Amen Arthur! And to those of you who are monitoring this board, who have read "Rachel's Story" and "False Apology", who are now aware (like some of you weren't aware before?
??) how about going back to your places of "fellowship" during a Sunday morning ministry meeting and informing everyone there what the truth is? I would like to see the leading brothers all get up and confess to what has gone on in this place for the last 20-30 years. The lies, the abuse, the cover-ups, etc, etc, etc. Let the pitiful, poor sheep (the many, rather than the few of you) hear about the truth of this "ministry" in order for them to make an "informed" decision about their lives and their families lives. But no, you won't allow them to have the truth. And you keep the people away from them who could actually tell them the truth. You do this by telling our dear friends that we are to be avoided, as we are "devisive and railers". Convenient, isn't it? If there are more suicides their blood will be on your hands!
And the poor people who actually do hear the truth, they are told, "you will never be able to find another place like this place." What a bunch of ........!!!!!!!! Let ME tell you the truth. You're right, they'll never find another place that will abuse them, control them, manipulate them and wreck their children's lives. What they will find is loving, compassionate, warm, christ-like men and women able to help them through the healing process of leaving that wicked place. And yes, I said wicked. Any place that can hold itself out to be the only place of "light and life" and then conduct itself in the manner of "The Assembly" is WICKED.
Do the right thing, I challenge you!