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Author Topic: Can we see some stats brian?  (Read 96960 times)

« Reply #90 on: November 18, 2003, 04:22:53 am »

Brent A. Tr0ckman 780
Arthur 574
jesusfreak -=Luke S=- 415
vernecarty 397
Retread Again 376
Mark C. 369
Marcia 347
Joe Sperling 324
Emily St 310
Tom Maddux 289

Total 4181


Thomas Maddux
« Reply #91 on: November 18, 2003, 05:54:01 am »

Brent A. Tr0ckman 780
Arthur 574
jesusfreak -=Luke S=- 415
vernecarty 397
Retread Again 376
Mark C. 369
Marcia 347
Joe Sperling 324
Emily St 310
Tom Maddux 289

Total 4181

Are you trying to rob me or what - wha-da-ya mean 397? Can't you count?? If you are going to post these stats you are simply going to have to do a much better job of keeping up Goldie... Grin

The initial subject line were my you did change them.
Just how people on this board work..twisting things that were said ...

So who has the ability to change the Subject line from my first post? Very nice touch. This part of the board said "no editing or deleting" . Guess that is par for the course of this board.

Hi golden:

I edited the subject line, in order to make it more fun.  I did not delete or edit your words, and won't.

Did you happen to see the thread questions for golden?;action=display;threadid=541

I invite you to participate and share ideas here, as well as your statistical observations.   Wink


On a more conversational note...have you been a Geftakys disciple for long...?  We don't get too many female posters sympathetic to the man you understand...

« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 06:06:25 am by vernecarty » Logged
« Reply #92 on: November 18, 2003, 08:29:04 am »

Brent A. Tr0ckman 780
Arthur 574
jesusfreak -=Luke S=- 415
vernecarty 397
Retread Again 376
Mark C. 369
Marcia 347
Joe Sperling 324
Emily St 310
Tom Maddux 289

Total 4181

OK, I'll own up to it.  

golden is me. (not really, i have no idea who he is, but I like him!) I am posting these stats in order to prove that I post more than you all:

"I thank God that I post more than you all, yet I would rather post three words with understanding, than be leading poster in a foreign BB."  Barnabus 2:27

I am the leading poster.  All contributions are for the work of the leading poster, both here and abroad.  There is a box on the back table for that purpose, and part of our worship (of the leading posters) is our offering to the leading poster.

Cash only, I'm not an organization, I'm an organism.   I can take care of my own money, and part of your money is my money, so don't worry about it, I can take care of what's mine, you worry about taking care of what's yours.

Speaking of stats, did you know that the vast majority of people in the world speak only 3 languages, when there are actually hundreds of languages, and thousands of dialects?  If that doesn't show this bulletin board to be a twisted place, I don't know what will.

golden, statistically, there are 3 kinds of sailors: those who are aground, those who are about to go aground, and the damn fools who lie about it.

Also, did you know that there are 3 kinds of people in the world?  This explains why there are 12 people who post more than the others....

Yep, 3 kinds of people, those who can count, and those who can't.

golden is one of the number two kind.....

One thing that no one has mentioned during all this talk about stats---speaking of which, "Brian, can we get some stats?"---is how golden got the stats.  Brian didn't give them to him, where did he get them?  How did he know to use the stats link on the index page?  Do the brothers know about this?  What does brother George have to say about this?  

I think we should bring this up at the Posters' meeting next Saturday.

Brent---just the top poster among lesser posters....upon my knees with an open webpage....fresh typed in the spareroom of Calle Sereno.....

Precious promises.......

« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 08:33:54 am by Brent A. Tr0ckman » Logged
« Reply #93 on: November 18, 2003, 08:43:19 am »

Now that you've given all those stats Brent, it would be interesting to see some assembly stats (we would have to change the subject line to do that Smiley).

How many assemblies collapsed after GG's excomm..?
How many hours/days/months after his excomm..?
Why did they collapse?
How many dwindled down to 1/2/3/4 etc people?
How many LBs stepped down and why?
How many have truly repented?
How much money did GG make?
etc. etc. etc....

