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Author Topic: A Brief Word About the WORD  (Read 35910 times)

« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2004, 04:34:20 am »

WOW!! WHAT VICIOUSNESS. the lack of charity on this site amazes wonder so-called christians are persecuted.  all that God meant for us to be drawn from is presented here,(with a few exceptions).  referring to other sites which have no link to this site in a derogatory way, is an example of how the self-exalted and spiritual giants (self-appointed) have learned narrowness  and condemnation.  is that not one of the things from which people ran? sorry, its following some! for example, this site, i'm sure was originally designed as a departure from such a prosecutory spirit (the very spirit from which those reading fled). 'we are our own worst enemies' by not remembering the basics of which we first learned.  instead of approaching a fellow believer with charity (remember that attribute that is "above all"), they are ridiculed for having an alternative way(which self-appointed theologists have allowed their intellect to negate simply by the act of intellectualizing).  i can only assume two things: One is that some stayed too long and Two the self who was made strong(by what source each must judge) still is very much alive.  humility,is another characteristic which is still desired by God & not by GG only.  to those who sincerely are hurt, my advise is to not allow bitterness to dictate your responses to our Lord and His.   true quiet times (not as a ritual) will allow a relationship with our Lord to joyce meyer has said "God can  heal you wherever you hurt".  while in the assembly, i was behind the scenes and so the same will be true here.

Elaine Hoffee Salmi, the seagull, sister of Sondra (swteagles), and the mother of Sarah
p.s. i'm trully sorry for those who have such anger,bitterness and ego;some whom i've known personnally.  to see this saddens me, but as learned before: when we have our eyes on man, we will be disappointed. we may be simple birds but free and so, indeed.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2004, 06:45:01 am by trucker » Logged
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2004, 06:36:34 am »

WOW!! WHAT VICIOUSNESS. the lack of charity on this site amazes wonder so-called christians are persecuted.  all that God meant for us to be drawn from is represented ,here(with a few exceptions). the referring to other sites which have no link to this site in a derogatory way, is an example of how the self-exalted and spiritual giants (self-appointed) have learned narrowness  and condemnation.  is that not one of the things from which people ran? sorry, its following some! for example, this site ,i'm sure was originally designed as a departure from such a prosecutory spirit (the very spirit from which those reading fled). 'we are our own worst enemies' by not remembering the basics of which we first learned. instead of approaching a fellow believer with charity (remember that attribute that is "above all"), they are ridiculed for having an alternative way(which self-appointed theologists have allowed their intellect to negate simply by the act of intellectualizing).  i can only assume two things: One is that some stayed too long and Two the self who was made strong(by what source each must judge) still is very much alive.  humility,is another characteristic which is still desired by God & not by GG only.            to those who sincerely are hurt, my advise is to not allow bitterness to dictate your responses to our Lord and His. true quit times (not as a ritual) will allow a relationship with our Lord to joyce meyer has said "God can  heal you wherever you hurt".  while in the assembly, i was behind the scenes and so the same will be here.                                                               Elaine Hoffee Salmi ,the seagull , sister of Sondra(swteagles), and the mother of Sarah.                                                            p.s. i'm trully sorry for those who have such anger,bitterness and ego;some whom i've known personnally.  to see this saddens me, but as learned before :when we have our eyes on man, we will be disappointed. we may be simple birds but free and so ,indeed.

I take it we won't be invited to your family BBQ's?

Scott McCumber

« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2004, 06:55:04 am »

all that God meant for us to be drawn from is presented here,(with a few exceptions).  referring to other sites which have no link to this site in a derogatory way, is an example of how the self-exalted and spiritual giants (self-appointed) have learned narrowness  and condemnation.  

