:)JUNE 1ST: 11:39 PM EST:
They mean alot to me.
I love to write, it the need for an editor , I write the way I talk, who corrects their grammar when they are trying to verbalize something.
The grammar, and sentence structure is something I struggled with throughout my school years, and 30 years after I graduated high school, I still struggle with it.
Even a recent essay I wrote: I had an editor. Especially when I do not have a printer, on this computer. I send it via email to my spiritual mentor.
Because of her generousity in time, patience, and love, I was able to finish an essay , I wrote and submitted for competition.
It was a goal to finish something I started. An anchor sort of speak in a time of turmoil of emotionsl
there are also times too when my cat Percy decides to walk across the key board and screen and making a pest of attention for himself.
I love to write, this has been my way for venting for years, and not always for the positive.
There are times it is pages and pages , you should see the package I have, while I was hospitalized 18 months ago for 7 days due to a emotional breakdown.
The hospital became my haven, but the paper became my therapy. I gave between 400-500 pages of handwritten emotions to my social worker to read, because I could not express them verbally.
One of assembly sister, I have kept in touch with over the years, always jokes that I dont write letters , I write epistles. i have send her notebook after notebook of handwriten bible studies and verse fillin puzzles that I created out of bible verses, chapter by chapter, book by book. I still have three dog cookie boxes filled with these notebooks.
They were my therapy last year especially after I broke my ankle ayear ago , and was confined to my bedroom(it was the closest to the bathroom), until I was able to navigate downstairs on my own. My daughter Sara was getting fed up, having to cater to my needs, feed me, help get bathed, etc.
I done about 40 books of the Bible verse by verse fill in puzzles.
Al, you are a wonderful teacher, with sensitivity to encourage.
I am not just complimenting you. It is a fact, Some gifts are teaching, some gifts are encouraging.
You have both.//Thank God for them.
I ask the question, Am I making sense. Because I tend to get off topic, and swing back and forth to where my ideas may lead me.
I can bring myself back eventually. But I have taken my readers for a ride before I get to the point of the purpose for writing.
My spiritual mentor is desperately trying to get me to do a paragraph, of each chapter I am doing of the Purpose Driven Life.
Do you know how hard that is. Because I take the writing car ride on a tour around the country side, and back again. To figure out where I have been and bring it all together into one short paragraph. I havent been able to do that yet. She says it takes me three or four paragraphs , to make up one sentence structure of one. Even when she has read my work back to me ,I dont hear it, not do I see it the errors.
I just keep writing. I read , she knows that I read, so doesnt understand why. Maybe I read the same way, I read the way I talk, and can understand the meat of what is being written, but the sentence structure is just part of that meat, and it just doesnt want to click.
I keep on writing, because I know , if some one is persistent enough, that there is always an editor out there, that can correct the situation.
One other problem, I write, but I want someone to read what I write. Call it vanity, but call it I want to talk to people. Writing is a form of talking. so someone has to listen. RIGHT.
Quite , and it is the safest form of communicating, because you can give your reader time to digest, work through the emotions, and respond. That way body language, tones, temperments etc.
are not clouding the judgements.
But I have to remember, like the tongue is sharp, so is the written word can be sharp, because after all they are word that come out of the heart, just like the tongue.
So I try to be as positive with my writing as I can. So it becomes an encourager, not destructive, as I have been when I am venting my anger, disappointments, saddness, frustrations, etc.
Writing is an effective way to get rid of those negative emotions.
But they should also be used only in a journal, or diary. Like I said I want some one to read them. SO I keep them for any counselling session and let the counsellor decide what he can use out of them for counselling purposes. I have learned this. Not always true this learning, But I have learned where and when is the appropriate avenue for my writing.
This is why I like the posting. I can express myself, and my opinion, stated them, and then try to be positive , even if it is just to say thank you.
And it is improving my writing skills, and it is allowing me to make friends, I never knew, except in Holy Spirit Family Connection,
and receive conversation from them. And also receive encouragement , support, and teachings , and sharing of God's love and messages.
It is a question for feedback as well.
Because I may have taken you a ride around the country and back before my point has been made clear.
Those country roads have so many twist , and turns, hills, and side roads, that getting lost, unless you know where you are , where you are going. Can be very beautiful scenery, but can make you forget, what you were writing , until you see a familiar landmark.
Another positive point, of me writing. I am improving my typing skills and increasing my speed, this is very important to a trained typist. And before some one says, what is that. It was someone who has been trained to use a typewriter, those old clunckers that you had to manually move back to the left side of the page.
I will leave the rest of the typewriter history to another time and place.
So I guess I am also showing my age, when I mention clunker typewriters. too.
Well Al. I have laid before you book to read.
I want to thank you again, for your encouraging words.
I am glad you are feeling better.
Your patience for my writing style. It must be a trial at times, for someone who perfers perfections in their written work.
But you know what they say. Friction builds up the heat, to rough out the sharp edges. In Christian language. This is a good thing.