Those would be very interesting stats.

« Reply #94 on: November 18, 2003, 08:53:09 am »

Now that you've given all those stats Brent, it would be interesting to see some assembly stats (we would have to change the subject line to do that Smiley).

How many assemblies collapsed after GG's excomm..?
How many hours/days/months after his excomm..?
Why did they collapse?
How many dwindled down to 1/2/3/4 etc people?
How many LBs stepped down and why?
How many have truly repented?
How much money did GG make?
etc. etc. etc....

Those would be very interesting stats.


How much money did GG make?

Answer: none.  He didn't make any.  He took some money, but no one knows how much.

The other stats make me weary, too boring.  I like stats that have my name at the top, unless they are negative.  If anything negative is said about me, I'll delete it and the person who posts it.  The testimony of this BB is one of moderation and courtesy.


« Reply #95 on: November 18, 2003, 08:15:01 pm »

UhOh brian..the stats aren't updating interesting that the total posts are staying the same even though the number of posts by the top 10 keep going up...sounds like we could have an accounting issue on our hands...who is accountable ?
« Reply #96 on: November 18, 2003, 08:21:23 pm »

UhOh brian..the stats aren't updating interesting that the total posts are staying the same even though the number of posts by the top 10 keep going up...sounds like we could have an accounting issue on our hands...who is accountable ?

Yeah brian,  

did you hear that, golden says the stats are staying the same. Is it because you are not accountable?  Fix it or I will taunt you a second time!


« Reply #97 on: November 18, 2003, 09:41:02 pm »

Hi all,

"Golden" obviously doesn't care for the general tone of posts on this board.  The posting of stats seems to be motiviated by a desire to criticize those who post here.

If someone who identifies themselves by no more than an adjective were calling up your house to to make statements like " This is Greenish, you have made 342 phone calls", what would you think?  

 I for one, would figure I was being harrassed by someone that had some personal problems that needed adjustment.

 So, my question to the "top 10" and others who post here is, Why do you participate in this nonsense?

God bless,

Thomas Maddux
Joe Sperling

« Reply #98 on: November 18, 2003, 09:48:26 pm »


Will any of the "leading posters" be responsible for a "posters house" in the future? And by the way, when is the next "leading posters" meeting?

Being a "leading poster", should I allow anyone to "back talk" to me? Or should I report it to someone with more posts than I have?

If one of the "leading posters" decides to "step down" will someone take their place, or will there only be a "top 9" from then on?

Does being a "leading poster" allow me to live off of the Bulletin Board, or should I keep my job?

Sorry for all of the questions, but i'm just not sure how the BB govenmental system works. I hope I don;t get fined for asking so many questions.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 09:49:48 pm by Joe Sperling » Logged
« Reply #99 on: November 18, 2003, 09:55:35 pm »

Hi all,

"Golden" obviously doesn't care for the general tone of posts on this board.  The posting of stats seems to be motiviated by a desire to criticize those who post here.

If someone who identifies themselves by no more than an adjective were calling up your house to to make statements like " This is Greenish, you have made 342 phone calls", what would you think?  

 I for one, would figure I was being harrassed by someone that had some personal problems that needed adjustment.

 So, my question to the "top 10" and others who post here is, Why do you participate in this nonsense?

God bless,

Thomas Maddux

Hi Tom,

You are right of course.  I think we all know that.  However, I actually think it's fun to bust golden's chops a little bit.  Perhaps it is a problem that I have.  I was going to ignore him real soon, but I was getting some enjoyment out of this.

Thanks for the encouragement.

« Reply #100 on: November 18, 2003, 09:59:57 pm »


Will any of the "leading posters" be responsible for a "posters house" in the future? And by the way, when is the next "leading posters" meeting?

Being a "leading poster", should I allow anyone to "back talk" to me? Or should I report it to someone with more posts than I have?