Gee, that sounds familiar. Wink

Kimberley Tobin
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2004, 07:39:43 am »

WOW!! WHAT VICIOUSNESS. the lack of charity on this site amazes wonder so-called christians are persecuted.  all that God meant for us to be drawn from is presented here,(with a few exceptions).  referring to other sites which have no link to this site in a derogatory way, is an example of how the self-exalted and spiritual giants (self-appointed) have learned narrowness  and condemnation.  is that not one of the things from which people ran? sorry, its following some! for example, this site, i'm sure was originally designed as a departure from such a prosecutory spirit (the very spirit from which those reading fled). 'we are our own worst enemies' by not remembering the basics of which we first learned.  instead of approaching a fellow believer with charity (remember that attribute that is "above all"), they are ridiculed for having an alternative way(which self-appointed theologists have allowed their intellect to negate simply by the act of intellectualizing).  i can only assume two things: One is that some stayed too long and Two the self who was made strong(by what source each must judge) still is very much alive.  humility,is another characteristic which is still desired by God & not by GG only.  to those who sincerely are hurt, my advise is to not allow bitterness to dictate your responses to our Lord and His.   true quiet times (not as a ritual) will allow a relationship with our Lord to joyce meyer has said "God can  heal you wherever you hurt".  while in the assembly, i was behind the scenes and so the same will be true here.

Elaine Hoffee Salmi, the seagull, sister of Sondra (swteagles), and the mother of Sarah
p.s. i'm trully sorry for those who have such anger,bitterness and ego;some whom i've known personnally.  to see this saddens me, but as learned before: when we have our eyes on man, we will be disappointed. we may be simple birds but free and so, indeed.

I think you need to read your sister's site and post the same message.
Mark C.

« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2004, 09:12:15 am »

   Are you for real or are you joking?  As a real trucker I am offended at your comic portrayal and suspect that your handle is a disguise to pull our legs.  Is this really Joe Sperling fooling us by registering with a phony name?
   Before I was saved I was down on New Years Eve at the Rose Parade getting stoned with my friends.  It was very late and I was drunk, on LSD, and had smoked lots of weed as I stumbled down the street with my friend.  There were pentecostal street preachers out witnessing and one of them layed hands on my friend and prayed that he would become sober.  My friend fell over and people on the sidewalk laughed at the failed miracle, but I felt something touch my spirit and I was instantly sober! Shocked  The miracle worker's back was to me and the crowds' attention was on my friend and so nobody saw what happened to me.  From that day on I knew that Christianity was real and though I didn't get saved then it was an event that prepared the way for it.
   Miracles can happen, and I have experienced at least one more after my salvation, but I don't think we can live our lives expecting signs and wonders constantly.  It is the more mature Christian who can live by faith when there is no obvious sign that God is present or that He is working.   My faith in the Bible causes me to doubt the source of miracles in the name of Mary, Buddha, etc., but whether such miracles are from demons or creative imaginations I can not tell.
   The Assembly version of "signs and wonders" was  "God speaking to us through a verse.  Life based on feeling the presence of God at every instance is not the normal Christian life and will lead to serious ups and downs.  
                                            God Bless, Mark C.
al Hartman

« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2004, 11:24:20 am »

Life based on feeling the presence of God at every instance is not the normal Christian life and will lead to serious ups and downs.  

     ...hence Paul & Timothy tell the Philippian saints, "Rejoice in the Lord always..."(Phil.4:4)

     In the assembly, we were constantly exhorted, admonished and commanded to "Rejoice."  But the correct focus was not emphasized, and therefore we didn't know how to do what was demanded of us, and consumed a lot of our energies attempting to accomplish we knew not what.
     Oh, yes, we sang the chorus, "Rejoice, rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!  Rejoice, rejoice..."  But we were so firmly instructed in acknowledging experiences and feelings as evidence of the Lord's presence, that we became oblivious to what " the Lord" means.

