

I think it could possibly be helpful if someone wrote a clear, well-reasoned, scriptural, objective, unemotional and brief appeal about why it is unwise and possibly unsafe (especially for parents of teens and especiallly daughters) to receive GG as a spiritual teacher and role model. GG's male enablers no doubt won't hear it, but the wives, mothers and single women might.

an excellent suggestion! i wholeheartedly 2nd this idea. unfortunately, i am incapable of writing something like this. but i would have great respect for someone who could, and i could see it doing a lot of good.

« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2006, 04:23:29 am »

Brian, you are correct, my response was tongue in cheek.

Until recently WestLA was one of those assemblies that did not welcome George.  What leads anyone to do that which is so obviously wrong to some of us, eh??


« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2006, 10:08:15 am »

Show Me The Money, Master Delusions Gefjackas!

« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2006, 07:10:18 pm »


Oh that I had the time to write such a thing as you suggest. But ultimately I don't think it would help. Remember how we twisted things while we were still in the assembly? The "Noble Inquirer" had an impact on me while I was still in--it was written as you described--but it was too easily turned away by twisted logic and lies. My stupidity is now quite embarassing.  It was said of you that you were verging on New Age occultism (my utmost apologies for having ever believed that or worse, not giving it as much thought as I should have to see the vileness of the accusation) and Dave S. was just "a weak brother following you and Steve." I won't mention what was said of Lee as you know it and it was even more preposterous or of Diane S. It was all character assination. Believeing ourselves to be wise we became fools. After we left--which was after everything fell apart, to our shame--I had a discussion with a certain LBW of a group still gathering. Though she could not answer my reasoning from scripture that maintaining fellowship with George was unscriptural (I especially addressed the two or three witnesses garbage that they spew) she simply said, "Well, you'll have to talk to my husband..." And we know they will simply attack the character of whoever wrote such a piece. It's not that I'm afraid of that, but not sure the time it would take is up there on the priority list. That is not to say I'm not doing anything, just don't want to mention it here on so public a board.

« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2006, 08:21:20 pm »

good points, jem. many articles have been written that fit margaret's description, they just get explained away by well-trained liars and manipulators. after enough articles have been written, and the facts have been publicly available and easily verifiable for enough years, it becomes difficult to regard people who still buy into george's blatantly self-serving lies with anything but scorn. the only thing stopping me from being too judgemental is the memory of all the years that i didn't check out the facts for myself, and kept on trusting the leadership and george. i still feel a lot of scorn, but its mixed with compassion. some day the vast majority of even those who are george's most fervent supporters will realize that sometimes a lying abusive womanizer really is just a lying abusive womanizer, even if he can quote scripture. at that point they will feel even deeper humiliation and loss than i did, because of their shocking level of stubborn blindness now.

on the other hand, a fresh well-written article that says it all again in a slightly different way may click with a few people who had been successfully convinced to ignore all the earlier ones.

just hearing you describe the lbw you talked to saying something like "Well, you'll have to talk to my husband..." really reminds me vividly of just how dysfunctional most of these people are. even in the face of blatant gross corruption they refuse to believe its ok to think for themselves. not even to protect their own children will they make the effort of pulling their heads out of the sand. most of the people still meeting probably would defer to their husband or leader, right up the chain, until you get to someone who is capable of conscious lies and manipulation, who will do what they do. its the sincere codependant types that i would want to get through to. let the corrupt ones waste their lives stroking the ego of their fallen leader. its a fitting punishment.


« Reply #21 on: February 02, 2006, 08:43:26 pm »

You're right Brian. We used to say when people who "left fellowship" talked to others that they were just "preying on the weak." Therefore if the others left we could say they were weak to begin with. It is not so much preying on the weak as appealing to those who still have a conscience, eh? There are a few, I hope. And when you said, "...not even to protect their own children.." is something to focus on. Nothing gets a mama quite like the thought that her babies may get hurt. IMHO I think the brave, mouthy teenagers--who are now in their 20s--did as much to bring down the assemblies as the internet.

« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2006, 01:03:09 am »

You're right Brian. We used to say when people who "left fellowship" talked to others that they were just "preying on the weak." Therefore if the others left we could say they were weak to begin with. It is not so much preying on the weak as appealing to those who still have a conscience, eh? There are a few, I hope. And when you said, "...not even to protect their own children.." is something to focus on. Nothing gets a mama quite like the thought that her babies may get hurt. IMHO I think the brave, mouthy teenagers--who are now in their 20s--did as much to bring down the assemblies as the internet.


Having left many years ago, I do not know much of anything about the "brave, mouthy teenagers".  Could you share at least a summary of what they did?

Thomas Maddux

« Reply #23 on: February 03, 2006, 01:05:32 am »


Does anyone know  which, if any, college campuses the West LA group has outreaches located?

Thomas Maddux
Joe Sperling

« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2006, 02:02:26 am »

Hello friends,

Reverend Burt O'Leary here. I've made a bold decision and wanted to share it
with you. I've lived in Barstow for several years. During that time I have seen
times of great increase, the tithes and offerings simply flowing in. My patented
"O Leary Miracle Prayer Cloth" sold like hotcakes, and hundreds flocked to hear
my messages. I sold many books, including "Quote Isaiah 39" for which I garnered
rave reviews from the faithful followers.

But lately the tithes and offerings have dwindled, and the number of people attending
a nightly service has fallen off considerably. This could stem from the accusations made
against me concerning embezzling funds, and becoming too close to several of the women
folk in the congregation. But it's all lies I tell you, simply lies. No witnesses have come for-
ward, only accusers, and unfortunately many have listened to this poppycock, and accept
what is purely and assuredly utter nonsense.

So, what I need is a rejuvenation of sorts. I need to be among people who don't accept
accusations, even if they seem to come from people who are upstanding and have nothing
to gain by doing so. I need to be among those who are die-hard followers to the end, and
who accept what's taught more than what is actually lived. I need people who will truly believe
in the "O Leary Miracle prayer cloth" and want to rise above what the other churches teach.

Recently it was brought to my attention that West Los Angeles might just be a place where
someone like me can start over once again. So, I have decided to pick up my roots and move
from Barstow to West Los Angeles. Of course, making a move like this will not be easy. I will
need trucks, and boxes, a downpayment on a new place, and of course, new furnishings.

Will you help me with this endeavor friends? If we all work together, we can get me moved
very quickly, and I can begin this important ministry once again. Friends, I want to thank you
ahead of time for all of your wonderful and large donations that you will send to help accomplish
this miraculous and needful task. No checks please.

Please send cash to:

Reverend Burt O'Leary
2222 W. Roundtree Ave.
Barstow, Ca., 92122
« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 02:04:49 am by Joe Sperling » Logged
soul dreamer

« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2006, 03:01:33 am »

The West LA Assembly announced recently they are again welcoming George--an appalling development.

In what way did the West LA church make this announcement?  Verbally from the podium?  In some written form?  Did some responsible person hear/read this announcement with their own ears or eyes and somehow communicate it to you? 
I am still praying that George reconciles himself to all that were offended by his sins - some teens I know were especially scandalized by his sins; perhaps they had put too much trust in a human leader.

« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 03:32:51 am by Rick Samuel » Logged
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2006, 03:17:29 am »

Hello friends,

Reverend Burt O'Leary here. I've made a bold decision and wanted to share it
with you. I've lived in Barstow for several years. During that time I have seen
times of great increase, the tithes and offerings simply flowing in. My patented
"O Leary Miracle Prayer Cloth" sold like hotcakes, and hundreds flocked to hear
my messages. I sold many books, including "Quote Isaiah 39" for which I garnered
rave reviews from the faithful followers.

But lately the tithes and offerings have dwindled, and the number of people attending
a nightly service has fallen off considerably. This could stem from the accusations made
against me concerning embezzling funds, and becoming too close to several of the women
folk in the congregation. But it's all lies I tell you, simply lies. No witnesses have come for-
ward, only accusers, and unfortunately many have listened to this poppycock, and accept
what is purely and assuredly utter nonsense.

