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Author Topic: Samuel  (Read 15460 times)
« on: October 28, 2003, 02:18:10 am »

By now, most people would have read Steve Iron’s account of his meeting with Samuel and the men still in charge in Fullerton. Considered in even the most optimistic light, Steve’s report is truly cause for dismay. Steve’s gracious reportage notwithstanding, the disposition of these men reeks of unbridled arrogance  and unrepentant hauteur. I do not think the man was treated with the respect he deserves.
Secondly, Samuel Ochenjele has clearly not repudiated all that George stood for, neither of deportment, nor of doctrine. I have not choice but to sadly withdraw my endorsement of this man as a servant of Christ beyond reproach.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 09:00:50 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2003, 02:43:38 am »

Thank you Steve and Margaret for taking the time to meet with Samuel O. It is very sad indeed that the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees is as widespread as it is. Recently, I have been seeing it's effects in other overseas assemblies as well. Whereever Geftakysservants labored the testimonies were somehow infected with Geftakysism.

Samuel called and/or visited every existing assembly on the continent (I think). Even Ottawa received a phone call from him.

Sad sad sad.

« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2003, 08:44:01 am »

Verne and Steve both met face to face with Samuel this month.  I did not, nor did I speak with him, so my comments will be kept to a minimum, in deference to those who actually spoke with him.

From what I have heard, from 3 seperate sources, thousands of miles apart, I can say the following, without hesitation:

Samuel Ochengele is employing the Code of Silence, in the manner he learned it from George.

The website, and the VERIFIED AND ACCURATE FACTS REPORTED THEREIN have made a difference, even as far away as Nigeria.  Remember how we heard there were "hundreds" of Assemblies in Nigeria?  Taking into account George's "holy" exaggeration, there should have at least been 40 or so.  Now, Samuel is leading only 15...

Torch and Testimony has the reputation it deserves.

Jack Hanson, Gilbert DeLeon, Mark Miller, Bob Ressegue are true block-heads.

Doorkeepers are still functioning in the manner George intended them.

People who claim to never have read George's books, apparently thought them important enough to start a company that for years existed for the sole purpose of printing a man's books that were never read by his followers, who paid for the printing.  (what does this say about these numbskulls?  They won't read the books, but they hold them up and promote them at every seminar?)

The Assembly system is rotten, and there is nothing good in it.  People should leave it now, without excuse.

"We repudiate George, who is the Lord's annointed who blew it."  (I guess the "one-time incident" that occured over 3 decades and several churches, many different times is proof that God used George?? Huh Huh )

Samuel is not above reproach, but seems instead to put the "Assemblies" and their continuation in the preeminent place, at the expense of Jesus Christ.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 09:02:35 am by Brent A. Trockman » Logged
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2003, 09:26:48 am »

I re-read the account on the website. I find it interesting that Samuel has also focussed on George's sin. When I left, I was told by an Ottawa LB that Ottawa should not be penalized because of GG's sin.

I have been viewing it more like GG's influence over the assemblies over the years which has led to the assemblies being a false religious system. The Lord Jesus publicly rebuked the leaders of His day. The website and BB play that role in a era when 'this ministry' has gone worldwide.  I support the website and do not agree with the Scripture that Samuel used in his attempt to convince Steve to shut down the website. Also when that tactic failed, he attempted to use another tactic ie make Steve feel sorry for his situation in Africa. It would appear to me that he was attempting the old assembly 'control' tactics.

That's all for now,

« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2003, 09:32:54 pm »

By now, most people would have read Steve Iron’s account of his meeting with Samuel and the men still in charge in Fullerton. Considered in even the most optimistic light, Steve’s report is truly cause for dismay. Steve’s gracious reportage notwithstanding, the disposition of these men reeks of unbridled arrogance  and unrepentant hauteur. I do not think the man was treated with the respect he deserves.
Secondly, Samuel Ochenjele has clearly not repudiated all that George stood for, neither of deportment, nor of doctrine. I have not choice but to sadly withdraw my endorsement of this man as a servant of Christ beyond reproach.

It would appear that Samuel thinks that "Assemblyism" is what is needed to serve the Lord.  Perhaps he is just an extremely committed, but extremely deceived individual.  Sadly his words do give the impression of assembly elitism, but whatever his condition, it would appear that he and the Nigerian believers could use our prayers.

« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2003, 09:54:26 pm »

George's actions had serious implications, yet Samuel chose to address Steve rather than George.  This is very strange indeed.

I have been doing a bit of thinking since I read Steve's report on Samuel, and realized that although I have been praying for GG & sons, I have not approached them to entreat them to repent. I came extremely close once, but stopped short.   I don't know if this would be a worthwhile exercise, and expect that I would see a very arrogant and angry George.  I know that entreating George to repent and change his ways in the past hasn't worked, but should we continue to try or is the ball in his court now?  Has anyone with a knowledge of George's evil doings approached him recently?
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2003, 10:21:12 pm »

George's actions had serious implications, yet Samuel chose to address Steve rather than George.  This is very strange indeed.