     Almost every week, the news media show us someone celebrating having purchased a winning lottery ticket.  Those "lucky winners" are rejoicing in their good fortune at being delivered from their present financial state, at suddenly being able to pay off all their debts, at having more than enough left over to live like royalty, proffering generosity to family and friends.
     But such fortune pales to insignificance before the gifts we receive in Jesus Christ.  All our debts are paid-- past, present and future.  Better than living like royalty, we are recreated to be royalty in Him.  His death has delivered us forever from the sorrowful limitations of this world, transporting us into the glorious inheritance of eternity, and the water of Life which we drink of Him becomes in us rivers of Living Water flowing out to all around us.
     ...and we didn't even have to buy a ticket!  We couldn't have bought a ticket.  We didn't ever possess the currency.  Jesus paid it all...
     Reflecting upon these truths, reading the scriptural accounts of Christ's persecution, agony and death, reviewing the prophecies before and the glorious results following His sacrifice, we begin to comprehend and, as a consequence of understanding, to rejoice.  For if we believe and accept and revel in the Truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ we are unable to not rejoice.
     This is the reason for the rejoinder to rejoice "in the Lord," and not merely in His blessings.  It is the Lord Who gives us each blessing, and not the blessing which brings us the Lord.  As we reflect upon His glorious Person, we will be able to keep our personal miracles, the scriptural revelation during morning time, the "sign" on the passing delivery van, in perspective.  We won't limit our rejoicing to only these sensational occurrences, but will recognize that Christ is permanently in our lives, we are permanently in Him, and He is The Same, yesterday, today and forever, with or without accompanying wonders.
     That is the reason we can rejoice in the Lord, and do it always.  But the extras, the special added attractions, need not be discounted or ignored.  No, we are encouraged to show our appreciation for them also, for Paul adds, "...and again I say Rejoice."

     Forgive me, please, but I have to ask:  Brother, ...Sister, ...are you rejoicing? Wink  It's OK...  
          go ahead and rejoice...  
                    you're even encouraged to enjoy it!!! Cheesy

God bless you all,



« Reply #36 on: January 13, 2004, 12:03:21 am »

I apologize for taking a while to reply. I see that the conversation has moved on but, I believe I have some answering to do for my previous post.  First, Thomas Maddox, yes my name is Sarah Hoffee. I’m not sure what the point was in your asking- but if it was for clarification- then yes it is as it seems. I did say what I disagree with in very general terms. More specifically I disagree with putting God in a box that is made by religious doctrines and what “one” has experienced as the norm in their life. ***Cor. 13:13 But for now three things last- Faith, Hope, and Love, and the greatest of these is love.*** Previously and later in the chapter Paul is talking about gifts two of which are tongues and prophesy. Tongues- speaking in an unknown language to edify the believer. Tongues w/ interpretation- to edify the body. Prophesy - to reveal , convict and edify. ( I am getting to a point here). ***1 Cor. 2:10-12 It is to us, however, that God has revealed these things. How? Through the Spirit. For the Spirit probes all things, even the profoundest depths of God. For who knows the inner workings of a person except the person’s own spirit inside him? So too no one knows the inner workings of God except God’s Spirit. Now we have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit of God, so that we might understand the things God has so freely given us. ***  Thomas here are the answers to your questions.    
1.How does one know when God is "communicating via His Spirit to the human spirit?
    Remember when you weren’t saved and  God was speaking (convicting) to you? That same way, that same voice. Not the voice of guilt one might feel from a preacher. But when you were tugged by love. When you asked Christ to forgive your sins and you had that assurance.  Not to say that every time you think God is speaking to you that He is- but, it would be like getting a phone call from a friend that say you’ve only communicated with via email. The first time your friend spoke you wouldn’t recognize their voice. But, you would realize as they talked the things they knew of you. Maybe the second time you still wouldn’t recognize the voice but you are growing more accustomed. One time maybe someone calls and you think you recognize it as you friends voice so you don’t ask to verify and it is someone else. So, how do you know when God is speaking to you? by speaking and listening to Him. practice. Remembering what He sounds like (spiritually speaking).
****1 Sam 3: 1-9**** ß Learning to hear.
2. Where does the Bible teach that Christians should expect to "hear from God"?
***John 17:7-8 Now they have known all things that thou hast given me are of thee: for the words (Rhema- divine communications) which thou hast given me I have given them..***John 17:21.. As thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be on in us…(22) And the glory which thou hast given me I have given them, that they may be one, as we are one; I in them and thou in me, that they may be perfected into one..*** So, I would say using Christ as the example- He expected to hear from God ( as displayed in His allotting of time to meditation), He heard from God, and as stated above He wanted us to have the same relationship with the Father as He did- (which involved divine communication)
3. How does one know when God is "doing a new thing"?
I should clarify what I mean here. Everyone knows there is nothing new under the sun. But there are revelations of what is under the sun that can be “new” to the person receiving the revelation. Was the fact that God was going to open the plan of salvation to the nations a “new” thing?  No it was exposed during his promise to Abraham. But the meaning was revealed to Paul later. God revealed it to the right person at the right time and that person was listening.
4. What do you think a parable is? I have not spent much time studying parables. But from what I understand they are stories that use familiar  terms to express a parallel meaning. I would assume that the person studying the parable would not only have to have a working knowledge of the time and culture the parable was used but, also a spiritual ear for hearing. A “spiritual” ear - being the key not a “logical” ear. ***Mark 4:9- He that has ears to hear, let him hear.*** ß concerning parables.
5. Just how does one know one is hearing a "fresh word from God"?
Again, I think this is most commonly a “fresh word” for that person. If it is a prophetic “fresh-word” (new thing that God is bringing a person/people into) then you know either previous to fulfillment by discernment or by God fulfilling His word.  Joseph received a prophetic “fresh” word/ vision from God but his circumstances contradicted that “word“. In ***Psalm 105:19- Until the time when what he said came about: the word of Jehovah tried him.*** The time between hearing and receiving, becomes the trial of faith. ( I don’t know if that answers your question)
6. Who is the verse from Acts 2 about "Your daughters shall prophesy" addressed to?
I would say to those that received the indwelling/ baptism of the Holy Spirit. Post Christ resurrection and ascension.
7. How many miracles do you see in an average day?
In an average day…Depends on what you call a miracle. If your asking does my dog speak to me? No. Although I would not say that he could not. A dog is little different probability wise than an ass.