If one of the "leading posters" decides to "step down" will someone take their place, or will there only be a "top 9" from then on?

Does being a "leading poster" allow me to live off of the Bulletin Board, or should I keep my job?

Sorry for all of the questions, but i'm just not sure how the BB govenmental system works. I hope I don;t get fined for asking so many questions.


Joe, who said anything about you being a leading poster?  You are number 9, and there are only 10 of us.  We can't all be leaders now, can we?  Who would I lead if you were a leader?

You are more of a "dear," poster, but definitely not a leading poster.  However, perhaps if you posted more you could be a leading poster.

Think of the BB like an Existing Assembly:  There are a dozen people attending, and of these dozen, the twelve of them do all the talking, but only 3 of them are in the top three....

Well, I am in the top 3, and you are not, so you must be encouraged by me, not the other way 'round, see?  Brother, just keep posting and trust the GM.

Brent---a poster among posters, at the top of the statistical heap, due solely to my choices and actions.  I earned these stats, and I am humble about it, because I could not have done it without the GM's help.
« Reply #101 on: November 18, 2003, 10:05:04 pm »

Here's some IRS tax stats for your enjoyment.  I just copied them from an IRS site, too lazy to reformat them to make 'em line up, but the numbers are there.  

Size of adjusted   
gross income                   Number
                                   of returns
All returns, total                   129,373,500    (absent: Gefneverpaidanytaxes)
   No adjusted gross income   1,146,357  
   $1 under $5,000                   12,802,742  
   $5,000 under $10,000   12,801,602  
   $10,000 under $15,000   12,111,065  
   $15,000 under $20,000   11,661,534  
   $20,000 under $25,000   9,993,115  
   $25,000 under $30,000   8,368,758  
   $30,000 under $40,000   13,547,727  
   $40,000 under $50,000   10,412,090  
   $50,000 under $75,000   17,076,159  
   $75,000 under $100,000   8,597,328  
   $100,000 under $200,000   8,083,447  
   $200,000 under $500,000   2,135,763  
   $500,000 under $1,000,000   396,131  
   $1,000,000 under $1,500,000   99,510  
   $1,500,000 under $2,000,000   44,582  
   $2,000,000 under $5,000,000   66,768  
   $5,000,000 under $10,000,000   17,610  
   $10,000,000 or more   11,215  
Taxable returns, total   96,817,603  
Joe Sperling

« Reply #102 on: November 18, 2003, 10:20:39 pm »


Yeah---Greenish here. You now have 290 posts.  My brother, Reddish, will be calling soon with an update on the statistics for your daily calorie count.

Just kidding. You're right Tom. It is a bunch of nonsense. I guess I get kind of caught up in the ridiculousness of it all. Grin

take care,  Joe
Joe Sperling

« Reply #103 on: November 18, 2003, 10:26:20 pm »


I humbly accept your godly counsel. Forgive me for speaking out of turn. It's all my ego and a desire for prominence among the other posters. I "make long posts to be seen of men". I am like a whitened sepulchre---a hypocritical poster.

I'm going to go clean the bathroom 3 times in a row and meditate deeply upon these things.

thank you Brent.    --a "regular" poster
« Reply #104 on: November 18, 2003, 11:50:29 pm »

Hi all,

"Golden" obviously doesn't care for the general tone of posts on this board.  The posting of stats seems to be motiviated by a desire to criticize those who post here.

If someone who identifies themselves by no more than an adjective were calling up your house to to make statements like " This is Greenish, you have made 342 phone calls", what would you think?  

 I for one, would figure I was being harrassed by someone that had some personal problems that needed adjustment.

 So, my question to the "top 10" and others who post here is, Why do you participate in this nonsense?

God bless,

Thomas Maddux

In my own hoping-to-be-ever-so-humble opinion Tom, the minute you start taking yourself more seriously than others are in big trouble. This is all in good fun obviously...lighten up my man... Smiley
« Last Edit: November 18, 2003, 11:51:15 pm by vernecarty » Logged
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