I have been doing a bit of thinking since I read Steve's report on Samuel, and realized that although I have been praying for GG & sons, I have not approached them to entreat them to repent. I came extremely close once, but stopped short.   I don't know if this would be a worthwhile exercise, and expect that I would see a very arrogant and angry George.  I know that entreating George to repent and change his ways in the past hasn't worked, but should we continue to try or is the ball in his court now?  Has anyone with a knowledge of George's evil doings approached him recently?

Beginning one year ago, almost to the day,  George was approached, entreated, coddled, encouraged, etc.  to repent.  His first attempt was a false apology. and also here:

After this, the "brethren," entreated George.  He was publicly addressed by an angry(and rightfully so!) Gay Walker in one of the last Worker's meetings.  Gay witnessed the abuse that George was covering up.  He was entreated to repent here as well.

Then, the women who George abused came forward, and George was excommunicated.  He refused to repent here as well.  Again, all of this is chronicled on the website.

The "steps" of Matthew 18 were followed, with about a hundred step one,  many steps two and three, and finally the church was told, via the website.  George has been entreated, given the benefit of the doubt, goodwill,  excused, etc. more than he should have ever been allowed.

He has been entreated to the Nth degree.  The ball is most definitely in his court.  We need to pray, indeed.  However, further "entreaty" is an exercise in futility.  Reject a hereitic after the first and second admonition.  We gave George several hundred "admonitions,"  which was our fault.  It didn't help him one bit.

« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2003, 10:45:26 pm »

George's actions had serious implications, yet Samuel chose to address Steve rather than George.  This is very strange indeed.

I have been doing a bit of thinking since I read Steve's report on Samuel, and realized that although I have been praying for GG & sons, I have not approached them to entreat them to repent. I came extremely close once, but stopped short.   I don't know if this would be a worthwhile exercise, and expect that I would see a very arrogant and angry George.  I know that entreating George to repent and change his ways in the past hasn't worked, but should we continue to try or is the ball in his court now?  Has anyone with a knowledge of George's evil doings approached him recently?

Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;  But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:  I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;   When your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind; when distress and anguish cometh upon you.   Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me:  For that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord:  They would none of my counsel: they despised all my reproof.  Therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own devices.  

While I see nothing wrong with praying for George's repentance(I have), every Scritpurally well-taught child of God must be prepared to understand that there are some for whom repentance is no longer possible...this is an inescapable if sobering truth...
« Last Edit: October 28, 2003, 11:09:58 pm by vernecarty » Logged

« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2003, 01:27:59 am »

My dear retread, George had recieved entreaty recently.  George called Samuel while he was in the US and wanted to get together.  Samuel told him he needed to meet with the Fullerton leading brothers beause his issue was with them.  George hung up in a temper.  A sister confronted him on the day they moved from Fullerton.  She appealed to him for all of the lives he had stumbled.  He left the room in a fit of temper.  Does this tell you anything about the man?  A sister from Fullerton recently ran into him and he did his usual "HELLO FRIEND!"  He is completely dillusional!  Perhaps Betty can be reasoned with and repent, but George -- I believe he lives in a altered reality along with his few followers (Mike A. and Jim McA) who continue to say the whole thing was handled unscripturally!  Unscripturally really!  And the Lord allowed the whole thing to be destroyed? (or almost whole thing).  What a small God they have.
Faith - on the sidelines and glad to be free

« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2003, 02:31:32 am »

My dear retread, George had recieved entreaty recently.  George called Samuel while he was in the US and wanted to get together.  Samuel told him he needed to meet with the Fullerton leading brothers beause his issue was with them.

I think this is reasonable behavior for Samuel.  I thought that Samuel had not spoken to George, but telling George to talk with those who he thought George had an issue with was probably a reasonable thing to do.

George hung up in a temper.  A sister confronted him on the day they moved from Fullerton.  She appealed to him for all of the lives he had stumbled.  He left the room in a fit of temper.  Does this tell you anything about the man?

This sounds like typical George, he thinks that he can hide behind his arrogance and anger.

A sister from Fullerton recently ran into him and he did his usual "HELLO FRIEND!"  He is completely dillusional!  Perhaps Betty can be reasoned with and repent, but George -- I believe he lives in a altered reality along with his few followers (Mike A. and Jim McA) who continue to say the whole thing was handled unscripturally!  Unscripturally really!  And the Lord allowed the whole thing to be destroyed? (or almost whole thing).  What a small God they have.
Faith - on the sidelines and glad to be free

Sometimes, I feel like I want to confront George and try to reason with him, but you are probably correct as regards to the benefit that it would provide.  Other's have tried, and as always George continues to be George.  I don't know about Betty being able to be reasoned with, It appears that power has been a corruptive force in not just George but the rest of his family as well.
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2003, 04:49:28 am »

