;action=display;threadid=159;start=0#msg533You just don't know when to stop, do you?
At this point I still have to be a little vague, but soon I will be able to say more.
I spoke with one or more people, one of which is a professor at a law school.
There are signed, detailed, explicit, x-rated statements signed by the women, in possesion of a person, whose name we all know.
I was assured by one or more people, one of whom is a professor at a law school, that not only are the charges true, and heinous, but that if George decided to sue me for libel, he would lose because at least one of the women would testify in person.
The signed statements could also come into play.
What I really want is a brief statement by one of the Fullerton leaders who spoke with the women, and I am working on that.
However, in the mean time, I have satisfied myself that the charges are true---I knew it all along---and that at least one of the women would speak if necessary.
In poker you can do one of 5 things with your cards:
You fold when you know you have lost, and don't want to lose yet more money.
You check if you need more cards to make your hand, and you hope to get them for free, or at least for cheap. You can also check if you know you have the winning hand, and that your opponent thinks he has the winning hand, in order to induce a bet from them, in which case you check-raise. (you have four 2's, and they have Aces full of twos.) This is called sandbagging, or slowplaying, and it is a way to milk money from your opponents without scarring them away.
You call if you want to see the next card, or you want to see their cards, but don't want to spend any more money by betting or raising. Calling is appropriate when you don't have much confidence and want to pick off a bluff.
Betting is done to:
get more money in the pot
drive people out of the hand
gain information
Usually, betting involves more than one of the above.
Raising means betting more money after someone else has bet.
Raising is done to:
get more money in the pot when you know you have the best hand
pick off a bluffer
Get people to check to you in a later round, thus getting a more expensive card for free.
I didn't fold.
I didn't bluff
What I did was check raise/sandbag.
I knew all along that the charges were true...but I didn't have the confidence that they could be substantiated due to the reluctance of the "women." Now I know different.
I also knew that Matt was bluffing when he said, "Brent could have made it all up."
I did no such thing, and had he read about the events on January 18th, 2003, he would have known that the excommunication of George was a seperate event that took place in Fullerton entirely without my input. Not only did I not make it up, I had little to do with it.
Similarly to when you accused me of stealing money from a collection for Judy, you have suggested that I made up the Adultery stuff.
You came out betting on this post, but it is a bluff. I know the names, and I know I can count on the truth being told if needed. I have also been assured that there is no possible way George could bring a lawsuit against me on this matter because it would destroy him, utterly.
So, I sandbagged, you bluffed, I raised, you called......and I won. I also knew that in doing so I would flush out some other things that were going on, which I did.
George is guilty. Period.
I know this is going to anger you, but Matt's post in which he suggests that I made this all up is right up there with inventing a collection for Judy and me skimming 15 grand off the top! It never happened, and you were shown to have been entirely wrong on every count.
I called your bluff then, and won.
Same as this time.
It really happened, and the suggestion that it didn't is reasonable, in light of the silence. However, to say that I made it up is totally unreasonable, which is why I did what I did.
I was really enjoying our discussion on Deeper Life stuff, and I am willing to go back to that under the sole condition that you do not delete this post.
I am anwering your questions here, and to delete it would be quite dishonest.