To bring up people that kill in the name of God is not relevant. I am not speaking in regards to people that are insane. If I were I believe that would be a totally different topic.

The big question is how can anyone else know that you have "heard from God". --
*** “Proof is in the puddin’”*** Wink so to say

These are my personal answers that I have come up with based on my experiences with Christ. I believe them to be biblically correct. Experiences that I experienced because one day I traced back to the voice that called me out of the world and “remembered” it. I took a hold of things in the bible that I had a hard time believing. Healing, prophesy, tongues, etc. And told God that I believed He could do anything.  That my belief in His abilities would not be limited by religion or doctrine. But my understanding would be based on faith, hope and love. Especially love. Sorry for the length of this post but, I know I had explaining to do. I hope this adequate.---     Sarah Hoffee, daughter of the trucker(and yes she is), niece of the "eagle", and joint heir with Christ. Kiss

« Reply #37 on: January 13, 2004, 12:23:09 am »

The big question is how can anyone else know that you have "heard from God". --
*** “Proof is in the puddin’”*** Wink so to say
I remember years ago driving to work.  I was going to stop into a donut shop on Harbor Blvd. to bring donuts into work for those I work with.  I felt deep within me the admonition, "don't go."  I went to work and discovered that someone else had brought in donuts so the voice kept me from buying more than was needed.

That night, I went to a Dodger game.  It was getting towards the ninth and the Dodgers were behind.  I felt deep within a voice that said, "the man on first will be batted in and the Dodgers will win".

The man at home got out and the Dodgers lost.

I'm am not making this up or trying to be cute.  I literally had these deep impressions within me.  One proved to be right (and I could say was "of God") while the other proved to be wrong.

The problem with living in the world of experience and feelings is that one is at a standstill.  I can't prove to you God spoke to me and you can't prove to me that he didn't.  Who's right?

This is why there has to be some sort of objective truth by which a subjective experience is to be validated.


P.S.:  Recently Pat Robertson said that God told him that Bush would win a second term as President.  See Cal Thomas' response to this prophetic word.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 12:24:43 am by Dave Sable » Logged

« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2004, 01:01:34 am »

I apologize for taking a while to reply. I see that the conversation has moved on but, I believe I have some answering to do for my previous post.  First, Thomas Maddox, yes my name is Sarah Hoffee. I’m not sure what the point was in your asking- but if it was for clarification- then yes it is as it seems.