My dear retread, George had recieved entreaty recently.  George called Samuel while he was in the US and wanted to get together.  Samuel told him he needed to meet with the Fullerton leading brothers beause his issue was with them.  George hung up in a temper.  A sister confronted him on the day they moved from Fullerton.  She appealed to him for all of the lives he had stumbled.  He left the room in a fit of temper.  Does this tell you anything about the man?  A sister from Fullerton recently ran into him and he did his usual "HELLO FRIEND!"  He is completely dillusional!  Perhaps Betty can be reasoned with and repent, but George -- I believe he lives in a altered reality along with his few followers (Mike A. and Jim McA) who continue to say the whole thing was handled unscripturally!  Unscripturally really!  And the Lord allowed the whole thing to be destroyed? (or almost whole thing).  What a small God they have.
Faith - on the sidelines and glad to be free

The last I heard, the Sacramento assembly is also holding to the belief that GG's excommunication was handled unscripturally.

« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2003, 06:52:47 am »

"Will you also go away? Unto whom shall we go?"
Only the assembly has the words of life.

The inheritance incorruptible--how am I going to get it? By suffering
Though this is not in the Bible, it sure sounds holy doesn't it? At the very least, it makes for good crowd control.
Man's judgment is wrong
So don't listen to a silly thing called "reason".  Blindly follow the assembly way, darn it!

God is depending on us not to fail. We are God's instrument in this generation now, to manifest God's eternal purpose.
Wow, did I read that right?!  Arrogance alert! Shields up!  Bloated conceited nincompoops off the port bow.

He is praying for us, to bring us to glory, through suffering.
You see, we just might not make it.  So Jesus needs to be praying for us that we might squeeze by--with a little luck and a lot of meritorious acts--done in, for and through the assembly of course.

Technology is used to destroy our faith, the computer will destroy what God has done in our heart. But God has done something permanent in our heart that no technology or missile can remove.
So don't you be reading that gosh darned website!  The internet is ob' da' debil !!  Technology is a curse! for my SUV that the assembly payed for my TV and VCR that the assembly payed for the modern home I live in...all the comforts of America in Nigeria, in the midst of my poverty-stricken neighbors (must maintain a testimony you know), ah got to love the assembly! but I digress...Techology is used to destroy our faith!

He throws us up, and if you are chaff [or "if there is chaff in you" as he later told me when I met with him] you will be blown away, and will be burned with unquenchable fire.
So...all who left the assembly are chaff that will be blown away and burned with unquenchable fire.  Man, I'm bummed.  I was kinda looking forward to the afterlife.  

Sounds like Samuel is still dipping in the ol' George-swill.  Another round, on the house.  
« Last Edit: October 29, 2003, 07:14:58 am by Arthur » Logged
Scott McCumber

« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2003, 08:19:05 am »

Meet the new boss!
Same as the old boss . . .

And I get on my knees and pray . . .
We don't get fooled again!
Wink Cool
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2003, 08:31:34 am »

Some of you guys aren't going to like this, but it is definitely the right thing to say at the present time:

In the immortal words of John J. Malone, Sr.

"The Lodge is dead.  Long live the Lodge!"

« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2003, 09:00:55 am »

Verne and Steve both met face to face with Samuel this month.  I did not, nor did I speak with him, so my comments will be kept to a minimum, in deference to those who actually spoke with him.

From what I have heard, from 3 seperate sources, thousands of miles apart, I can say the following, without hesitation:

Samuel Ochengele is employing the Code of Silence, in the manner he learned it from George.

The website, and the VERIFIED AND ACCURATE FACTS REPORTED THEREIN have made a difference, even as far away as Nigeria.  Remember how we heard there were "hundreds" of Assemblies in Nigeria?  Taking into account George's "holy" exaggeration, there should have at least been 40 or so.  Now, Samuel is leading only 15...

Torch and Testimony has the reputation it deserves.

Jack Hanson, Gilbert DeLeon, Mark Miller, Bob Ressegue are true block-heads.

Doorkeepers are still functioning in the manner George intended them.

People who claim to never have read George's books, apparently thought them important enough to start a company that for years existed for the sole purpose of printing a man's books that were never read by his followers, who paid for the printing.  (what does this say about these numbskulls?  They won't read the books, but they hold them up and promote them at every seminar?)

The Assembly system is rotten, and there is nothing good in it.  People should leave it now, without excuse.

"We repudiate George, who is the Lord's annointed who blew it."  (I guess the "one-time incident" that occured over 3 decades and several churches, many different times is proof that God used George?? Huh Huh )

Samuel is not above reproach, but seems instead to put the "Assemblies" and their continuation in the preeminent place, at the expense of Jesus Christ.

I am interested to know what Tim G is doing now-a-days. His name has not been mentioned at all. Has he repented re. his silence the DG issue? Is he still holding to the 'superhuman' Christ belief? and there's more of course.

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