So, what I need is a rejuvenation of sorts. I need to be among people who don't accept
accusations, even if they seem to come from people who are upstanding and have nothing
to gain by doing so. I need to be among those who are die-hard followers to the end, and
who accept what's taught more than what is actually lived. I need people who will truly believe
in the "O Leary Miracle prayer cloth" and want to rise above what the other churches teach.

Recently it was brought to my attention that West Los Angeles might just be a place where
someone like me can start over once again. So, I have decided to pick up my roots and move
from Barstow to West Los Angeles. Of course, making a move like this will not be easy. I will
need trucks, and boxes, a downpayment on a new place, and of course, new furnishings.

Will you help me with this endeavor friends? If we all work together, we can get me moved
very quickly, and I can begin this important ministry once again. Friends, I want to thank you
ahead of time for all of your wonderful and large donations that you will send to help accomplish
this miraculous and needful task. No checks please.

Please send cash to:

Reverend Burt O'Leary
2222 W. Roundtree Ave.
Barstow, Ca., 92122

Mr. Burt Sir,

What kind of cash wrapper are you recommending now-a-days?   Will the usual aluminum foil do?


« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2006, 06:56:20 am »

Rick - Ginger G. told it to someone who told it to me.

Jem - Do you think there is any way to appeal to the moms in WLA and infuse some backbone in them? Can you think of anything that might be even a little bit effective? Now is the time, if something can be done.

« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2006, 08:57:55 am »


Send me a PM.


I'll get back to you on that. I'm crunched for time right now.

« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2006, 11:54:23 am »

Hello friends,

Reverend Burt O'Leary here. I've made a bold decision and wanted to share it
with you. I've lived in Barstow for several years. During that time I have seen
times of great increase, the tithes and offerings simply flowing in. My patented
"O Leary Miracle Prayer Cloth" sold like hotcakes, and hundreds flocked to hear
my messages. I sold many books, including "Quote Isaiah 39" for which I garnered
rave reviews from the faithful followers.

But lately the tithes and offerings have dwindled, and the number of people attending
a nightly service has fallen off considerably. This could stem from the accusations made
against me concerning embezzling funds, and becoming too close to several of the women
folk in the congregation. But it's all lies I tell you, simply lies. No witnesses have come for-
ward, only accusers, and unfortunately many have listened to this poppycock, and accept
what is purely and assuredly utter nonsense.

So, what I need is a rejuvenation of sorts. I need to be among people who don't accept
accusations, even if they seem to come from people who are upstanding and have nothing
to gain by doing so. I need to be among those who are die-hard followers to the end, and
who accept what's taught more than what is actually lived. I need people who will truly believe
in the "O Leary Miracle prayer cloth" and want to rise above what the other churches teach.

Recently it was brought to my attention that West Los Angeles might just be a place where
someone like me can start over once again. So, I have decided to pick up my roots and move
from Barstow to West Los Angeles. Of course, making a move like this will not be easy. I will
need trucks, and boxes, a downpayment on a new place, and of course, new furnishings.

Will you help me with this endeavor friends? If we all work together, we can get me moved
very quickly, and I can begin this important ministry once again. Friends, I want to thank you
ahead of time for all of your wonderful and large donations that you will send to help accomplish
this miraculous and needful task. No checks please.

Please send cash to:

Reverend Burt O'Leary
2222 W. Roundtree Ave.
Barstow, Ca., 92122

Dear Burnt O'Liar,

Where are you really going, Burnt Up'Ashes? All I'm seeing are blotches of ashes along the way and the smell of recent burning. Does this mean that you escaped from a firey furnace, or that someone temporarily let you out of a burning incinerator so you could find something more to devour?

I also noticed drops of blood along the same way. Could they be the blood of your "brothers" crying from the ground? Abel? Rachel crying for her children?

There are lots of "prayer cloths" dropped along side of the trail of ashes and blood. But each one has just as much blood smeared on it as the one before.

Aren't you getting tired of wiping? Are your hands raw yet? Is your entire body as seared as your conscience?

There won't be much left to look at, Burnt o' cinders, when the wind blows and the light shines; only stench.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2006, 11:58:06 am by moonflower » Logged
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