Hello Sarah Hoffee,

I asked because I didn't know what your name was.  I don't recall having heard of you before seeing the one word version on the board.

My name, BTW, is Maddux.  

I will reply to your post soon.

God bless,


« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2004, 02:36:00 am »

I read Cal Thomas' book Blinded by Might when it first came out and I heartily recommend it.  I have always wrangled over the issue of the relationship between one's religious views and political actions (or lack thereof).

In the assembly we attempted to regulate holiness with GG's directives.  Is it any better to attempt that using the government?  On the other hand, isn't it inconsistent to believe one way and vote another way?  I don't know yet.

I do know that what this country needs is a widespread revival, and only God can give one!

« Last Edit: January 13, 2004, 02:47:02 am by Jack Hutchinson » Logged

« Reply #40 on: January 13, 2004, 03:00:46 am »

I read most of Blinded By Might last October.  I think the main point of the book is that Moral Majority's mistake was attempting to change society by grabbing power and instituting change from the top down.

If you force laws upon people of which their heart is not convinced (such as Prohibition) you only increase lawlessness because the unpersuaded heart goes underground and has a greater disrespect for the law.

The other mistake of the Moral Majority is not seeing a distinction between religion and politics.  Religion (specifically Christianity) believes in absolutes while politics is the art of the possible.  Christians have a hard time in the political arena because they want to build their lives on principle, not compromise.  Unfortunately, politics is all about compromise.  Our system of government is set up where no one gets everything they want (unless they cheat and use activist judges, but we won't get into that).

So, I don't think the message of Blinded by Might was "don't vote your conscience" or even "don't engage in the political process" or "don't vote".   I think we are to use all the legal means (voting, letter to the editor, grass roots effort, principled persuasion, etc.) to express our views and further our cause.  This is what America is about.  However, we can't let successes go to our head whereby we become blinded by might and think that we are God's A-team to hold back corruption and thereby begin to use shoddy tactics and become a poor witness to the world.
« Reply #41 on: June 25, 2004, 12:53:10 pm »

 :)JUNE 25: 3:59 AM


AUTHOR: Edwin Holder

Thy Word is like a garden, Lord
with flowers bright and fair;
And evey one who seeks may pluck
A lovely cluster there.
Thy Word is like a deep, deep mine;
And jewels rich and rare
Are hidden in its mighty depths
For every searcher there.

Thy Word is like a starry host
A thousand rays of light
Are seen to guide the traveler,
and make his pathway bright.
Thy Word is like an armory,
Where soldiers may repair,
And find for life's long battle-day
All needful weapons there.

Oh, may I love Thy Precious Word;
May I explore the mine;
May I its fragrant flowers glean;
May light upon me shine.
Oh, may I find my armour there;
Thy Word my trusty sword,
I'll learn to fight with every foe
The battle of the Lord.
Joe Sperling

« Reply #42 on: July 14, 2004, 12:59:35 am »

The Word of God is amazing. As we have heard before, every thing in the Bible has a reason for being there. I remember once having a discussion with a Jehovah's Witness who said Jesus was not God. The conversation upset me, because the Jehovah's Witness used verses that seemed to imply that Jesus was less than God, such as "My Father is greater than I" and so forth.

Later that day I was reading the Gospel of John and came upon a verse that most of us would probably read past quickly without thinking of it's importance. I had read past it many times before. But maybe because of the conversation I had had, the Lord wanted me to see this more clearly.  It's really quite simple:  John 6:10: "And Jesus said 'make the men sit down'. Now there was much grass in the place".

I remember staring at it and then Psalm 23 coming immediately to mind: "Jehovah is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He MAKETH me to lie down in GREEN PASTURES".  That's exactly what Jesus did--he made the men sit down on green grass. It's a very simple couple of sentences but they are filled with power--because they reveal that Jesus is not only a Good Shepherd, he is the shepherd from Psalm 23, Jehovah. I remember rejoicing greatly when seeing that and realizing that everything in the Bible truly IS there for a reason. Some of them we can read right past quickly(such as "there was much grass in the place") without realizing that God is teaching or confirming something very important with that simple sentence.

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